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// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// This file contains the MpdBuilder, AdaptationSet, and Representation class
// declarations.
/// All the methods that are virtual are virtual for mocking.
/// NOTE: Inclusion of this module will cause xmlInitParser and xmlCleanupParser
/// to be called at static initialization / deinitialization time.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "packager/base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
#include "packager/base/callback.h"
#include "packager/base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "packager/base/time/clock.h"
#include "packager/base/time/time.h"
#include "packager/mpd/base/bandwidth_estimator.h"
#include "packager/mpd/base/content_protection_element.h"
#include "packager/mpd/base/media_info.pb.h"
#include "packager/mpd/base/mpd_options.h"
#include "packager/mpd/base/segment_info.h"
#include "packager/mpd/base/xml/scoped_xml_ptr.h"
// TODO(rkuroiwa): For classes with |id_|, consider removing the field and let
// the MPD (XML) generation functions take care of assigning an ID to each
// element.
namespace shaka {
namespace media {
class File;
} // namespace media
class AdaptationSet;
class Representation;
namespace xml {
class XmlNode;
class RepresentationXmlNode;
} // namespace xml
/// This class generates DASH MPDs (Media Presentation Descriptions).
class MpdBuilder {
/// Constructs MpdBuilder.
/// @param mpd_options contains options on how this MPD should be built.
explicit MpdBuilder(const MpdOptions& mpd_options);
virtual ~MpdBuilder();
/// Add <BaseURL> entry to the MPD.
/// @param base_url URL for <BaseURL> entry.
void AddBaseUrl(const std::string& base_url);
/// Adds <AdaptationSet> to the MPD.
/// @param lang is the language of the AdaptationSet. This can be empty for
/// videos, for example.
/// @return The new adaptation set, which is owned by this instance.
virtual AdaptationSet* AddAdaptationSet(const std::string& lang);
/// Write the MPD to specified file.
/// @param[out] output_file is MPD destination. output_file will be
/// flushed but not closed.
/// @return true on success, false otherwise.
bool WriteMpdToFile(media::File* output_file);
/// Writes the MPD to the given string.
/// @param[out] output is an output string where the MPD gets written.
/// @return true on success, false otherwise.
virtual bool ToString(std::string* output);
/// Adjusts the fields of MediaInfo so that paths are relative to the
/// specified MPD path.
/// @param mpd_path is the file path of the MPD file.
/// @param media_info is the MediaInfo object to be updated with relative
/// paths.
static void MakePathsRelativeToMpd(const std::string& mpd_path,
MediaInfo* media_info);
// Inject a |clock| that returns the current time.
/// This is for testing.
void InjectClockForTesting(std::unique_ptr<base::Clock> clock) {
clock_ = std::move(clock);
// LiveMpdBuilderTest needs to set availabilityStartTime so that the test
// doesn't need to depend on current time.
friend class LiveMpdBuilderTest;
template <DashProfile profile>
friend class MpdBuilderTest;
bool ToStringImpl(std::string* output);
// This is a helper method for writing out MPDs, called from WriteMpdToFile()
// and ToString().
template <typename OutputType>
bool WriteMpdToOutput(OutputType* output);
// Returns the document pointer to the MPD. This must be freed by the caller
// using appropriate xmlDocPtr freeing function.
// On failure, this returns NULL.
xmlDocPtr GenerateMpd();
// Set MPD attributes common to all profiles. Uses non-zero |mpd_options_| to
// set attributes for the MPD.
void AddCommonMpdInfo(xml::XmlNode* mpd_node);
// Adds 'static' MPD attributes and elements to |mpd_node|. This assumes that
// the first child element is a Period element.
void AddStaticMpdInfo(xml::XmlNode* mpd_node);
// Same as AddStaticMpdInfo() but for 'dynamic' MPDs.
void AddDynamicMpdInfo(xml::XmlNode* mpd_node);
float GetStaticMpdDuration(xml::XmlNode* mpd_node);
// Set MPD attributes for dynamic profile MPD. Uses non-zero |mpd_options_| as
// well as various calculations to set attributes for the MPD.
void SetDynamicMpdAttributes(xml::XmlNode* mpd_node);
// Gets the earliest, normalized segment timestamp. Returns true if
// successful, false otherwise.
bool GetEarliestTimestamp(double* timestamp_seconds);
MpdOptions mpd_options_;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<AdaptationSet>> adaptation_sets_;
std::list<std::string> base_urls_;
std::string availability_start_time_;
base::AtomicSequenceNumber adaptation_set_counter_;
base::AtomicSequenceNumber representation_counter_;
// By default, this returns the current time. This can be injected for
// testing.
std::unique_ptr<base::Clock> clock_;
/// AdaptationSet class provides methods to add Representations and
/// <ContentProtection> elements to the AdaptationSet element.
class AdaptationSet {
// The role for this AdaptationSet. These values are used to add a Role
// element to the AdaptationSet with schemeIdUri=urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011.
// See ISO/IEC 23009-1:2012 section
enum Role {
virtual ~AdaptationSet();
/// Create a Representation instance using @a media_info.
/// @param media_info is a MediaInfo object used to initialize the returned
/// Representation instance. It may contain only one of VideoInfo,
/// AudioInfo, or TextInfo, i.e. VideoInfo XOR AudioInfo XOR TextInfo.
/// @return On success, returns a pointer to Representation. Otherwise returns
/// NULL. The returned pointer is owned by the AdaptationSet instance.
virtual Representation* AddRepresentation(const MediaInfo& media_info);
/// Add a ContenProtection element to the adaptation set.
/// AdaptationSet does not add <ContentProtection> elements
/// automatically to itself even if @a media_info.protected_content is
/// populated. This is because some MPDs should have the elements at
/// AdaptationSet level and some at Representation level.
/// @param element contains the ContentProtection element contents.
/// If @a element has {value, schemeIdUri} set and has
/// {“value”, “schemeIdUri”} as key for @a additional_attributes,
/// then the former is used.
virtual void AddContentProtectionElement(
const ContentProtectionElement& element);
/// Update the 'cenc:pssh' element for @a drm_uuid ContentProtection element.
/// If the element does not exist, this will add one.
/// @param drm_uuid is the UUID of the DRM for encryption.
/// @param pssh is the content of <cenc:pssh> element.
/// Note that DASH IF IOP mentions that this should be base64 encoded
/// string of the whole pssh box.
/// @attention This might get removed once DASH IF IOP specification makes a
/// a clear guideline on how to handle key rotation. Also to get
/// this working with shaka-player, this method *DOES NOT* update
/// the PSSH element. Instead, it removes the element regardless of
/// the content of @a pssh.
virtual void UpdateContentProtectionPssh(const std::string& drm_uuid,
const std::string& pssh);
/// Set the Role element for this AdaptationSet.
/// The Role element's is schemeIdUri='urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011'.
/// See ISO/IEC 23009-1:2012 section
/// @param role of this AdaptationSet.
virtual void AddRole(Role role);
/// Makes a copy of AdaptationSet xml element with its child Representation
/// and ContentProtection elements.
/// @return On success returns a non-NULL scoped_xml_ptr. Otherwise returns a
/// NULL scoped_xml_ptr.
xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode> GetXml();
/// Forces the (sub)segmentAlignment field to be set to @a segment_alignment.
/// Use this if you are certain that the (sub)segments are alinged/unaligned
/// for the AdaptationSet.
/// @param segment_alignment is the value used for (sub)segmentAlignment
/// attribute.
virtual void ForceSetSegmentAlignment(bool segment_alignment);
/// Adds the id of the adaptation set this adaptation set can switch to.
/// @param adaptation_set_id is the id of the switchable adaptation set.
void AddAdaptationSetSwitching(uint32_t adaptation_set_id);
/// @return the ids of the adaptation sets this adaptation set can switch to.
const std::vector<uint32_t>& adaptation_set_switching_ids() const {
return adaptation_set_switching_ids_;
// Must be unique in the Period.
uint32_t id() const { return id_; }
/// Notifies the AdaptationSet instance that a new (sub)segment was added to
/// the Representation with @a representation_id.
/// This must be called every time a (sub)segment is added to a
/// Representation in this AdaptationSet.
/// If a Representation is constructed using AddRepresentation() this
/// is called automatically whenever Representation::AddNewSegment() is
/// is called.
/// @param representation_id is the id of the Representation with a new
/// segment.
/// @param start_time is the start time of the new segment.
/// @param duration is the duration of the new segment.
void OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(uint32_t representation_id,
uint64_t start_time,
uint64_t duration);
/// Notifies the AdaptationSet instance that the sample duration for the
/// Representation was set.
/// The frame duration for a video Representation might not be specified when
/// a Representation is created (by calling AddRepresentation()).
/// This should be used to notify this instance that the frame rate for a
/// Represenatation has been set.
/// This method is called automatically when
/// Represenatation::SetSampleDuration() is called if the Represenatation
/// instance was created using AddRepresentation().
/// @param representation_id is the id of the Representation.
/// @frame_duration is the duration of a frame in the Representation.
/// @param timescale is the timescale of the Representation.
void OnSetFrameRateForRepresentation(uint32_t representation_id,
uint32_t frame_duration,
uint32_t timescale);
/// @param adaptation_set_id is an ID number for this AdaptationSet.
/// @param lang is the language of this AdaptationSet. Mainly relevant for
/// audio.
/// @param mpd_options is the options for this MPD.
/// @param mpd_type is the type of this MPD.
/// @param representation_counter is a Counter for assigning ID numbers to
/// Representation. It can not be NULL.
AdaptationSet(uint32_t adaptation_set_id,
const std::string& lang,
const MpdOptions& mpd_options,
base::AtomicSequenceNumber* representation_counter);
friend class MpdBuilder;
template <DashProfile profile>
friend class MpdBuilderTest;
// kSegmentAlignmentUnknown means that it is uncertain if the
// (sub)segments are aligned or not.
// kSegmentAlignmentTrue means that it is certain that the all the (current)
// segments added to the adaptation set are aligned.
// kSegmentAlignmentFalse means that it is it is certain that some segments
// are not aligned. This is useful to disable the computation for
// segment alignment, once it is certain that some segments are not aligned.
enum SegmentAligmentStatus {
// This maps Representations (IDs) to a list of start times of the segments.
// e.g.
// If Representation 1 has start time 0, 100, 200 and Representation 2 has
// start times 0, 200, 400, then the map contains:
// 1 -> [0, 100, 200]
// 2 -> [0, 200, 400]
typedef std::map<uint32_t, std::list<uint64_t> > RepresentationTimeline;
// Gets the earliest, normalized segment timestamp. Returns true if
// successful, false otherwise.
bool GetEarliestTimestamp(double* timestamp_seconds);
/// Called from OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(). Checks whether the segments
/// are aligned. Sets segments_aligned_.
/// This is only for Live. For VOD, CheckVodSegmentAlignment() should be used.
/// @param representation_id is the id of the Representation with a new
/// segment.
/// @param start_time is the start time of the new segment.
/// @param duration is the duration of the new segment.
void CheckLiveSegmentAlignment(uint32_t representation_id,
uint64_t start_time,
uint64_t duration);
// Checks representation_segment_start_times_ and sets segments_aligned_.
// Use this for VOD, do not use for Live.
void CheckVodSegmentAlignment();
// Records the framerate of a Representation.
void RecordFrameRate(uint32_t frame_duration, uint32_t timescale);
std::list<ContentProtectionElement> content_protection_elements_;
std::list<std::unique_ptr<Representation>> representations_;
base::AtomicSequenceNumber* const representation_counter_;
const uint32_t id_;
const std::string lang_;
const MpdOptions& mpd_options_;
// The ids of the adaptation sets this adaptation set can switch to.
std::vector<uint32_t> adaptation_set_switching_ids_;
// Video widths and heights of Representations. Note that this is a set; if
// there is only 1 resolution, then @width & @height should be set, otherwise
// @maxWidth & @maxHeight should be set for DASH IOP.
std::set<uint32_t> video_widths_;
std::set<uint32_t> video_heights_;
// Video representations' frame rates.
// The frame rate notation for MPD is <integer>/<integer> (where the
// denominator is optional). This means the frame rate could be non-whole
// rational value, therefore the key is of type double.
// Value is <integer>/<integer> in string form.
// So, key == CalculatedValue(value)
std::map<double, std::string> video_frame_rates_;
// contentType attribute of AdaptationSet.
// Determined by examining the MediaInfo passed to AddRepresentation().
std::string content_type_;
// This does not have to be a set, it could be a list or vector because all we
// really care is whether there is more than one entry.
// Contains one entry if all the Representations have the same picture aspect
// ratio (@par attribute for AdaptationSet).
// There will be more than one entry if there are multiple picture aspect
// ratios.
// The @par attribute should only be set if there is exactly one entry
// in this set.
std::set<std::string> picture_aspect_ratio_;
// The roles of this AdaptationSet.
std::set<Role> roles_;
// True iff all the segments are aligned.
SegmentAligmentStatus segments_aligned_;
bool force_set_segment_alignment_;
// Keeps track of segment start times of Representations.
// For VOD, this will not be cleared, all the segment start times are
// stored in this. This should not out-of-memory for a reasonable length
// video and reasonable subsegment length.
// For Live, the entries are deleted (see CheckLiveSegmentAlignment()
// implementation comment) because storing the entire timeline is not
// reasonable and may cause an out-of-memory problem.
RepresentationTimeline representation_segment_start_times_;
class RepresentationStateChangeListener {
RepresentationStateChangeListener() {}
virtual ~RepresentationStateChangeListener() {}
/// Notifies the instance that a new (sub)segment was added to
/// the Representation.
/// @param start_time is the start time of the new segment.
/// @param duration is the duration of the new segment.
virtual void OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(uint64_t start_time,
uint64_t duration) = 0;
/// Notifies the instance that the frame rate was set for the
/// Representation.
/// @param frame_duration is the duration of a frame.
/// @param timescale is the timescale of the Representation.
virtual void OnSetFrameRateForRepresentation(uint32_t frame_duration,
uint32_t timescale) = 0;
/// Representation class contains references to a single media stream, as
/// well as optional ContentProtection elements for that stream.
class Representation {
enum SuppressFlag {
kSuppressWidth = 1,
kSuppressHeight = 2,
kSuppressFrameRate = 4,
virtual ~Representation();
/// Tries to initialize the instance. If this does not succeed, the instance
/// should not be used.
/// @return true on success, false otherwise.
bool Init();
/// Add a ContenProtection element to the representation.
/// Representation does not add <ContentProtection> elements
/// automatically to itself even if @a media_info passed to
/// AdaptationSet::AddRepresentation() has @a media_info.protected_content
/// populated. This is because some MPDs should have the elements at
/// AdaptationSet level and some at Representation level.
/// @param element contains the ContentProtection element contents.
/// If @a element has {value, schemeIdUri} set and has
/// {“value”, “schemeIdUri”} as key for @a additional_attributes,
/// then the former is used.
virtual void AddContentProtectionElement(
const ContentProtectionElement& element);
/// Update the 'cenc:pssh' element for @a drm_uuid ContentProtection element.
/// If the element does not exist, this will add one.
/// @param drm_uuid is the UUID of the DRM for encryption.
/// @param pssh is the content of <cenc:pssh> element.
/// Note that DASH IF IOP mentions that this should be base64 encoded
/// string of the whole pssh box.
/// @attention This might get removed once DASH IF IOP specification makes a
/// a clear guideline on how to handle key rotation. Also to get
/// this working with shaka-player, this method *DOES NOT* update
/// the PSSH element. Instead, it removes the element regardless of
/// the content of @a pssh.
virtual void UpdateContentProtectionPssh(const std::string& drm_uuid,
const std::string& pssh);
/// Add a media (sub)segment to the representation.
/// AdaptationSet@{subsegmentAlignment,segmentAlignment} cannot be set
/// if this is not called for all Representations.
/// @param start_time is the start time for the (sub)segment, in units of the
/// stream's time scale.
/// @param duration is the duration of the segment, in units of the stream's
/// time scale.
/// @param size of the segment in bytes.
virtual void AddNewSegment(uint64_t start_time,
uint64_t duration,
uint64_t size);
/// Set the sample duration of this Representation.
/// Sample duration is not available right away especially for live. This
/// allows setting the sample duration after the Representation has been
/// initialized.
/// @param sample_duration is the duration of a sample.
virtual void SetSampleDuration(uint32_t sample_duration);
/// @return Copy of <Representation>.
xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode> GetXml();
/// By calling this methods, the next time GetXml() is
/// called, the corresponding attributes will not be set.
/// For example, if SuppressOnce(kSuppressWidth) is called, then GetXml() will
/// return a <Representation> element without a @width attribute.
/// Note that it only applies to the next call to GetXml(), calling GetXml()
/// again without calling this methods will return a <Representation> element
/// with the attribute.
/// This may be called multiple times to set different (or the same) flags.
void SuppressOnce(SuppressFlag flag);
/// @return ID number for <Representation>.
uint32_t id() const { return id_; }
/// @param media_info is a MediaInfo containing information on the media.
/// @a media_info.bandwidth is required for 'static' profile. If @a
/// media_info.bandwidth is not present in 'dynamic' profile, this
/// tries to estimate it using the info passed to AddNewSegment().
/// @param mpd_options is options for the entire MPD.
/// @param representation_id is the numeric ID for the <Representation>.
/// @param state_change_listener is an event handler for state changes to
/// the representation. If null, no event handler registered.
const MediaInfo& media_info,
const MpdOptions& mpd_options,
uint32_t representation_id,
std::unique_ptr<RepresentationStateChangeListener> state_change_listener);
friend class AdaptationSet;
template <DashProfile profile>
friend class MpdBuilderTest;
bool AddLiveInfo(xml::RepresentationXmlNode* representation);
// Returns true if |media_info_| has required fields to generate a valid
// Representation. Otherwise returns false.
bool HasRequiredMediaInfoFields();
// Return false if the segment should be considered a new segment. True if the
// segment is contiguous.
bool IsContiguous(uint64_t start_time,
uint64_t duration,
uint64_t size) const;
// Remove elements from |segment_infos_| if
// mpd_options_.time_shift_buffer_depth is specified. Increments
// |start_number_| by the number of segments removed.
void SlideWindow();
// Note: Because 'mimeType' is a required field for a valid MPD, these return
// strings.
std::string GetVideoMimeType() const;
std::string GetAudioMimeType() const;
std::string GetTextMimeType() const;
// Gets the earliest, normalized segment timestamp. Returns true if
// successful, false otherwise.
bool GetEarliestTimestamp(double* timestamp_seconds);
// Init() checks that only one of VideoInfo, AudioInfo, or TextInfo is set. So
// any logic using this can assume only one set.
MediaInfo media_info_;
std::list<ContentProtectionElement> content_protection_elements_;
std::list<SegmentInfo> segment_infos_;
const uint32_t id_;
std::string mime_type_;
std::string codecs_;
BandwidthEstimator bandwidth_estimator_;
const MpdOptions& mpd_options_;
// startNumber attribute for SegmentTemplate.
// Starts from 1.
uint32_t start_number_;
// If this is not null, then Representation is responsible for calling the
// right methods at right timings.
std::unique_ptr<RepresentationStateChangeListener> state_change_listener_;
// Bit vector for tracking witch attributes should not be output.
int output_suppression_flags_;
} // namespace shaka