import hashlib import json import os import re import shutil from pathlib import Path import xmltodict import yaml def any2str(data: any) -> str: if isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)): data = data.decode("utf-8") if isinstance(data, (dict, list)): data = json.dumps(data, indent=2, separators=(",", ":")) return str(data) class Keystore: def __init__( self, algo: str = "RSA", size: int = 2048, sign: str = "SHA-256", validity: int = 365, password: str = None, alias: str = None, meta: dict = None, path: Path = Path("..") ): assert path.is_dir(), "Invalid Dir Path" assert algo in ["RSA", "EC", "DSA"], "Invalid Algorithm" assert sign in ["MD5", "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-512"], "Invalid Signature" if algo == "RSA": assert size in [1024, 2048, 3072, 4096], "Invalid RSA Size" assert sign in ["MD5", "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-512"], "Invalid RSA Signature" elif algo == "EC": assert size in [192, 224, 256, 384, 521], "Invalid EC Size" assert sign in ["SHA-256", "SHA-512"], "Invalid EC Signature" elif algo == "DSA": assert size in [1024], "Invalid DSA Size" assert sign in ["SHA-1"], "Invalid DSA Signature" self.algorithm = algo self.size = size self.signature = "{}with{}".format( sign.replace("-", ""), "ECDSA" if algo == "EC" else algo ) self.digest = sign self.validity = validity meta = meta if meta else {} self.metadata = { "common_name": meta.get("common_name", "Unknown"), "organizational_unit": meta.get("organizational_unit", "Unknown"), "organization": meta.get("organization", "Unknown"), "locality": meta.get("locality", "Unknown"), "state": meta.get("state", "Unknown"), "country": meta.get("country", "Unknown"), } match ='[\s:]?([a-zA-Z]+)', self.metadata["common_name"]) name = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9]', "", if match else "keystore" self.path = path / f"{name}_{algo.lower()}.p12" self.password = password or f"{name}_password" self.alias = alias or f"{name}_alias" def __repr__(self) -> str: return json.dumps({ "path": str(self.path), "algorithm": self.algorithm, "size": self.size, "signature": self.signature, "digest": self.digest, "validity": self.validity, "password": self.password, "alias": self.alias, "metadata": self.metadata }, indent=2) def sign(self, path: Path) -> None: assert path.is_file() and path.suffix == ".apk", "Invalid APK Path" if not self.path.is_file(): tmp = Path("keystore.jks") os.system( 'keytool -genkeypair -keystore "{}" -alias "{}" -keyalg "{}" -keysize "{}" -sigalg "{}" -validity "{}" -storepass "{}" -keypass "{}" -dname "CN=\\"{}\\", OU=\\"{}\\", O=\\"{}\\", L=\\"{}\\", ST=\\"{}\\", C=\\"{}\\"" -noprompt'.format( tmp, self.alias, self.algorithm, self.size, self.signature, self.validity, self.password, self.password, self.metadata["common_name"], self.metadata["organizational_unit"], self.metadata["organization"], self.metadata["locality"], self.metadata["state"], self.metadata["country"] )) os.system( 'keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore "{}" -srcstorepass "{}" -destkeystore "{}" -deststoretype "PKCS12" -deststorepass "{}" -destkeypass "{}" -srcalias "{}"'.format( tmp, self.password, self.path, self.password, self.password, self.alias )) tmp.unlink(missing_ok=True) os.system('apksigner sign --ks "{}" --ks-key-alias "{}" --ks-pass "pass:{}" --key-pass "pass:{}" "{}"'.format( self.path, self.alias, self.password, self.password, path )) Path(str(path) + ".idsig").unlink(missing_ok=True) def info(self, path: Path) -> None: assert path.is_file() and path.suffix == ".apk", "Invalid APK Path" os.system(f'apksigner verify --print-certs "{path}"') class ApkTool: def __init__(self, instance: Path = Path(".apktool")): self.instance = instance def decompile(self, path: Path) -> None: assert path.is_file() and path.suffix == ".apk", "Invalid APK Path" if not self.instance.is_dir(): os.system(f'apktool d "{path}" -o "{self.instance}" -f --no-crunch --only-main-classes') def compile(self, path: Path) -> None: assert path.suffix == ".apk", "Invalid APK Path" if not path.is_file(): assert self.instance.is_dir(), "Invalid ApkTool Path" tmp = Path("unaligned.apk") os.system(f'apktool b "{self.instance}" -o "{tmp}" -f --no-crunch') if tmp.is_file(): os.system(f'zipalign -f -p "4" "{tmp}" "{path}"') if path.is_file(): shutil.rmtree(self.instance, ignore_errors=True) tmp.unlink(missing_ok=True) def rename_app(parent: Path, name: str) -> None: manifest_path = parent / "AndroidManifest.xml" if not manifest_path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(manifest_path) manifest_dict = xmltodict.parse(manifest_path.read_bytes(), encoding="utf-8") value = str(manifest_dict["manifest"]["application"]["@android:label"]) if value.startswith("@string/"): key = value.split("@string/")[1] source = None for path in (parent / "res").iterdir(): strings_path = path / "strings.xml" if "values" in str(path) and strings_path.is_file(): strings_dict = xmltodict.parse(strings_path.read_bytes(), encoding="utf-8") for item in strings_dict["resources"]["string"]: if isinstance(item, dict) and item["@name"] == key: source = item["#text"] print(f"I: Patching {} ({strings_path.parent})") if source != name: item["#text"] = name strings_path.write_bytes( xmltodict.unparse(strings_dict, encoding="utf-8", pretty=True).encode("utf-8")) break if not source: raise ImportError(value) else: manifest_dict["manifest"]["application"]["@android:label"] = name manifest_path.write_bytes(xmltodict.unparse(manifest_dict, encoding="utf-8", pretty=True).encode("utf-8")) print(f"I: Patching {} ({manifest_path.parent})") if __name__ == "__main__": config = Path("config.yaml") if not config.is_file(): config = Path(input("Config Path: ")) if not config.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(config) content = yaml.safe_load(config.read_text()) apktool = ApkTool() jks = Keystore(**content["keystore"]) src = Path(content["metadata"]["input"]) opt = Path(content["metadata"]["output"]) for key, value in content["metadata"].items(): print(f"I: {key.capitalize()}: {value}") if not opt.is_file(): apktool.decompile(src) # @Info: Patch apk for key, value in content["patch"].items(): # {Path: list[tuple]} path = apktool.instance / key if not path.is_file(): exist = False for subp in apktool.instance.iterdir(): path = subp / key if path.is_file(): exist = True break if not exist: raise FileNotFoundError(key) src_data = path.read_text() for v in value: if v[0] is None: if isinstance(v[1], str): # @Info: Replace complet file using [None, Path] v[1] = Path(v[1]) if not v[1].is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(v[1]) src_data = v[1].read_text() elif v[1] is None: # @Info: Replace with empty file src_data = "" else: # @Info: Replace with custom char src_data = any2str(v[1]) elif v[1] is None: # @Info: Replace functon using [Path, None] if not isinstance(v[0], str): raise ImportError(v[0]) v[0] = Path(v[0]) if not v[0].is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(v[0]) opt_data = v[0].read_text() if opt_data not in src_data: try: keys = opt_data.split("\n") start = next(filter(None, keys), None) stop = next(filter(None, reversed(keys)), None) start_index = src_data.index(start) stop_index = src_data.index(stop, start_index) + len(stop) src_data = src_data.replace(src_data[start_index:stop_index], opt_data) except Exception as e: raise ValueError(v[0]) else: # @Info: Replace char using [str, str] if not v[0] in src_data and not v[1] in src_data: raise ImportError(v[0]) src_data = src_data.replace(*v) path.write_text(src_data) print(f"I: Patching {} ({path.parent})") # @Info: Rename apk name = content["metadata"].get("name") if name: rename_app(apktool.instance, name) apktool.compile(opt) print(f"I: Keystore: {jks.path}") print(f"I: Validity: {jks.validity}") jks.sign(opt) print(f'I: MD5: {hashlib.md5(opt.read_bytes()).hexdigest()}')