223 lines
7.9 KiB
223 lines
7.9 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import logging
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from construct import BitStruct, Bytes, Const, ConstructError, Container
from construct import Enum as CEnum
from construct import Int8ub, Int16ub
from construct import Optional as COptional
from construct import Padded, Padding, Struct, this
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from google.protobuf.message import DecodeError
from pywidevine.license_protocol_pb2 import ClientIdentification, FileHashes, SignedDrmCertificate, DrmCertificate
class _Types(Enum):
class _Structures:
magic = Const(b"WVD")
header = Struct(
"signature" / magic,
"version" / Int8ub
v2 = Struct(
"signature" / magic,
"version" / Const(Int8ub, 2),
"type_" / CEnum(
**{t.name: t.value for t in _Types}
"security_level" / Int8ub,
"flags" / Padded(1, COptional(BitStruct(
# no per-device flags yet
"private_key_len" / Int16ub,
"private_key" / Bytes(this.private_key_len),
"client_id_len" / Int16ub,
"client_id" / Bytes(this.client_id_len)
v1 = Struct(
"signature" / magic,
"version" / Const(Int8ub, 1),
"type_" / CEnum(
**{t.name: t.value for t in _Types}
"security_level" / Int8ub,
"flags" / Padded(1, COptional(BitStruct(
# no per-device flags yet
"private_key_len" / Int16ub,
"private_key" / Bytes(this.private_key_len),
"client_id_len" / Int16ub,
"client_id" / Bytes(this.client_id_len),
"vmp_len" / Int16ub,
"vmp" / Bytes(this.vmp_len)
class Device:
Types = _Types
Structures = _Structures
supported_structure = Structures.v2
# == Bin Format Revisions == #
# Version 2: Removed vmp and vmp_len as it should already be within the Client ID
# Version 1: Removed system_id as it can be retrieved from the Client ID's DRM Certificate
def __init__(
*_: Any,
type_: Types,
security_level: int,
flags: Optional[dict],
private_key: Optional[bytes],
client_id: Optional[bytes],
**__: Any
This is the device key data that is needed for the CDM (Content Decryption Module).
type_: Device Type
security_level: Security level from 1 (the highest ranking) to 3 (the lowest ranking)
flags: Extra flags
private_key: Device Private Key
client_id: Device Client Identification Blob
# *_,*__ is to ignore unwanted args, like signature and version from the struct
if not client_id:
raise ValueError("Client ID is required, the WVD does not contain one or is malformed.")
if not private_key:
raise ValueError("Private Key is required, the WVD does not contain one or is malformed.")
self.type = self.Types[type_] if isinstance(type_, str) else type_
self.security_level = security_level
self.flags = flags
self.private_key = RSA.importKey(private_key)
self.client_id = ClientIdentification()
except DecodeError:
raise ValueError("Failed to parse client_id as a ClientIdentification")
self.vmp = FileHashes()
if self.client_id.vmp_data:
except DecodeError:
raise ValueError("Failed to parse Client ID's VMP data as a FileHashes")
signed_drm_certificate = SignedDrmCertificate()
drm_certificate = DrmCertificate()
self.system_id = drm_certificate.system_id
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "{name}({items})".format(
items=", ".join([f"{k}={repr(v)}" for k, v in self.__dict__.items()])
def loads(cls, data: Union[bytes, str]) -> Device:
if isinstance(data, str):
data = base64.b64decode(data)
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
raise ValueError(f"Expecting Bytes or Base64 input, got {data!r}")
return cls(**cls.supported_structure.parse(data))
def load(cls, path: Union[Path, str]) -> Device:
if not isinstance(path, (Path, str)):
raise ValueError(f"Expecting Path object or path string, got {path!r}")
with Path(path).open(mode="rb") as f:
return cls(**cls.supported_structure.parse_stream(f))
def dumps(self) -> bytes:
private_key = self.private_key.export_key("DER") if self.private_key else None
return self.supported_structure.build(dict(
private_key_len=len(private_key) if private_key else 0,
client_id_len=len(self.client_id.SerializeToString()) if self.client_id else 0,
client_id=self.client_id.SerializeToString() if self.client_id else None
def dump(self, path: Union[Path, str]) -> None:
if not isinstance(path, (Path, str)):
raise ValueError(f"Expecting Path object or path string, got {path!r}")
path = Path(path)
path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
def migrate(cls, data: Union[bytes, str]) -> Device:
if isinstance(data, str):
data = base64.b64decode(data)
if not isinstance(data, bytes):
raise ValueError(f"Expecting Bytes or Base64 input, got {data!r}")
header = _Structures.header.parse(data)
if header.version == 2:
raise ValueError("Device Data is already migrated to the latest version.")
if header.version == 0 or header.version > 2:
# we have never used version 0, likely data that just so happened to use the WVD magic
raise ValueError("Device Data does not seem to be a WVD file (v0).")
if header.version == 1: # v1 to v2
data = _Structures.v1.parse(data)
data.version = 2 # update version to 2 to allow loading
data.flags = Container() # blank flags that may have been used in v1
vmp = FileHashes()
if data.vmp:
except DecodeError as e:
raise DecodeError(f"Failed to parse VMP data as FileHashes, {e}")
data.vmp = vmp
client_id = ClientIdentification()
except DecodeError as e:
raise DecodeError(f"Failed to parse VMP data as FileHashes, {e}")
new_vmp_data = data.vmp.SerializeToString()
if client_id.vmp_data and client_id.vmp_data != new_vmp_data:
logging.getLogger("migrate").warning("Client ID already has Verified Media Path data")
client_id.vmp_data = new_vmp_data
data.client_id = client_id.SerializeToString()
data = _Structures.v2.build(data)
except ConstructError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Migration failed, {e}")
return cls.loads(data)
except ConstructError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Device Data seems to be corrupt or invalid, or migration failed, {e}")
__ALL__ = (Device,)