const KNOWN_DYNAMIC_FUNC = ['ulns', 'cwkfcplc', 'dnvffnze', 'kgaitijd', 'polorucp']; function containsLib(library){ return Process.getModuleByName(library); } function containsFunction(name, address) { var result = false; for (var i = 0; i < KNOWN_DYNAMIC_FUNC.length; i++) { result = KNOWN_DYNAMIC_FUNC[i] === name; if (result) { sender_payload({ from: 'Dynamic Function', message: 'L3 RSA Key export function found: ' + name }); return result; } } return result; } function inject(lib, process_name){ // printer('Running ' + lib['name'] + ' at ' + lib['base'], 'Hook'); sender_payload_info( 'Running ' + lib['name'] + ' at ' + lib['base'] ); Hooker(lib, process_name) } function Hooker(lib, process_name) { const name = lib['name']; Module.enumerateExportsSync(name).forEach(function(exp){ try { var module_address = exp.address; if ( === '_lcc00' || === '_oecc00') { GetLevel3_IsInApp(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc01' || === '_oecc01') { GetLevel3_Initialize(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc49' || === '_oecc49') { GetLevel3_GetProvisioningMethod(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc38' || === '_oecc38') { GetLevel3_GetNumberOfOpenSessions(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc37' || === '_oecc37') { GetLevel3_GetMaxNumberOfSessions(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc22' || === '_oecc22') { GetApiVersion(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc46' || === '_oecc46') { GetSecurityPatchLevel(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc23' || === '_oecc23') { GetSecurityLevel(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc90' || === '_oecc90') { GetLevel3_BuildInformation(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc52' || === '_oecc52') { GetSupportedCertificates(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc02' || === '_oecc02') { GetLevel3_Terminate_Status(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc07' || === '_oecc07') { GetLevel3_GetDeviceID(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc04' || === '_oecc04') { GetLevel3_GetKeyData(module_address, process_name) } else if ( === 'OEMCrypto_LoadKeys_Back_Compat') { GetLevel3_LoadKeys(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc12' || === '_oecc12') { GetLevel3_GenerateDerivedKeys(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc13' || === '_oecc13') { GetLevel3_GenerateSignature(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc50' || === '_oecc50') { GetLevel3_GetOEMPublicCertificate(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === '_lcc19' || === '_oecc19') { GetLevel3_LoadDeviceRSAKey(module_address, process_name) } else if ( === '_lcc18' || === '_oecc18') { GetLevel3_RewrapDeviceRSAKey(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === 'AES_unwrap_key') { AES_unwrap_key(module_address, process_name) } else if (containsFunction(, exp.address)) { polorucp(module_address, process_name); } else if ('UsePrivacyMode')) { UsePrivacyMode(module_address, process_name); } else if ( === 'CdmInfo') { CdmInfo(module_address, process_name); } else if ('PrepareKeyRequest')) { PrepareKeyRequest(module_address, process_name); } else if ("_ZN14video_widevine25SignedProvisioningMessageC2Ev")) { SignedProvisioningMessage(module_address, process_name) } else if ( === 'AES_set_encrypt_key') { AES_set_encrypt_key(module_address, process_name) } else if ('jnyxqs')) { // this needs to be changed to an array of methods since they all differ between oemcryptos for l1 and l3 jnyxqs(module_address) } else if ( === 'fwemrknr') { fwemrknr(module_address, process_name) } else if ( === 'pbntpypb') { pbntpypb(module_address, process_name) } } catch (e) { console.log("Error: " + e + " at F: " +; } }); } function pbntpypb(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function(args) { = { '1': args[0] } }, onLeave: function(returnResult) { console.log(hexdump(returnResult)); // console.log('onleave') // console.log('first parameter'); // const data = Memory.readPointer(['1']); // const param1 = hexdump(data); // console.log(param1); // console.log('ended') } }); } function fwemrknr(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function(args) { = { '0': args[0], '1': args[1], '2': args[2], '3': args[3], '4': args[4], '5': args[5], '6': args[6], '7': args[7], '8': args[8], '9': args[9], '10': args[10], '11': args[11], '12': args[12], '13': args[13], '14': args[14], '15': args[15], '16': args[16] } }, onLeave: function(returnResult) { // console.log('onleave') // console.log('first parameter'); // const data = Memory.readPointer(['1']); // const param1 = hexdump(data); // console.log(param1); // console.log('ended') } }); } function jnyxqs(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function(args) { = { '1': args[0], '2': args[1] } }, onLeave: function(returnResult) { printer('jnyxqs', process_name); console.log(hexdump(returnResult)); console.log(Memory.readByteArray(['1'],['2'].toInt32())); console.log(['2'].toInt32()); send('aes_key', Memory.readByteArray(['1'],['2'].toInt32())) } }); } function ithomqf(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function(args) { = { '1': args[0], '2': args[1] } }, onLeave: function(returnResult) { printer('ithomqf', process_name); console.log(hexdump(returnResult)); } }); } function AES_set_encrypt_key(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { // both of these are pointers = { "userKey": args[0], "bits": args[1], 'key': args[2] } }, onLeave: function (returnResult) { const size =['bits'].toInt32() / 8; const userKey = Memory.readByteArray(['userKey'], size); const key = Memory.readByteArray(['key'], size); printer('return result: ' + returnResult); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'AES_set_encrypt_key', payload: { 'size': size, 'user_key': byteArrayToHex(userKey), 'key': byteArrayToHex(key) } } sender_payload(data) } }); } function SignedProvisioningMessage(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { = args[0] }, onLeave: function () { printer('SignedProvisioningMessage', process_name); console.log(; console.log(hexdump(; console.log(hexdump(Memory.readPointer(; console.log(hexdump(Memory.readPointer(Memory.readPointer(; console.log(Memory.readByteArray(Memory.readPointer(Memory.readPointer(, 2000)); } }); } function readStdString(str) { const size = str.add(Process.pointerSize).readUInt(); return str.add(Process.pointerSize * 2).readPointer().readByteArray(size); } function printer(message, origination){ console.log('['+origination+']:[INFO]:', message) } function CdmInfo(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function(args) { console.log('CdmInfo'); console.log(JSON.stringify(args)) } }); } function polorucp(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function(args) { if (!args[6].isNull()) { const size = args[6].toInt32(); if (size >= 1000 && size <= 2000 && !args[5].isNull()) { const k = args[5].readByteArray(size); const view = new Uint8Array(k); if (view[0] === 0x30 && view[1] === 0x82) { const data = { from: process_name, data: 'Captured Private Key' }; sender_payload(data); send('priv', k); } } } } }); } function PrepareKeyRequest(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { this.ret = args[4]; }, onLeave: function () { if (this.ret) { const message = readStdString(this.ret); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'PrepareKeyRequest, Captured License Request' }; sender_payload(data); send('id', message); } } }); } function UsePrivacyMode(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(address, { onLeave: function (retval) { const data = { from: process_name, message: 'Replacing PrivacyMode' }; sender_payload(data); retval.replace(ptr(0)); } }); } function AES_unwrap_key(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { console.log('entering aes unwrap key') } }) } function GetLevel3_Initialize(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function(args) { sender_payload( { from: process_name, message: 'OEMCrypto_Initialize' } ) } }) } function GetApiVersion(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { // const message = 'OEMCryptoVersion: ' + retval.toInt32(); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'OEMCryptoVersion', payload: { 'Version': retval.toInt32() } }; sender_payload(data) } }); } function GetSecurityPatchLevel(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: 'OEMSecurityPatchLevel', payload:{ 'Patch_Level': retval.toInt32() } }) } }); } function GetSecurityLevel(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { const level = Memory.readUtf8String(retval); sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: 'OEMSecurityLevel', payload: { 'Level': level } }); send('security_level', new TextEncoder().encode(level)) } }); } function GetLevel3_BuildInformation(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { const message = 'OEMCrypto_BuildInformation: ' + Memory.readUtf8String(retval); sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: message }); } }); } function GetSupportedCertificates(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { const message = 'OEMSupportedCertificates: ' + OEMCrypto_RSA_Support[retval.toInt32()]; sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: message }); } }); } function GetLevel3_IsInApp(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: 'OEMCrypto_IsInApp', payload: { 'in_app': Boolean(retval) } }); } }); } function GetLevel3_GetProvisioningMethod(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: 'OEMCrypto_GetProvisioningMethod', payload: { 'Method': OEMCrypto_ProvisioningMethod[retval.toInt32()] } }); } }); } function GetLevel3_GetNumberOfOpenSessions(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onLeave: function (retval) { const message = 'OEMCrypto_GetNumberOfOpenSessions: ' + retval.toInt32(); sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: message }); } }); } function GetLevel3_GetMaxNumberOfSessions(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { this.maximum = args[0] }, onLeave: function () { const message = 'OEMCrypto_GetMaxNumberOfSessions: ' + Memory.readPointer(this.maximum).toInt32(); sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: message }); } }); } function GetLevel3_Terminate_Status(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { this.maximum = args[0] }, onLeave: function (retvalue) { const message = 'OEMCrypto_Terminate_Status: ' + OEMCryptoResult[retvalue.toInt32()]; sender_payload({ from: process_name, message: message }); } }); } function GetLevel3_GetDeviceID(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function(args) { this.deviceId = args[0]; this.idLength = args[1] }, onLeave: function (retval) { var idLength = Memory.readPointer(this.idLength).toInt32(); const deviceIdArray = Memory.readByteArray(this.deviceId, idLength); const deviceId = byteArrayToHex(deviceIdArray); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'OEMCrypto_GetDeviceID', payload: { 'Status': OEMCryptoResult[retval.toInt32()], 'Length': idLength, 'DeviceId': deviceId } }; sender_payload(data); send('device_id', deviceIdArray) } }); } function GetLevel3_GetKeyData(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { this.keyData = args[0]; this.keyDataLength = args[1]; }, onLeave: function (retvalue) { const keyDataLength = Memory.readPointer(this.keyDataLength).toInt32(); const keyDataArray = Memory.readByteArray(this.keyData, keyDataLength); const device_token = byteArrayToHex(keyDataArray); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'OEMCrypto_GetKeyData', payload: { 'Status': OEMCryptoResult[retvalue.toInt32()], 'Size': keyDataLength, 'Device_Token': device_token } }; sender_payload(data); send('device_token', keyDataArray) } }); } function GetLevel3_LoadKeys(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { = { 'session': args[0], 'message': args[1], 'message_length': args[2], 'signature': args[3], 'signature_length': args[4], 'ivs': args[5], 'keys': args[6], 'num_keys': args[7], 'key_array': args[8], 'pst': args[9], 'srm_restriction_data': args[10], 'license_type': args[11] } }, onLeave: function (retvalue) { const message_length =['message_length'].toInt32(); const message = Memory.readByteArray(['message'], message_length); const signature_length =['signature_length'].toInt32(); const signature = Memory.readByteArray(['signature'], signature_length); // const ivs =['ivs']; // const keys = Memory.readPointer(['keys']); // const num_keys =['num_keys'].toInt32(); // const key_array = Memory.readPointer(['key_array']); // const pst =['pst']; // const srm_restriction_data =['srm_restriction_data']; const license_type = OEMCrypto_LicenseType[['license_type'].toInt32()]; const data = { from: process_name, message: 'OEMCrypto_LoadKeys', payload: { 'Status': OEMCryptoResult[retvalue.toInt32()], 'Type': license_type, 'Message': byteArrayToHex(message), 'Signature': byteArrayToHex(signature) } }; sender_payload(data) } }); } function GetLevel3_GenerateDerivedKeys(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { = { 'session': args[0], 'mac_key_context': args[1], 'mac_key_context_length': args[2], 'enc_key_context': args[3], 'enc_key_context_length': args[4] } }, onLeave: function (retvalue) { const mac_length =['mac_key_context_length'].toInt32(); const mac_context = Memory.readByteArray(['mac_key_context'], mac_length); const enc_length =['enc_key_context_length'].toInt32(); const enc_context = Memory.readByteArray(['enc_key_context'], enc_length); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'GetLevel3_GenerateDerivedKeys', payload: { 'Status': OEMCryptoResult[retvalue.toInt32()], 'Session':['session'].toInt32(), 'Mac_Length': mac_length, 'Mac_Context': mac_context, 'Enc_Length': enc_length, 'Enc_Context': enc_context } }; sender_payload(data) } }); } function GetLevel3_GenerateSignature(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { = { 'session': args[0], 'message': args[1], 'message_length': args[2], 'signature': args[3], 'signature_lenght': args[4] } }, onLeave: function (retvalue) { const message_length =['message_length'].toInt32(); const message = Memory.readByteArray(['message'], message_length); const signature_lenght = Memory.readPointer(['signature_lenght']).toInt32(); const signature = Memory.readByteArray(['signature'], signature_lenght); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'GetLevel3_GenerateSignature', payload: { 'Status': OEMCryptoResult[retvalue.toInt32()], 'Session':['session'].toInt32(), message: { 'length': message_length, 'context': byteArrayToHex(message) }, signature: { 'length': signature_lenght, 'context': byteArrayToHex(signature) } } }; sender_payload(data) } }); } function GetLevel3_GetOEMPublicCertificate(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { = { 'session': args[0], 'public_cert': args[1], 'public_cert_length': args[2] } }, onLeave: function (retvalue) { const result = OEMCryptoResult[retvalue.toInt32()]; const data = { from: process_name, message: 'GetLevel3_GetOEMPublicCertificate', payload: { 'Status': result } }; sender_payload(data); if (result === OEMCryptoResult["0"]) { const public_cert_length = Memory.readPointer(['public_cert_length']).toInt32(); const public_cert = Memory.readByteArray(['public_cert'], public_cert_length); const data2 = { from: process_name, message: 'GetLevel3_GetOEMPublicCertificate', payload: { 'Session':['session'].toInt32(), 'Public_Cert_Length': public_cert_length, 'Cert': public_cert } }; sender_payload(data2); } } }); } function GetLevel3_LoadDeviceRSAKey(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { = { 'session': args[0], 'wrapped_rsa_key': args[1], 'wrapped_rsa_key_length': args[2] } }, onLeave: function (retvalue) { const wrapped_rsa_key_length =['wrapped_rsa_key_length'].toInt32(); const wrapped_rsa_key = Memory.readByteArray(['wrapped_rsa_key'], wrapped_rsa_key_length); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'GetLevel3_LoadDeviceRSAKey', payload: { 'Status': OEMCryptoResult[retvalue.toInt32()], 'Session':['session'].toInt32(), 'Length': wrapped_rsa_key_length, 'Context': byteArrayToHex(wrapped_rsa_key) } }; sender_payload(data) } }); } function GetLevel3_RewrapDeviceRSAKey(address, process_name) { Interceptor.attach(ptr(address), { onEnter: function (args) { = { 'session': args[0], 'message': args[1], 'message_length': args[2], 'signature': args[3], 'signature_length': args[4], 'nonce': args[5], 'enc_rsa_key': args[6], 'enc_rsa_key_length': args[7], 'enc_rsa_key_iv': args[8], 'wrapped_rsa_key': args[9], 'wrapped_rsa_key_length': args[10] } }, onLeave: function (retvalue) { const status = OEMCryptoResult[retvalue.toInt32()]; if (status === OEMCryptoResult["0"]) { const message_length =['message_length'].toInt32(); const message = Memory.readByteArray(['message'], message_length); const signature_length =['signature_length'].toInt32(); const signature = Memory.readByteArray(['signature'], signature_length); const enc_rsa_key_length =['enc_rsa_key_length'].toInt32(); const enc_rsa_key = Memory.readByteArray(['enc_rsa_key'], enc_rsa_key_length); const wrapped_rsa_key_length = Memory.readPointer(['wrapped_rsa_key_length']).toInt32(); const wrapped_rsa_key = Memory.readByteArray(['wrapped_rsa_key'], wrapped_rsa_key_length); const data = { from: process_name, message: 'GetLevel3_RewrapDeviceRSAKey', status: status, session:['session'].toInt32(), payload: { enc_rsa_key: { 'length': enc_rsa_key_length, 'key': enc_rsa_key }, wrapped_rsa_key: { 'length': wrapped_rsa_key_length, 'key': wrapped_rsa_key }, signature: { 'length': signature_length, 'signature': signature }, message: { 'lenght': message_length, 'message': message } } }; sender_payload(data) } } }); } function byteArrayToHex(data) { var array = new Uint8Array(data); var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) result += ('0' + (array[i] & 0xFF).toString(16)).slice(-2); return result; } function sender_payload(data) { var encoded = new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(data)); send('message', encoded); } function sender_payload_info(message) { send('message_info', new TextEncoder().encode(message)) } const OEMCrypto_ProvisioningMethod = { 0: 'OEMCrypto_ProvisioningError', // Device cannot be provisioned. 1: 'OEMCrypto_DrmCertificate', // Device has baked in DRM certificate // (level 3 only) 2: 'OEMCrypto_Keybox', // Device has factory installed unique keybox. 3: 'OEMCrypto_OEMCertificate' // Device has factory installed OEM certificate. }; const OEMCrypto_RSA_Support = { 1: 'OEMCrypto_Supports_RSA_2048bit', 2: 'OEMCrypto_Supports_RSA_3072bit', 10: 'OEMCrypto_Supports_RSA_CAST' }; const OEMCryptoResult = { 0: 'OEMCrypto_SUCCESS', 1: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_INIT_FAILED', 2: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_TERMINATE_FAILED', 3: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_OPEN_FAILURE', 4: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_CLOSE_FAILURE', 5: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_ENTER_SECURE_PLAYBACK_FAILED', // deprecated 6: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_EXIT_SECURE_PLAYBACK_FAILED', // deprecated 7: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_SHORT_BUFFER', 8: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_KEY', // no keybox device key. 9: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_ASSET_KEY', 10: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_KEYBOX_INVALID', 11: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_KEYDATA', 12: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_CW', 13: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_DECRYPT_FAILED', 14: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_WRITE_KEYBOX', 15: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_WRAP_KEYBOX', 16: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_BAD_MAGIC', 17: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_BAD_CRC', 18: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_DEVICEID', 19: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_RNG_FAILED', 20: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_RNG_NOT_SUPPORTED', 21: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_SETUP', 22: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_OPEN_SESSION_FAILED', 23: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_CLOSE_SESSION_FAILED', 24: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_INVALID_SESSION', 25: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED', 26: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_NO_CONTENT_KEY', 27: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_CONTROL_INVALID', 28: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FAILURE', 29: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_INVALID_CONTEXT', 30: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_SIGNATURE_FAILURE', 31: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS', 32: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_INVALID_NONCE', 33: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_TOO_MANY_KEYS', 34: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_RSA_PROVISIONED', 35: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_INVALID_RSA_KEY', 36: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_KEY_EXPIRED', 37: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES', 38: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_HDCP', 39: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_LARGE', 40: 'OEMCrypto_WARNING_GENERATION_SKEW', // Warning, not an error. 41: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_GENERATION_SKEW', 42: 'OEMCrypto_LOCAL_DISPLAY_ONLY', 43: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_ANALOG_OUTPUT', 44: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_WRONG_PST', 45: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_WRONG_KEYS', 46: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_MISSING_MASTER', 47: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_LICENSE_INACTIVE', 48: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_ENTRY_NEEDS_UPDATE', 49: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_ENTRY_IN_USE', 50: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_USAGE_TABLE_UNRECOVERABLE', // Reserved. Do not use. 51: 'OEMCrypto_KEY_NOT_LOADED', // obsolete. use error 26. 52: 'OEMCrypto_KEY_NOT_ENTITLED', 53: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_BAD_HASH', 54: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_OUTPUT_TOO_LARGE', 55: 'OEMCrypto_ERROR_SESSION_LOST_STATE', 56:'OEMCrypto_ERROR_SYSTEM_INVALIDATED', }; const OEMCrypto_LicenseType = { 0: 'OEMCrypto_ContentLicense', 1: 'OEMCrypto_EntitlementLicense' }; rpc.exports.inject = inject; rpc.exports.widevinelibrary = containsLib;