/** * KeyDive: Widevine L3 Extractor for Android Devices * Enhances DRM key extraction for research and educational purposes. * Source: https://github.com/hyugogirubato/KeyDive */ const SDK_API = '${SDK_API}'; // Dynamically replaced with the actual SDK API level. const OEM_CRYPTO_API = [ // Mapping of function names across different API levels (obfuscated names may vary). 'rnmsglvj', 'polorucp', 'kqzqahjq', 'pldrclfq', 'kgaitijd', 'cwkfcplc', 'crhqcdet', 'ulns', 'dnvffnze', 'ygjiljer', 'qbjxtubz', 'qkfrcjtw', 'rbhjspoh' // Add more as needed for different versions. ]; // Logging levels to synchronize with Python's logging module. const Level = { NOTSET: 0, DEBUG: 10, INFO: 20, // WARN: WARNING, WARNING: 30, ERROR: 40, // FATAL: CRITICAL, CRITICAL: 50 }; // Utility for encoding strings into byte arrays. // https://gist.github.com/Yaffle/5458286#file-textencodertextdecoder-js function TextEncoder() {} TextEncoder.prototype.encode = function (string) { let octets = []; let i = 0; while (i < string.length) { let codePoint = string.codePointAt(i); let c = 0; let bits = 0; if (codePoint <= 0x007F) { c = 0; bits = 0x00; } else if (codePoint <= 0x07FF) { c = 6; bits = 0xC0; } else if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { c = 12; bits = 0xE0; } else if (codePoint <= 0x1FFFFF) { c = 18; bits = 0xF0; } octets.push(bits | (codePoint >> c)); while (c >= 6) { c -= 6; octets.push(0x80 | ((codePoint >> c) & 0x3F)); } i += codePoint >= 0x10000 ? 2 : 1; } return octets; }; const print = (level, message) => { message = typeof message === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(message) : message; send(level, new TextEncoder().encode(message)); } // Identifies and returns the specified library. const getLibrary = (name) => Process.getModuleByName(name); // Hooks into specified functions within a library, aiming to extract keys and disable privacy mode. const hookLibrary = (name) => { // https://github.com/poxyran/misc/blob/master/frida-enumerate-imports.py const library = getLibrary(name); const functions = [...library.enumerateExports(), ...library.enumerateImports()]; const targetFunction = functions.find(func => OEM_CRYPTO_API.includes(func.name)); let hookedCount = 0; functions.forEach((func) => { const funcName = func.name; const funcAddr = func.address; try { let funcHooked = true; if (funcName.includes('UsePrivacyMode')) { disablePrivacyMode(funcAddr); } else if (funcName.includes('PrepareKeyRequest')) { prepareKeyRequest(funcAddr); } else if (targetFunction === func || (!targetFunction && funcName.match(/^[a-z]+$/))) { getPrivateKey(funcAddr); } else { funcHooked = false; } if (funcHooked) { hookedCount++; print(Level.DEBUG, `Hooked (${funcAddr}): ${funcName}`); } } catch (e) { print(Level.ERROR, `${funcName} (${funcAddr}): ${e.message}`); } }); if (hookedCount < 3) { print(Level.ERROR, 'Insufficient functions hooked'); return false; } return true; } const disablePrivacyMode = (address) => { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { retval.replace(ptr(0)); } }); } const prepareKeyRequest = (address) => { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { let index; if ([23, 31, 32, 33].includes(SDK_API)) { index = 5; } else if ([24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30].includes(SDK_API)) { index = 4; } else { index = 5; // Default index assignment print(Level.WARNING, 'SDK API not implemented'); print(Level.WARNING, `Defaulting to args[${index}] for PrepareKeyRequest`); } this.ret = args[index]; }, onLeave: function () { if (this.ret) { const size = Memory.readU32(ptr(this.ret).add(Process.pointerSize)); const data = Memory.readByteArray(this.ret.add(Process.pointerSize * 2).readPointer(), size); send('device_info', data); } } }); } const getPrivateKey = (address) => { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { if (!args[6].isNull()) { const size = args[6].toInt32(); if (size >= 1000 && size <= 2000 && !args[5].isNull()) { const buffer = args[5].readByteArray(size); const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); // Check for DER encoding markers for the beginning of a private key (MII). if (bytes[0] === 0x30 && bytes[1] === 0x82) { try { // Attempt to extract and send the private key. const binaryString = a2bs(bytes); const keyLength = getKeyLength(binaryString); // ASN.1 DER const key = bytes.slice(0, keyLength); print(Level.DEBUG, `Function getPrivateKey() at ${address}`); send('private_key', key); } catch (e) { print(Level.ERROR, `${e.message} (${address})`); } } } } } }); } const a2bs = (bytes) => Array.from(bytes).map(byte => String.fromCharCode(byte)).join(''); const getKeyLength = (key) => { let pos = 1; // Skip the initial tag // Extract length byte, ignoring the long-form indicator bit let lengthByte = key.charCodeAt(pos++) & 0x7F; // If lengthByte indicates a short form, return early. /* if (lengthByte < 0x80) { return pos + lengthByte; } */ // For long-form, calculate the length value. let lengthValue = 0; for (let i = 0; i < lengthByte; i++) { lengthValue = (lengthValue << 8) + key.charCodeAt(pos++); } return pos + Math.abs(lengthValue); } // Exposing functions for RPC calls. rpc.exports = { getlibrary: getLibrary, hooklibrary: hookLibrary };