297 lines
12 KiB
297 lines
12 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import binascii
import string
from typing import Union, Optional
from uuid import UUID
import construct
from construct import Container
from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError
from lxml import etree
from pymp4.parser import Box
from pywidevine.license_protocol_pb2 import WidevinePsshData
class PSSH:
"""PSSH-related utilities. Somewhat Widevine-biased."""
class SystemId:
Widevine = UUID(hex="edef8ba979d64acea3c827dcd51d21ed")
PlayReady = UUID(hex="9a04f07998404286ab92e65be0885f95")
def __init__(self, data: Union[Container, str, bytes], strict: bool = False):
Load a PSSH box or Widevine Cenc Header data as a new v0 PSSH box.
[Strict mode (strict=True)]
Supports the following forms of input data in either Base64 or Bytes form:
- Full PSSH mp4 boxes (as defined by pymp4 Box).
- Full Widevine Cenc Headers (as defined by WidevinePsshData proto).
[Lenient mode (strict=False, default)]
If the data is not supported in Strict mode, and is assumed not to be corrupt or
parsed incorrectly, the License Server likely accepts a custom init_data value
during a License Request call. This is uncommon behavior but not out of realm of
possibilities. For example, Netflix does this with it's MSL WidevineExchange
Lenient mode will craft a new v0 PSSH box with the init_data field set to
the provided data as-is. The data will first be base64 decoded. This behavior
may not work in your scenario and if that's the case please manually craft
your own PSSH box with the init_data field to be used in License Requests.
ValueError: If the data is empty.
TypeError: If the data is an unexpected type.
binascii.Error: If the data could not be decoded as Base64 if provided as a
DecodeError: If the data could not be parsed as a PSSH mp4 box nor a Widevine
Cenc Header and strict mode is enabled.
if not data:
raise ValueError("Data must not be empty.")
if isinstance(data, Container):
box = data
if isinstance(data, str):
data = base64.b64decode(data)
except (binascii.Error, binascii.Incomplete) as e:
raise binascii.Error(f"Could not decode data as Base64, {e}")
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
raise TypeError(f"Expected data to be a {Container}, bytes, or base64, not {data!r}")
box = Box.parse(data)
except (IOError, construct.ConstructError): # not a box
cenc_header = WidevinePsshData()
cenc_header = cenc_header.SerializeToString()
if cenc_header != data: # not actually a WidevinePsshData
raise DecodeError()
except DecodeError: # not a widevine cenc header
if strict:
raise DecodeError(f"Could not parse data as a {Container} nor a {WidevinePsshData}.")
# Data is not a Widevine Cenc Header, it's something custom.
# The license server likely has something custom to parse it.
# See doc-string about Lenient mode for more information.
cenc_header = data
box = Box.parse(Box.build(dict(
self.version = box.version
self.flags = box.flags
self.system_id = box.system_ID
self.__key_ids = box.key_IDs
self.init_data = box.init_data
def new(
key_ids: Optional[list[Union[UUID, str, bytes]]] = None,
init_data: Optional[Union[WidevinePsshData, str, bytes]] = None,
version: int = 0,
flags: int = 0
) -> PSSH:
"""Craft a new version 0 or 1 PSSH Box."""
if key_ids is not None and not isinstance(key_ids, list):
raise TypeError(f"Expected key_ids to be a list not {key_ids!r}")
if init_data is not None and not isinstance(init_data, (WidevinePsshData, str, bytes)):
raise TypeError(f"Expected init_data to be a {WidevinePsshData}, base64, or bytes, not {init_data!r}")
if not isinstance(version, int):
raise TypeError(f"Expected version to be an int not {version!r}")
if version not in (0, 1):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid version, must be either 0 or 1, not {version}.")
if not isinstance(flags, int):
raise TypeError(f"Expected flags to be an int not {flags!r}")
if flags < 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid flags, cannot be less than 0.")
if version == 0 and key_ids is not None and init_data is not None:
# v0 boxes use only init_data in the pssh field, but we can use the key_ids within the init_data
raise ValueError("Version 0 PSSH boxes must use only init_data, not init_data and key_ids.")
elif version == 1:
# TODO: I cannot tell if they need either init_data or key_ids exclusively, or both is fine
# So for now I will just make sure at least one is supplied
if init_data is None and key_ids is None:
raise ValueError("Version 1 PSSH boxes must use either init_data or key_ids but neither were provided")
if key_ids is not None:
# ensure key_ids are UUID, supports hex, base64, and bytes
if not all(isinstance(x, (UUID, bytes, str)) for x in key_ids):
not_bytes = [x for x in key_ids if not isinstance(x, (UUID, bytes, str))]
raise TypeError(
"Expected all of key_ids to be a UUID, hex, base64, or bytes, but one or more are not, "
key_ids = [
for key_id in key_ids
for key_id_b in [
key_id.bytes if isinstance(key_id, UUID) else
bytes.fromhex(key_id) if all(c in string.hexdigits for c in key_id) else
base64.b64decode(key_id) if isinstance(key_id, str) else
if init_data is not None:
if isinstance(init_data, WidevinePsshData):
init_data = init_data.SerializeToString()
elif isinstance(init_data, str):
if all(c in string.hexdigits for c in init_data):
init_data = bytes.fromhex(init_data)
init_data = base64.b64decode(init_data)
elif not isinstance(init_data, bytes):
raise TypeError(
f"Expecting init_data to be {WidevinePsshData}, hex, base64, or bytes, not {init_data!r}"
box = Box.parse(Box.build(dict(
key_IDs=key_ids if key_ids and version == 1 else None,
init_data=[init_data, b""][init_data is None]
pssh = cls(box)
if key_ids and version == 0:
return pssh
def key_ids(self) -> list[UUID]:
Get all Key IDs from within the Box or Init Data, wherever possible.
- Version 1 Boxes
- Widevine Headers
- PlayReady Headers (>
if self.version == 1 and self.__key_ids:
return self.__key_ids
if self.system_id == PSSH.SystemId.Widevine:
# TODO: What if its not a Widevine Cenc Header but the System ID is set as Widevine?
cenc_header = WidevinePsshData()
return [
# the key_ids value may or may not be hex underlying
UUID(bytes=key_id) if len(key_id) == 16 else # normal
UUID(hex=key_id.decode()) if len(key_id) == 32 else # stored as hex
UUID(int=int.from_bytes(key_id, "big")) # assuming as number
for key_id in cenc_header.key_ids
if self.system_id == PSSH.SystemId.PlayReady:
xml_string = self.init_data.decode("utf-16-le")
# some of these init data has garbage(?) in front of it
xml_string = xml_string[xml_string.index("<"):]
xml = etree.fromstring(xml_string)
header_version = xml.attrib["version"]
if header_version == "":
key_ids = xml.xpath("DATA/KID/text()")
elif header_version == "":
key_ids = xml.xpath("DATA/PROTECTINFO/KID/@VALUE")
elif header_version in ("", ""):
key_ids = xml.xpath("DATA/PROTECTINFO/KIDS/KID/@VALUE")
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported PlayReady header version {header_version}")
return [
for key_id in key_ids
raise ValueError(f"This PSSH is not supported by key_ids() property, {self.dumps()}")
def dump(self) -> bytes:
"""Export the PSSH object as a full PSSH box in bytes form."""
return Box.build(dict(
key_IDs=self.key_ids if self.version == 1 and self.key_ids else None,
def dumps(self) -> str:
"""Export the PSSH object as a full PSSH box in base64 form."""
return base64.b64encode(self.dump()).decode()
def playready_to_widevine(self) -> None:
Convert PlayReady PSSH data to Widevine PSSH data.
There's only a limited amount of information within a PlayReady PSSH header that
can be used in a Widevine PSSH Header. The converted data may or may not result
in an accepted PSSH. It depends on what the License Server is expecting.
if self.system_id != PSSH.SystemId.PlayReady:
raise ValueError(f"This is not a PlayReady PSSH, {self.system_id}")
cenc_header = WidevinePsshData()
cenc_header.algorithm = 1 # 0=Clear, 1=AES-CTR
cenc_header.key_ids[:] = [x.bytes for x in self.key_ids]
if self.version == 1:
# ensure both cenc header and box has same Key IDs
# v1 uses both this and within init data for basically no reason
self.__key_ids = self.key_ids
self.init_data = cenc_header.SerializeToString()
self.system_id = PSSH.SystemId.Widevine
def set_key_ids(self, key_ids: list[UUID]) -> None:
"""Overwrite all Key IDs with the specified Key IDs."""
if self.system_id != PSSH.SystemId.Widevine:
# TODO: Add support for setting the Key IDs in a PlayReady Header
raise ValueError(f"Only Widevine PSSH Boxes are supported, not {self.system_id}.")
if not isinstance(key_ids, list):
raise TypeError(f"Expecting key_ids to be a list, not {key_ids!r}")
if not all(isinstance(x, UUID) for x in key_ids):
not_uuid = [x for x in key_ids if not isinstance(x, UUID)]
raise TypeError(f"All Key IDs in key_ids must be a {UUID}, not {not_uuid}")
if self.version == 1 or self.__key_ids:
# only use v1 box key_ids if version is 1, or it's already being used
# this is in case the service stupidly expects it for version 0
self.__key_ids = key_ids
cenc_header = WidevinePsshData()
cenc_header.key_ids[:] = [
for key_id in key_ids
self.init_data = cenc_header.SerializeToString()