import base64 import json import logging from pathlib import Path from typing import Union from zlib import crc32 from unidecode import unidecode from pathvalidate import sanitize_filepath, sanitize_filename from Cryptodome.PublicKey import RSA from Cryptodome.PublicKey.RSA import RsaKey from pywidevine.device import Device, DeviceTypes from pywidevine.license_protocol_pb2 import (SignedMessage, LicenseRequest, ClientIdentification, SignedDrmCertificate, DrmCertificate, EncryptedClientIdentification) from keydive.constants import OEM_CRYPTO_API class Cdm: """ The Cdm class manages CDM-related operations, such as setting challenge data, extracting and storing private keys, and exporting device information. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes the Cdm object, setting up a logger and containers for client IDs and private keys. Attributes: client_id (dict[int, ClientIdentification]): Stores client identification info mapped by key modulus. private_key (dict[int, RsaKey]): Stores private keys mapped by key modulus. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) # self.client_id: dict[int, ClientIdentification] = {} self.private_key: dict[int, RsaKey] = {} @staticmethod def __client_info(client_id: ClientIdentification) -> dict: """ Converts client identification information to a dictionary. Args: client_id (ClientIdentification): The client identification. Returns: dict: A dictionary of client information. """ return { e.value for e in client_id.client_info} @staticmethod def __encrypted_client_info(encrypted_client_id: EncryptedClientIdentification) -> dict: """ Converts encrypted client identification information to a dictionary. Args: encrypted_client_id (EncryptedClientIdentification): The encrypted client identification. Returns: dict: A dictionary of encrypted client information. """ content = { 'providerId': encrypted_client_id.provider_id, 'serviceCertificateSerialNumber': encrypted_client_id.service_certificate_serial_number, 'encryptedClientId': encrypted_client_id.encrypted_client_id, 'encryptedClientIdIv': encrypted_client_id.encrypted_client_id_iv, 'encryptedPrivacyKey': encrypted_client_id.encrypted_privacy_key } return { k: base64.b64encode(v).decode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, bytes) else v for k, v in content.items() } def set_challenge(self, data: Union[Path, bytes]) -> None: """ Sets the challenge data by extracting device information. Args: data (Union[Path, bytes]): The challenge data as a file path or bytes. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the provided file path does not exist. """ if isinstance(data, Path): if not data.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(data) data = data.read_bytes() try: signed_message = SignedMessage() signed_message.ParseFromString(data) license_request = LicenseRequest() license_request.ParseFromString(signed_message.msg) # encrypted_client_id: EncryptedClientIdentification = license_request.encrypted_client_id if encrypted_client_id.SerializeToString(): self.logger.debug('Receive encrypted client id: \n\n%s\n', json.dumps(self.__encrypted_client_info(encrypted_client_id), indent=2)) self.logger.warning('The client ID of the challenge is encrypted') else: client_id: ClientIdentification = license_request.client_id self.set_client_id(data=client_id) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Failed to set challenge data: %s', e) def set_private_key(self, data: bytes, name: str) -> None: """ Sets the private key from the provided data. Args: data (bytes): The private key data. name (str): The name of the function. """ try: key = RSA.import_key(data) if key.n not in self.private_key: self.logger.debug('Receive private key: \n\n%s\n', key.exportKey('PEM').decode('utf-8')) if name not in OEM_CRYPTO_API: self.logger.warning(f'The function "{name}" does not belong to the referenced functions. Communicate it to the developer to improve the tool.') self.private_key[key.n] = key except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Failed to set private key: %s', e) def set_client_id(self, data: Union[ClientIdentification, bytes]) -> None: """ Sets the client ID from the provided data. Args: data (Union[ClientIdentification, bytes]): The client ID data. """ try: if isinstance(data, ClientIdentification): client_id = data else: client_id = ClientIdentification() client_id.ParseFromString(data) signed_drm_certificate = SignedDrmCertificate() drm_certificate = DrmCertificate() signed_drm_certificate.ParseFromString(client_id.token) drm_certificate.ParseFromString(signed_drm_certificate.drm_certificate) public_key = drm_certificate.public_key key = RSA.importKey(public_key) if key.n not in self.client_id: self.logger.debug('Receive client id: \n\n%s\n', json.dumps(self.__client_info(client_id), indent=2)) self.client_id[key.n] = client_id except Exception as e: self.logger.debug('Failed to set client ID: %s', e) def export(self, parent: Path, wvd: bool = False) -> bool: """ Exports the client ID and private key to disk. Args: parent (Path): The parent directory to export the files to. wvd (bool): Whether to export WVD files. Returns: bool: True if any keys were exported, otherwise False. """ keys = self.client_id.keys() & self.private_key.keys() for k in keys: client_info = self.__client_info(self.client_id[k]) # device = Device( client_id=self.client_id[k].SerializeToString(), private_key=self.private_key[k].exportKey('PEM'), type_=DeviceTypes.ANDROID, security_level=3, flags=None ) # parent = sanitize_filepath(parent / client_info['company_name'] / client_info['model_name'] / str(device.system_id) / str(k)[:10]) parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) path_id_bin = parent / 'client_id.bin' path_id_bin.write_bytes(data=device.client_id.SerializeToString())'Exported client ID: %s', path_id_bin) path_key_bin = parent / 'private_key.pem' path_key_bin.write_bytes(data=device.private_key.exportKey('PEM'))'Exported private key: %s', path_key_bin) if wvd: wvd_bin = device.dumps() name = f"{client_info['company_name']} {client_info['model_name']}" if client_info.get('widevine_cdm_version'): name += f" {client_info['widevine_cdm_version']}" name += f" {crc32(wvd_bin).to_bytes(4, 'big').hex()}" name = unidecode(name.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_')) path_wvd = parent / sanitize_filename(f'{name}_{device.system_id}_l{device.security_level}.wvd') path_wvd.write_bytes(data=wvd_bin)'Exported WVD: %s', path_wvd) return len(keys) > 0 __all__ = ('Cdm',)