Create RemoteCdm class as Client code for the `serve` feature

This can be considered the Client-side code for the `serve` feature.

The RemoteCdm object can be used with the same underlying interface as the normal `Cdm` object. Including stuff like .open(), .get_license_challenge(), .decrypt(), even same access to data like `cdm.system_id`, or even `cdm._sessions` just like normal.

However, since we don't have any private key and client ID, we spoof the super construction with dummy data. You wont have access to any data that uses the underlying Client ID and Private Key like the signer or decrypter. Any Cdm code trying to access them on RemoteCdm will fail.
This commit is contained in:
rlaphoenix 2022-08-04 05:05:36 +01:00
parent c969d80931
commit e8785fcd84
2 changed files with 237 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -32,3 +32,7 @@ class SignatureMismatch(PyWidevineException):
class NoKeysLoaded(PyWidevineException):
"""No License was parsed for this Session, No Keys available."""
class DeviceMismatch(PyWidevineException):
"""The Remote CDMs Device information and the APIs Device information did not match."""

pywidevine/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import binascii
from typing import Union
import requests
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from construct import Container
from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError
from pywidevine.cdm import Cdm
from pywidevine.device import Device
from pywidevine.exceptions import InvalidSession, InvalidInitData, InvalidLicenseType, TooManySessions, \
InvalidLicenseMessage, DeviceMismatch
from pywidevine.key import Key
from pywidevine.license_protocol_pb2 import LicenseType, SignedMessage, License, ClientIdentification
from pywidevine.pssh import PSSH
from pywidevine.session import Session
class RemoteCdm(Cdm):
"""Remote Accessible CDM using pywidevine's serve schema."""
def __init__(
device_type: Device.Types,
system_id: int,
security_level: int,
host: str,
secret: str,
device_name: str
"""Initialize a Widevine Content Decryption Module (CDM)."""
if not device_type:
raise ValueError("Device Type must be provided")
if not isinstance(device_type, Device.Types):
raise TypeError(f"Expected device_type to be a {Device.Types!r} not {device_type!r}")
if not system_id:
raise ValueError("System ID must be provided")
if not isinstance(system_id, int):
raise TypeError(f"Expected system_id to be a {int} not {system_id!r}")
if not security_level:
raise ValueError("Security Level must be provided")
if not isinstance(security_level, int):
raise TypeError(f"Expected security_level to be a {int} not {security_level!r}")
if not host:
raise ValueError("API Host must be provided")
if not isinstance(host, str):
raise TypeError(f"Expected host to be a {str} not {host!r}")
if not secret:
raise ValueError("API Secret must be provided")
if not isinstance(secret, str):
raise TypeError(f"Expected secret to be a {str} not {secret!r}")
if not device_name:
raise ValueError("API Device name must be provided")
if not isinstance(device_name, str):
raise TypeError(f"Expected device_name to be a {str} not {device_name!r}")
self.device_type = device_type
self.system_id = system_id
self.security_level = security_level = host
self.device_name = device_name
# spoof client_id and rsa_key just so we can construct via super call
super().__init__(device_type, system_id, security_level, ClientIdentification(), RSA.generate(2048))
self.__session = requests.Session()
"X-Secret-Key": secret
r = requests.head(
if r.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Could not test Remote API version [{r.status_code}]")
server = r.headers.get("Server")
if not server or not server.startswith(" serve"):
raise ValueError(f"This Remote CDM API does not seem to be a pywidevine serve API ({server}).")
server_version = server.split("v")[-1]
if server_version < "1.3.0":
raise ValueError(f"This pywidevine serve API version ({server_version}) is not supported.")
def from_device(cls, device: Device) -> RemoteCdm:
raise NotImplementedError("You cannot load a RemoteCdm from a local Device file.")
def open(self) -> bytes:
if len(self._sessions) > self.MAX_NUM_OF_SESSIONS:
raise TooManySessions(f"Too many Sessions open ({self.MAX_NUM_OF_SESSIONS}).")
r = self.__session.get(f"{}/{self.device_name}/open")
if r.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot Open CDM Session, {r.text} [{r.status_code}]")
r = r.json()["data"]
session = Session() = bytes.fromhex(r["session_id"])
self._sessions[] = session
if int(r["device"]["system_id"]) != self.system_id:
raise DeviceMismatch("The System ID specified does not match the one specified in the API response.")
if int(r["device"]["security_level"]) != self.security_level:
raise DeviceMismatch("The Security Level specified does not match the one specified in the API response.")
def close(self, session_id: bytes) -> None:
r = self.__session.get(f"{}/{self.device_name}/close/{session_id.hex()}")
if r.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot Close CDM Session, {r.text} [{r.status_code}]")
del self._sessions[session_id]
# TODO: Implement set_service_certificate with /service_cert API schema
def get_license_challenge(
session_id: bytes,
init_data: Union[Container, bytes, str],
type_: Union[int, str] = LicenseType.STREAMING,
privacy_mode: bool = True
) -> bytes:
session = self._sessions.get(session_id)
if not session:
raise InvalidSession(f"Session identifier {session_id!r} is invalid.")
if not init_data:
raise InvalidInitData("The init_data must not be empty.")
init_data = PSSH.get_as_box(init_data).init_data
except (ValueError, binascii.Error, DecodeError) as e:
raise InvalidInitData(str(e))
if isinstance(type_, int):
type_ = LicenseType.Name(int(type_))
elif isinstance(type_, str):
type_ = LicenseType.Name(LicenseType.Value(type_))
elif isinstance(type_, LicenseType):
type_ = LicenseType.Name(type_)
raise InvalidLicenseType()
except ValueError:
raise InvalidLicenseType(f"License Type {type_!r} is invalid")
if session.service_certificate:
service_certificate_b64 = base64.b64encode(session.service_certificate.SerializeToString()).decode()
service_certificate_b64 = None
r =
"session_id": session_id.hex(),
"init_data": base64.b64encode(init_data).decode(),
"service_certificate": service_certificate_b64
if r.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot get Challenge, {r.text} [{r.status_code}]")
r = r.json()["data"]
license_message = SignedMessage()
except DecodeError as e:
raise InvalidLicenseMessage(f"Failed to parse license request, {e}")
return license_message.SerializeToString()
def parse_license(self, session_id: bytes, license_message: Union[SignedMessage, bytes, str]) -> None:
session = self._sessions.get(session_id)
if not session:
raise InvalidSession(f"Session identifier {session_id!r} is invalid.")
if not license_message:
raise InvalidLicenseMessage("Cannot parse an empty license_message")
if isinstance(license_message, str):
license_message = base64.b64decode(license_message)
except (binascii.Error, binascii.Incomplete) as e:
raise InvalidLicenseMessage(f"Could not decode license_message as Base64, {e}")
if isinstance(license_message, bytes):
signed_message = SignedMessage()
except DecodeError as e:
raise InvalidLicenseMessage(f"Could not parse license_message as a SignedMessage, {e}")
license_message = signed_message
if not isinstance(license_message, SignedMessage):
raise InvalidLicenseMessage(f"Expecting license_response to be a SignedMessage, got {license_message!r}")
if license_message.type != SignedMessage.MessageType.LICENSE:
raise InvalidLicenseMessage(
f"Expecting a LICENSE message, not a "
f"'{SignedMessage.MessageType.Name(license_message.type)}' message."
licence = License()
r =
"session_id": session_id.hex(),
"license_message": base64.b64encode(license_message.SerializeToString()).decode()
if r.status_code != 200:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse License, {r.text} [{r.status_code}]")
r = r.json()["data"]
session.keys = [
for key in r["keys"]
__ALL__ = (RemoteCdm,)