
162 lines
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Raw Permalink Normal View History

// Copyright 2014 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include <packager/macros/classes.h>
#include <packager/media/base/fourccs.h>
#include <packager/media/base/range.h>
#include <packager/media/formats/mp4/box_definitions.h>
#include <packager/status.h>
namespace shaka {
namespace media {
struct EncryptionConfig;
struct MuxerOptions;
struct SegmentInfo;
class BufferWriter;
class MediaSample;
class MuxerListener;
class ProgressListener;
class StreamInfo;
namespace mp4 {
class Fragmenter;
struct KeyFrameInfo;
/// This class defines the Segmenter which is responsible for organizing
/// fragments into segments/subsegments and package them into a MP4 file.
/// Inherited by MultiSegmentSegmenter and SingleSegmentSegmenter.
/// SingleSegmentSegmenter defines the Segmenter for DASH Video-On-Demand with
/// a single segment for each media presentation while MultiSegmentSegmenter
/// handles all other cases including DASH live profile.
class Segmenter {
Segmenter(const MuxerOptions& options,
std::unique_ptr<FileType> ftyp,
std::unique_ptr<Movie> moov);
virtual ~Segmenter();
/// Initialize the segmenter.
/// Calling other public methods of this class without this method returning
/// Status::OK results in an undefined behavior.
/// @param streams contains the vector of StreamInfos for initialization.
/// @param muxer_listener receives muxer events. Can be NULL.
/// @param progress_listener receives progress updates. Can be NULL.
/// @return OK on success, an error status otherwise.
Status Initialize(
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const StreamInfo>>& streams,
MuxerListener* muxer_listener,
ProgressListener* progress_listener);
/// Finalize the segmenter.
/// @return OK on success, an error status otherwise.
Status Finalize();
/// Add sample to the indicated stream.
/// @param stream_id is the zero-based stream index.
/// @param sample points to the sample to be added.
/// @return OK on success, an error status otherwise.
Status AddSample(size_t stream_id, const MediaSample& sample);
/// Finalize the segment / subsegment.
/// @param stream_id is the zero-based stream index.
/// @param is_subsegment indicates if it is a subsegment (fragment).
/// @return OK on success, an error status otherwise.
Status FinalizeSegment(size_t stream_id, const SegmentInfo& segment_info);
// TODO(rkuroiwa): Change these Get*Range() methods to return
// std::optional<Range> as well.
/// @return true if there is an initialization range, while setting @a offset
/// and @a size; or false if initialization range does not apply.
virtual bool GetInitRange(size_t* offset, size_t* size) = 0;
/// @return true if there is an index byte range, while setting @a offset
/// and @a size; or false if index byte range does not apply.
virtual bool GetIndexRange(size_t* offset, size_t* size) = 0;
// Returns an empty vector if there are no specific ranges for the segments,
// e.g. the media is in multiple files.
// Otherwise, a vector of ranges for the media segments are returned.
virtual std::vector<Range> GetSegmentRanges() = 0;
int32_t GetReferenceTimeScale() const;
/// @return The total length, in seconds, of segmented media files.
double GetDuration() const;
/// @return The sample duration in the timescale of the media.
/// Returns 0 if no samples are added yet.
int32_t sample_duration() const { return sample_duration_; }
/// Update segmentation progress using ProgressListener.
void UpdateProgress(uint64_t progress);
/// Set progress to 100%.
void SetComplete();
const MuxerOptions& options() const { return options_; }
FileType* ftyp() { return ftyp_.get(); }
Movie* moov() { return moov_.get(); }
BufferWriter* fragment_buffer() { return fragment_buffer_.get(); }
SegmentIndex* sidx() { return sidx_.get(); }
MuxerListener* muxer_listener() { return muxer_listener_; }
uint64_t progress_target() { return progress_target_; }
const std::vector<KeyFrameInfo>& key_frame_infos() const {
return key_frame_infos_;
void set_progress_target(uint64_t progress_target) {
progress_target_ = progress_target;
virtual Status DoInitialize() = 0;
virtual Status DoFinalize() = 0;
virtual Status DoFinalizeSegment() = 0;
virtual Status DoFinalizeChunk() { return Status::OK; }
uint32_t GetReferenceStreamId();
void FinalizeFragmentForKeyRotation(
size_t stream_id,
bool fragment_encrypted,
const EncryptionConfig& encryption_config);
const MuxerOptions& options_;
std::unique_ptr<FileType> ftyp_;
std::unique_ptr<Movie> moov_;
std::unique_ptr<MovieFragment> moof_;
std::unique_ptr<BufferWriter> fragment_buffer_;
std::unique_ptr<SegmentIndex> sidx_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Fragmenter>> fragmenters_;
MuxerListener* muxer_listener_ = nullptr;
ProgressListener* progress_listener_ = nullptr;
uint64_t progress_target_ = 0u;
uint64_t accumulated_progress_ = 0u;
int32_t sample_duration_ = 0;
std::vector<uint64_t> stream_durations_;
std::vector<KeyFrameInfo> key_frame_infos_;
} // namespace mp4
} // namespace media
} // namespace shaka