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// Copyright 2017 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "packager/mpd/base/representation.h"
#include <absl/flags/declare.h>
#include <absl/flags/flag.h>
#include <absl/strings/str_format.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "packager/file/file.h"
#include "packager/file/file_closer.h"
#include "packager/flag_saver.h"
#include "packager/mpd/base/mpd_options.h"
#include "packager/mpd/test/mpd_builder_test_helper.h"
#include "packager/mpd/test/xml_compare.h"
using ::testing::Bool;
using ::testing::Not;
using ::testing::Values;
using ::testing::WithParamInterface;
ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG(bool, use_legacy_vp9_codec_string);
namespace shaka {
namespace {
const uint32_t kAnyRepresentationId = 1;
class MockRepresentationStateChangeListener
: public RepresentationStateChangeListener {
MockRepresentationStateChangeListener() {}
~MockRepresentationStateChangeListener() {}
void(int64_t start_time, int64_t duration));
void(int32_t frame_duration, int32_t timescale));
} // namespace
class RepresentationTest : public ::testing::Test {
// TODO(rkuroiwa): Once std::forward() is allowed by chromium style guide, use
// variadic template and std::forward() so that we don't need to copy the
// constructor signatures.
std::unique_ptr<Representation> CreateRepresentation(
const MediaInfo& media_info,
uint32_t representation_id,
state_change_listener) {
return std::unique_ptr<Representation>(
new Representation(media_info, mpd_options_, representation_id,
std::unique_ptr<Representation> CopyRepresentation(
const Representation& representation,
state_change_listener) {
return std::unique_ptr<Representation>(
new Representation(representation, std::move(state_change_listener)));
std::unique_ptr<RepresentationStateChangeListener> NoListener() {
return std::unique_ptr<RepresentationStateChangeListener>();
MpdOptions mpd_options_;
// Verify that Representation::Init() works with all "required" fields of
// MedieInfo proto.
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, ValidMediaInfo) {
const char kTestMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1'\n"
" width: 720\n"
" height: 480\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 1\n";
auto representation = CreateRepresentation(
ConvertToMediaInfo(kTestMediaInfo), kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
// Verify that if VideoInfo, AudioInfo, or TextInfo is not set, Init() fails.
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, VideoAudioTextInfoNotSet) {
const char kTestMediaInfo[] = "container_type: 1";
auto representation = CreateRepresentation(
ConvertToMediaInfo(kTestMediaInfo), kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
// Verify that if more than one of VideoInfo, AudioInfo, or TextInfo is set,
// then Init() fails.
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, VideoAndAudioInfoSet) {
const char kTestMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1'\n"
" height: 480\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"audio_info {\n"
" codec: 'mp4a.40.2'\n"
" sampling_frequency: 44100\n"
" time_scale: 1200\n"
" num_channels: 2\n"
"container_type: CONTAINER_MP4\n";
auto representation = CreateRepresentation(
ConvertToMediaInfo(kTestMediaInfo), kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
// Verify that Representation::Init() fails if a required field is missing.
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, InvalidMediaInfo) {
// Missing width.
const char kTestMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1'\n"
" height: 480\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 1\n";
auto representation = CreateRepresentation(
ConvertToMediaInfo(kTestMediaInfo), kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
// Basic check that the fields in video info are in the XML.
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, CheckVideoInfoReflectedInXml) {
const char kTestMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1'\n"
" width: 1280\n"
" height: 720\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 1\n";
auto representation = CreateRepresentation(
ConvertToMediaInfo(kTestMediaInfo), kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
const char kExpectedOutput[] =
"<Representation id=\"1\" bandwidth=\"0\" "
" codecs=\"avc1\" mimeType=\"video/mp4\" "
" sar=\"1:1\" width=\"1280\" height=\"720\" "
" frameRate=\"10/10\"/>";
EXPECT_THAT(representation->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(kExpectedOutput));
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, CheckVideoInfoVp8CodecInMp4) {
const char kTestMediaInfoCodecVp8[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'vp08.'\n"
" width: 1280\n"
" height: 720\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 1\n";
auto representation =
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
AttributeEqual("codecs", "vp08."));
// Check that vp8 codec string will be updated for backward compatibility
// support in webm.
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, CheckVideoInfoVp8CodecInWebm) {
const char kTestMediaInfoCodecVp8[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'vp08.'\n"
" width: 1280\n"
" height: 720\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 3\n";
auto representation =
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
EXPECT_THAT(representation->GetXml(), AttributeEqual("codecs", "vp8"));
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, CheckVideoInfoVp9CodecInWebm) {
const char kTestMediaInfoCodecVp9[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'vp09.'\n"
" width: 1280\n"
" height: 720\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 3\n";
auto representation =
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
AttributeEqual("codecs", "vp09."));
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, CheckVideoInfoLegacyVp9CodecInWebm) {
FlagSaver<bool> saver(&FLAGS_use_legacy_vp9_codec_string);
absl::SetFlag(&FLAGS_use_legacy_vp9_codec_string, true);
const char kTestMediaInfoCodecVp9[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'vp09.'\n"
" width: 1280\n"
" height: 720\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 3\n";
auto representation =
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
EXPECT_THAT(representation->GetXml(), AttributeEqual("codecs", "vp9"));
// Make sure RepresentationStateChangeListener::OnNewSegmentForRepresentation()
// is called.
RepresentationStateChangeListenerOnNewSegmentForRepresentation) {
const char kTestMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1'\n"
" width: 720\n"
" height: 480\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 1\n";
const int64_t kStartTime = 199238;
const int64_t kDuration = 98;
std::unique_ptr<MockRepresentationStateChangeListener> listener(
new MockRepresentationStateChangeListener());
EXPECT_CALL(*listener, OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(kStartTime, kDuration));
auto representation =
kAnyRepresentationId, std::move(listener));
representation->AddNewSegment(kStartTime, kDuration, 10 /* any size */);
// Make sure
// RepresentationStateChangeListener::OnSetFrameRateForRepresentation()
// is called.
RepresentationStateChangeListenerOnSetFrameRateForRepresentation) {
const char kTestMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1'\n"
" width: 720\n"
" height: 480\n"
" time_scale: 1000\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 1\n";
const int32_t kTimeScale = 1000;
const int64_t kFrameDuration = 33;
std::unique_ptr<MockRepresentationStateChangeListener> listener(
new MockRepresentationStateChangeListener());
OnSetFrameRateForRepresentation(kFrameDuration, kTimeScale));
auto representation =
kAnyRepresentationId, std::move(listener));
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, TtmlXmlMimeType) {
const char kTtmlXmlMediaInfo[] =
"text_info {\n"
" codec: 'ttml'\n"
"container_type: CONTAINER_TEXT\n";
auto representation =
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
AttributeEqual("mimeType", "application/ttml+xml"));
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, TtmlMp4MimeType) {
const char kTtmlMp4MediaInfo[] =
"text_info {\n"
" codec: 'ttml'\n"
"container_type: CONTAINER_MP4\n";
auto representation =
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
AttributeEqual("mimeType", "application/mp4"));
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, WebVttMimeType) {
const char kWebVttMediaInfo[] =
"text_info {\n"
" codec: 'wvtt'\n"
"container_type: CONTAINER_TEXT\n";
auto representation = CreateRepresentation(
ConvertToMediaInfo(kWebVttMediaInfo), kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
EXPECT_THAT(representation->GetXml(), AttributeEqual("mimeType", "text/vtt"));
// Verify that Suppress*() methods work.
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, SuppressRepresentationAttributes) {
const char kTestMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1'\n"
" width: 720\n"
" height: 480\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 10\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"container_type: 1\n";
auto representation = CreateRepresentation(
ConvertToMediaInfo(kTestMediaInfo), kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
auto no_width = representation->GetXml();
EXPECT_THAT(no_width, Not(AttributeSet("width")));
EXPECT_THAT(no_width, AttributeEqual("height", "480"));
EXPECT_THAT(no_width, AttributeEqual("frameRate", "10/10"));
auto no_height = representation->GetXml();
EXPECT_THAT(no_height, Not(AttributeSet("height")));
EXPECT_THAT(no_height, AttributeEqual("width", "720"));
EXPECT_THAT(no_height, AttributeEqual("frameRate", "10/10"));
auto no_frame_rate = representation->GetXml();
EXPECT_THAT(no_frame_rate, Not(AttributeSet("frameRate")));
EXPECT_THAT(no_frame_rate, AttributeEqual("width", "720"));
EXPECT_THAT(no_frame_rate, AttributeEqual("height", "480"));
TEST_F(RepresentationTest, CheckRepresentationId) {
const MediaInfo video_media_info = GetTestMediaInfo(kFileNameVideoMediaInfo1);
const uint32_t kRepresentationId = 1;
auto representation =
CreateRepresentation(video_media_info, kRepresentationId, NoListener());
AttributeEqual("id", std::to_string(kRepresentationId)));
namespace {
// Any number for {AdaptationSet,Representation} ID. Required to create
// either objects. Not checked in test.
const char kSElementTemplate[] =
"<S t=\"%" PRIu64 "\" d=\"%" PRIu64 "\" r=\"%d\"/>\n";
const char kSElementTemplateWithoutR[] =
"<S t=\"%" PRIu64 "\" d=\"%" PRIu64 "\"/>\n";
const int kDefaultStartNumber = 1;
const int32_t kDefaultTimeScale = 1000;
const int64_t kScaledTargetSegmentDuration = 10;
const double kTargetSegmentDurationInSeconds =
static_cast<double>(kScaledTargetSegmentDuration) / kDefaultTimeScale;
const int32_t kSampleDuration = 2;
std::string GetDefaultMediaInfo() {
const char kMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1.010101'\n"
" width: 720\n"
" height: 480\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 5\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"reference_time_scale: %u\n"
"container_type: 1\n"
"init_segment_url: 'init.mp4'\n"
"segment_template_url: '$Time$.mp4'\n";
return absl::StrFormat(kMediaInfo, kDefaultTimeScale);
} // namespace
class SegmentTemplateTest : public RepresentationTest {
void SetUp() override {
mpd_options_.mpd_type = MpdType::kDynamic;
mpd_options_.mpd_params.low_latency_dash_mode = false;
representation_ =
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
void AddSegments(int64_t start_time,
int64_t duration,
uint64_t size,
int repeat) {
SegmentInfo s = {start_time, duration, repeat};
if (mpd_options_.mpd_params.low_latency_dash_mode) {
// Low latency segments do not repeat, so create 1 new segment and return.
// At this point, only the first chunk of the low latency segment has been
// written. The bandwidth will be updated once the segment is fully
// written and the segment duration and size are known.
representation_->AddNewSegment(start_time, duration, size);
if (repeat == 0) {
expected_s_elements_ +=
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR, start_time, duration);
} else {
expected_s_elements_ +=
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, start_time, duration, repeat);
for (int i = 0; i < repeat + 1; ++i) {
representation_->AddNewSegment(start_time, duration, size);
start_time += duration;
size, static_cast<double>(duration) / kDefaultTimeScale);
void UpdateSegment(int64_t duration, uint64_t size) {
segment_infos_for_expected_out_.back().duration = duration;
representation_->UpdateCompletedSegment(duration, size);
size, static_cast<double>(duration) / kDefaultTimeScale);
std::string ExpectedXml() {
const char kOutputTemplate[] =
"<Representation id=\"1\" bandwidth=\"%" PRIu64
"\" "
" codecs=\"avc1.010101\" mimeType=\"video/mp4\" sar=\"1:1\" "
" width=\"720\" height=\"480\" frameRate=\"10/5\">\n"
" <SegmentTemplate timescale=\"1000\" "
" initialization=\"init.mp4\" media=\"$Time$.mp4\" "
" startNumber=\"1\">\n"
" <SegmentTimeline>\n"
" %s\n"
" </SegmentTimeline>\n"
" </SegmentTemplate>\n"
return absl::StrFormat(kOutputTemplate, bandwidth_estimator_.Max(),
std::unique_ptr<Representation> representation_;
std::list<SegmentInfo> segment_infos_for_expected_out_;
std::string expected_s_elements_;
BandwidthEstimator bandwidth_estimator_;
// Estimate the bandwidth given the info from AddNewSegment().
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, OneSegmentNormal) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = 10;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, 0);
expected_s_elements_ = "<S t=\"0\" d=\"10\"/>";
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml()));
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, OneSegmentLowLatency) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kChunkDuration = 5;
const uint64_t kChunkSize = 128;
const int64_t kSegmentDuration = kChunkDuration * 1000;
const uint64_t kSegmentSize = kChunkSize * 1000;
mpd_options_.mpd_params.low_latency_dash_mode = true;
mpd_options_.mpd_params.target_segment_duration =
kSegmentDuration / representation_->GetMediaInfo().reference_time_scale();
// Set values used in LL-DASH MPD attributes
// Register segment after the first chunk is complete
AddSegments(kStartTime, kChunkDuration, kChunkSize, 0);
// Update SegmentInfo after the segment is complete
UpdateSegment(kSegmentDuration, kSegmentSize);
const char kOutputTemplate[] =
"<Representation id=\"1\" bandwidth=\"204800\" "
" codecs=\"avc1.010101\" mimeType=\"video/mp4\" sar=\"1:1\" "
" width=\"720\" height=\"480\" frameRate=\"10/5\">\n"
" <SegmentTemplate timescale=\"1000\" "
" duration=\"5000\" availabilityTimeOffset=\"4.995\" "
fix: Low Latency DASH: include the "availabilityTimeComplete=false" attribute (#1198) # Low Latency DASH - `availabilityTimeComplete=false` Low Latency DASH manifests generated by Packager were missing the attribute `availabilityTimeComplete`. As per the [DASH specs]( **_the AdaptationSet@availabilityTimeCompleteshould be present and be set to 'FALSE'_** ## The Issue The missing attribute caused ULL streams from Shaka Packager to no longer be compatible with DASH.js. Previous versions of DASH.js allowed users to specify ULL mode when initializing the player. However, the most recent releases of DASH.js automatically detect ULL by scanning the manifest for ULL specific attributes. Although there are many attributes only associated with ULL, [DASH.js only greps for `availabilityTimeComplete` in its detection logic]( Because of the missing attribute in Packager and the limited ULL verification criteria by DASH.js, Packager streams were not being treated as low latency streams by DASH.js. ## Testing ### Unit Testing `./mpd_unittest --gtest_filter="SegmentTemplateTest.OneSegmentLowLatency"` ` ./mpd_unittest --gtest_filter="LowLatencySegmentTest.LowLatencySegmentTemplate"` ### Manual Testing - Created a low latency stream with Shaka Packager - Observed the expected `availabilityTimeComplete=false` attribute in the generated DASH manifest.
2023-07-05 21:33:51 +00:00
" availabilityTimeComplete=\"false\" initialization=\"init.mp4\" "
" media=\"$Time$.mp4\" startNumber=\"1\"/>\n"
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(kOutputTemplate));
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, RepresentationClone) {
MediaInfo media_info = ConvertToMediaInfo(GetDefaultMediaInfo());
representation_ =
CreateRepresentation(media_info, kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = 10;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, 0);
auto cloned_representation =
CopyRepresentation(*representation_, NoListener());
const char kExpectedXml[] =
"<Representation id=\"1\" bandwidth=\"0\" "
" codecs=\"avc1.010101\" mimeType=\"video/mp4\" sar=\"1:1\" "
" width=\"720\" height=\"480\" frameRate=\"10/5\">\n"
" <SegmentTemplate timescale=\"1000\" initialization=\"init.mp4\" "
" media=\"$Number$.mp4\" startNumber=\"2\">\n"
" </SegmentTemplate>\n"
EXPECT_THAT(cloned_representation->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(kExpectedXml));
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, PresentationTimeOffset) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = 10;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, 0);
const double kPresentationTimeOffsetSeconds = 2.3;
const char kExpectedXml[] =
"<Representation id=\"1\" bandwidth=\"102400\" "
" codecs=\"avc1.010101\" mimeType=\"video/mp4\" sar=\"1:1\" "
" width=\"720\" height=\"480\" frameRate=\"10/5\">\n"
" <SegmentTemplate timescale=\"1000\" presentationTimeOffset=\"2300\""
" initialization=\"init.mp4\" media=\"$Time$.mp4\" startNumber=\"1\">\n"
" <SegmentTimeline>\n"
" <S t=\"0\" d=\"10\"/>\n"
" </SegmentTimeline>\n"
" </SegmentTemplate>\n"
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(kExpectedXml));
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, GetStartAndEndTimestamps) {
double start_timestamp;
double end_timestamp;
// No segments.
const int64_t kStartTime = 88;
const int64_t kDuration = 10;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + kDuration, kDuration, kSize, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<double>(kStartTime) / kDefaultTimeScale,
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<double>(kStartTime + kDuration * 4) / kDefaultTimeScale,
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, NormalRepeatedSegmentDuration) {
const uint64_t kSize = 256;
int64_t start_time = 0;
int64_t duration = 40000;
int repeat = 2;
AddSegments(start_time, duration, kSize, repeat);
start_time += duration * (repeat + 1);
duration = 54321;
repeat = 0;
AddSegments(start_time, duration, kSize, repeat);
start_time += duration * (repeat + 1);
duration = 12345;
repeat = 0;
AddSegments(start_time, duration, kSize, repeat);
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml()));
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, RepeatedSegmentsFromNonZeroStartTime) {
const uint64_t kSize = 100000;
int64_t start_time = 0;
int64_t duration = 100000;
int repeat = 2;
AddSegments(start_time, duration, kSize, repeat);
start_time += duration * (repeat + 1);
duration = 20000;
repeat = 3;
AddSegments(start_time, duration, kSize, repeat);
start_time += duration * (repeat + 1);
duration = 32123;
repeat = 3;
AddSegments(start_time, duration, kSize, repeat);
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml()));
// Segments not starting from 0.
// Start time is 10. Make sure r gets set correctly.
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, NonZeroStartTime) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 10;
const int64_t kDuration = 22000;
const int kSize = 123456;
const int kRepeat = 1;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml()));
// There is a gap in the segments, but still valid.
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, NonContiguousLiveInfo) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 10;
const int64_t kDuration = 22000;
const int kSize = 123456;
const int kRepeat = 0;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
const int64_t kStartTimeOffset = 100;
AddSegments(kDuration + kStartTimeOffset, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml()));
// Add segments out of order. Segments that start before the previous segment
// cannot be added.
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, OutOfOrder) {
const int64_t kEarlierStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kLaterStartTime = 1000;
const int64_t kDuration = 1000;
const int kSize = 123456;
const int kRepeat = 0;
AddSegments(kLaterStartTime, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
AddSegments(kEarlierStartTime, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml()));
// No segments should be overlapping.
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, OverlappingSegments) {
const int64_t kEarlierStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = 1000;
const int kSize = 123456;
const int kRepeat = 0;
const int64_t kOverlappingSegmentStartTime = kDuration / 2;
CHECK_GT(kDuration, kOverlappingSegmentStartTime);
AddSegments(kEarlierStartTime, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
AddSegments(kOverlappingSegmentStartTime, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml()));
// Some segments can be overlapped due to rounding errors. As long as it falls
// in the range of rounding error defined inside MpdBuilder, the segment gets
// accepted.
TEST_F(SegmentTemplateTest, OverlappingSegmentsWithinErrorRange) {
const int64_t kEarlierStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = 1000;
const int kSize = 123456;
const int kRepeat = 0;
const int64_t kOverlappingSegmentStartTime = kDuration - 1;
CHECK_GT(kDuration, kOverlappingSegmentStartTime);
AddSegments(kEarlierStartTime, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
AddSegments(kOverlappingSegmentStartTime, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml()));
class SegmentTimelineTestBase : public SegmentTemplateTest {
void SetUp() override {
// The only diff with current GetDefaultMediaInfo() is that this uses
// $Number$ for segment template.
const char kMediaInfo[] =
"video_info {\n"
" codec: 'avc1.010101'\n"
" width: 720\n"
" height: 480\n"
" time_scale: 10\n"
" frame_duration: 2\n"
" pixel_width: 1\n"
" pixel_height: 1\n"
"reference_time_scale: %u\n"
"container_type: 1\n"
"init_segment_url: 'init.mp4'\n"
"segment_template_url: '$Number$.mp4'\n";
const std::string& number_template_media_info =
absl::StrFormat(kMediaInfo, kDefaultTimeScale);
mpd_options_.mpd_type = MpdType::kDynamic;
mpd_options_.mpd_params.target_segment_duration =
representation_ =
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
std::string ExpectedXml(const std::string& expected_s_element,
int expected_start_number) {
const char kOutputTemplate[] =
"<Representation id=\"1\" bandwidth=\"%" PRIu64
"\" "
" codecs=\"avc1.010101\" mimeType=\"video/mp4\" sar=\"1:1\" "
" width=\"720\" height=\"480\" frameRate=\"10/2\">\n"
" <SegmentTemplate timescale=\"1000\" "
" initialization=\"init.mp4\" media=\"$Number$.mp4\" "
" startNumber=\"%d\">\n"
" <SegmentTimeline>\n"
" %s\n"
" </SegmentTimeline>\n"
" </SegmentTemplate>\n"
return absl::StrFormat(kOutputTemplate, bandwidth_estimator_.Max(),
expected_start_number, expected_s_element.c_str());
class ApproximateSegmentTimelineTest : public SegmentTimelineTestBase,
public WithParamInterface<bool> {
void SetUp() override {
allow_approximate_segment_timeline_ = GetParam();
mpd_options_.mpd_params.allow_approximate_segment_timeline =
std::string ExpectedXml(const std::string& expected_s_element) {
return SegmentTimelineTestBase::ExpectedXml(expected_s_element,
bool allow_approximate_segment_timeline_;
TEST_P(ApproximateSegmentTimelineTest, SegmentDurationAdjusted) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDurationSmaller =
kScaledTargetSegmentDuration - kSampleDuration / 2;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDurationSmaller, kSize, 0);
std::string expected_s_elements;
if (allow_approximate_segment_timeline_) {
expected_s_elements = absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR, kStartTime,
} else {
expected_s_elements = absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR, kStartTime,
SegmentDurationAdjustedWithNonZeroStartTime) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 12345;
const int64_t kDurationSmaller =
kScaledTargetSegmentDuration - kSampleDuration / 2;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDurationSmaller, kSize, 0);
std::string expected_s_elements;
if (allow_approximate_segment_timeline_) {
expected_s_elements = absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR, kStartTime,
} else {
expected_s_elements = absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR, kStartTime,
TEST_P(ApproximateSegmentTimelineTest, SegmentsWithSimilarDurations) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDurationSmaller =
kScaledTargetSegmentDuration - kSampleDuration / 2;
const int64_t kDurationLarger =
kScaledTargetSegmentDuration + kSampleDuration / 2;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDurationSmaller, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + kDurationSmaller, kDurationLarger, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + kDurationSmaller + kDurationLarger, kDurationSmaller,
kSize, 0);
std::string expected_s_elements;
if (allow_approximate_segment_timeline_) {
int kNumSegments = 3;
expected_s_elements =
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, kStartTime,
kScaledTargetSegmentDuration, kNumSegments - 1);
} else {
expected_s_elements =
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR, kStartTime,
kDurationSmaller) +
kStartTime + kDurationSmaller, kDurationLarger) +
kStartTime + kDurationSmaller + kDurationLarger,
// We assume the actual segment duration fluctuates around target segment
// duration; if it is not the case (which should not happen with our demuxer),
// this is how the output would look like.
TEST_P(ApproximateSegmentTimelineTest, SegmentsWithSimilarDurations2) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDurationLarger =
kScaledTargetSegmentDuration + kSampleDuration / 2;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDurationLarger, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + kDurationLarger, kDurationLarger, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + 2 * kDurationLarger, kDurationLarger, kSize, 0);
std::string expected_s_elements;
if (allow_approximate_segment_timeline_) {
expected_s_elements =
"<S t=\"0\" d=\"10\" r=\"1\"/>"
"<S t=\"20\" d=\"13\"/>";
} else {
int kNumSegments = 3;
expected_s_elements = absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, kStartTime,
kDurationLarger, kNumSegments - 1);
TEST_P(ApproximateSegmentTimelineTest, FillSmallGap) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = kScaledTargetSegmentDuration;
const int64_t kGap = kSampleDuration / 2;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + kDuration + kGap, kDuration, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + 2 * kDuration + kGap, kDuration, kSize, 0);
std::string expected_s_elements;
if (allow_approximate_segment_timeline_) {
int kNumSegments = 3;
expected_s_elements = absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, kStartTime,
kDuration, kNumSegments - 1);
} else {
expected_s_elements =
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR, kStartTime, kDuration) +
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, kStartTime + kDuration + kGap,
kDuration, 1 /* repeat */);
TEST_P(ApproximateSegmentTimelineTest, FillSmallOverlap) {
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = kScaledTargetSegmentDuration;
const int64_t kOverlap = kSampleDuration / 2;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + kDuration - kOverlap, kDuration, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + 2 * kDuration - kOverlap, kDuration, kSize, 0);
std::string expected_s_elements;
if (allow_approximate_segment_timeline_) {
int kNumSegments = 3;
expected_s_elements = absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, kStartTime,
kDuration, kNumSegments - 1);
} else {
expected_s_elements =
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR, kStartTime, kDuration) +
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, kStartTime + kDuration - kOverlap,
kDuration, 1 /* repeat */);
// Check the segments are grouped correctly when sample duration is not
// available, which happens for text streams.
// See for the
// background.
TEST_P(ApproximateSegmentTimelineTest, NoSampleDuration) {
const char kMediaInfo[] =
"text_info {\n"
" codec: 'wvtt'\n"
"reference_time_scale: 1000\n"
"container_type: 1\n"
"init_segment_url: 'init.mp4'\n"
"segment_template_url: '$Number$.mp4'\n";
representation_ = CreateRepresentation(ConvertToMediaInfo(kMediaInfo),
kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
const int64_t kStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = kScaledTargetSegmentDuration;
const uint64_t kSize = 128;
AddSegments(kStartTime, kDuration, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + kDuration, kDuration, kSize, 0);
AddSegments(kStartTime + 2 * kDuration, kDuration, kSize, 0);
const char kExpectedXml[] =
"<Representation id=\"1\" bandwidth=\"102400\" codecs=\"wvtt\""
" mimeType=\"application/mp4\">\n"
" <SegmentTemplate timescale=\"1000\" initialization=\"init.mp4\" "
" media=\"$Number$.mp4\" startNumber=\"1\">\n"
" <SegmentTimeline>\n"
" <S t=\"0\" d=\"10\" r=\"2\"/>\n"
" </SegmentTimeline>\n"
" </SegmentTemplate>\n"
EXPECT_THAT(representation_->GetXml(), XmlNodeEqual(kExpectedXml));
class TimeShiftBufferDepthTest : public SegmentTimelineTestBase,
public WithParamInterface<int64_t> {
void SetUp() override {
initial_start_time_ = GetParam();
MpdOptions* mutable_mpd_options() { return &mpd_options_; }
int64_t initial_start_time_;
// All segments have the same duration and size.
TEST_P(TimeShiftBufferDepthTest, Normal) {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 10; // 10 sec.
mutable_mpd_options()->mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth =
// Trick to make every segment 1 second long.
const int64_t kDuration = kDefaultTimeScale;
const uint64_t kSize = 10000;
const int kRepeat = 1234;
const int kLength = kRepeat;
CHECK_EQ(kDuration / kDefaultTimeScale * kRepeat, kLength);
AddSegments(initial_start_time_, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
// There should only be the last 11 segments because timeshift is 10 sec and
// each segment is 1 sec and the latest segments start time is "current
// time" i.e., the latest segment does not count as part of timeshift buffer
// depth.
// Also note that S@r + 1 is the actual number of segments.
const int kExpectedRepeatsLeft = kTimeShiftBufferDepth;
const int kExpectedStartNumber = kRepeat - kExpectedRepeatsLeft + 1;
const std::string expected_s_element = absl::StrFormat(
initial_start_time_ + kDuration * (kRepeat - kExpectedRepeatsLeft),
kDuration, kExpectedRepeatsLeft);
XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml(expected_s_element, kExpectedStartNumber)));
// TimeShiftBufferDepth is shorter than a segment. This should not discard the
// segment that can play TimeShiftBufferDepth.
// For example if TimeShiftBufferDepth = 1 min. and a 10 min segment was just
// added. Before that 9 min segment was added. The 9 min segment should not be
// removed from the MPD.
TEST_P(TimeShiftBufferDepthTest, TimeShiftBufferDepthShorterThanSegmentLength) {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 10; // 10 sec.
mutable_mpd_options()->mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth =
// Each duration is a second longer than timeShiftBufferDepth.
const int64_t kDuration = kDefaultTimeScale * (kTimeShiftBufferDepth + 1);
const int kSize = 10000;
const int kRepeat = 1;
AddSegments(initial_start_time_, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
const std::string expected_s_element = absl::StrFormat(
kSElementTemplate, initial_start_time_, kDuration, kRepeat);
XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml(expected_s_element, kDefaultStartNumber)));
// More generic version the normal test.
TEST_P(TimeShiftBufferDepthTest, Generic) {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 30;
mutable_mpd_options()->mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth =
const int64_t kDuration = kDefaultTimeScale;
const int kSize = 10000;
const int kRepeat = 1000;
AddSegments(initial_start_time_, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
const int64_t first_s_element_end_time =
initial_start_time_ + kDuration * (kRepeat + 1);
// Now add 2 kTimeShiftBufferDepth long segments.
const int kNumMoreSegments = 2;
const int kMoreSegmentsRepeat = kNumMoreSegments - 1;
const int64_t kTimeShiftBufferDepthDuration =
kDefaultTimeScale * kTimeShiftBufferDepth;
AddSegments(first_s_element_end_time, kTimeShiftBufferDepthDuration, kSize,
// Expect only the latest S element with 2 segments.
const std::string expected_s_element =
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, first_s_element_end_time,
kTimeShiftBufferDepthDuration, kMoreSegmentsRepeat);
const int kExpectedRemovedSegments = kRepeat + 1;
expected_s_element, kDefaultStartNumber + kExpectedRemovedSegments)));
// More than 1 S element in the result.
// Adds 100 one-second segments. Then add 21 two-second segments.
// This should have all of the two-second segments and 60 one-second
// segments. Note that it expects 60 segments from the first S element because
// the most recent segment added does not count
TEST_P(TimeShiftBufferDepthTest, MoreThanOneS) {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 100;
mutable_mpd_options()->mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth =
const int kSize = 20000;
const int64_t kOneSecondDuration = kDefaultTimeScale;
const int kOneSecondSegmentRepeat = 99;
AddSegments(initial_start_time_, kOneSecondDuration, kSize,
const int64_t first_s_element_end_time =
initial_start_time_ + kOneSecondDuration * (kOneSecondSegmentRepeat + 1);
const int64_t kTwoSecondDuration = 2 * kDefaultTimeScale;
const int kTwoSecondSegmentRepeat = 20;
AddSegments(first_s_element_end_time, kTwoSecondDuration, kSize,
const int kExpectedRemovedSegments =
(kOneSecondSegmentRepeat + 1 + kTwoSecondSegmentRepeat * 2) -
std::string expected_s_element = absl::StrFormat(
initial_start_time_ + kOneSecondDuration * kExpectedRemovedSegments,
kOneSecondDuration, kOneSecondSegmentRepeat - kExpectedRemovedSegments);
expected_s_element +=
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, first_s_element_end_time,
kTwoSecondDuration, kTwoSecondSegmentRepeat);
expected_s_element, kDefaultStartNumber + kExpectedRemovedSegments)));
// Edge case where the last segment in S element should still be in the MPD.
// Example:
// Assuming timescale = 1 so that duration of 1 means 1 second.
// TimeShiftBufferDepth is 9 sec and we currently have
// <S t=0 d=1.5 r=1 />
// <S t=3 d=2 r=3 />
// and we add another contiguous 2 second segment.
// Then the first S element's last segment should still be in the MPD.
TEST_P(TimeShiftBufferDepthTest, UseLastSegmentInS) {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 9;
mutable_mpd_options()->mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth =
const int64_t kDuration1 = static_cast<int64_t>(kDefaultTimeScale * 1.5);
const int kSize = 20000;
const int kRepeat1 = 1;
AddSegments(initial_start_time_, kDuration1, kSize, kRepeat1);
const int64_t first_s_element_end_time =
initial_start_time_ + kDuration1 * (kRepeat1 + 1);
const int64_t kTwoSecondDuration = 2 * kDefaultTimeScale;
const int kTwoSecondSegmentRepeat = 4;
AddSegments(first_s_element_end_time, kTwoSecondDuration, kSize,
std::string expected_s_element = absl::StrFormat(
initial_start_time_ + kDuration1, // Expect one segment removed.
expected_s_element +=
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, first_s_element_end_time,
kTwoSecondDuration, kTwoSecondSegmentRepeat);
XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml(expected_s_element, 2)));
// Gap between S elements but both should be included.
TEST_P(TimeShiftBufferDepthTest, NormalGap) {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 10;
mutable_mpd_options()->mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth =
const int64_t kDuration = kDefaultTimeScale;
const int kSize = 20000;
const int kRepeat = 6;
// CHECK here so that the when next S element is added with 1 segment, this S
// element doesn't go away.
CHECK_LT(kRepeat - 1u, static_cast<uint64_t>(kTimeShiftBufferDepth));
CHECK_EQ(kDuration, kDefaultTimeScale);
AddSegments(initial_start_time_, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
const int64_t first_s_element_end_time =
initial_start_time_ + kDuration * (kRepeat + 1);
const int64_t gap_s_element_start_time = first_s_element_end_time + 1;
AddSegments(gap_s_element_start_time, kDuration, kSize, /* no repeat */ 0);
std::string expected_s_element = absl::StrFormat(
kSElementTemplate, initial_start_time_, kDuration, kRepeat);
expected_s_element += absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplateWithoutR,
gap_s_element_start_time, kDuration);
XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml(expected_s_element, kDefaultStartNumber)));
// Timeshift is based on segment duration not on segment time.
TEST_P(TimeShiftBufferDepthTest, HugeGap) {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 10;
mutable_mpd_options()->mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth =
const int64_t kDuration = kDefaultTimeScale;
const int kSize = 20000;
const int kRepeat = 6;
AddSegments(initial_start_time_, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
const int64_t first_s_element_end_time =
initial_start_time_ + kDuration * (kRepeat + 1);
// Big enough gap so first S element should not be there.
const int64_t gap_s_element_start_time =
first_s_element_end_time +
(kTimeShiftBufferDepth + 1) * kDefaultTimeScale;
const int kSecondSElementRepeat = 9;
kSecondSElementRepeat < static_cast<int64_t>(kTimeShiftBufferDepth),
AddSegments(gap_s_element_start_time, kDuration, kSize,
std::string expected_s_element =
initial_start_time_ + kRepeat * kDuration, kDuration) +
absl::StrFormat(kSElementTemplate, gap_s_element_start_time, kDuration,
const int kExpectedRemovedSegments = kRepeat;
expected_s_element, kDefaultStartNumber + kExpectedRemovedSegments)));
// Check if startNumber is working correctly.
TEST_P(TimeShiftBufferDepthTest, ManySegments) {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 1;
mutable_mpd_options()->mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth =
const int64_t kDuration = kDefaultTimeScale;
const int kSize = 20000;
const int kRepeat = 10000;
const int kTotalNumSegments = kRepeat + 1;
AddSegments(initial_start_time_, kDuration, kSize, kRepeat);
const int kExpectedSegmentsLeft = kTimeShiftBufferDepth + 1;
const int kExpectedSegmentsRepeat = kExpectedSegmentsLeft - 1;
const int kExpectedRemovedSegments =
kTotalNumSegments - kExpectedSegmentsLeft;
const int kExpectedStartNumber =
kDefaultStartNumber + kExpectedRemovedSegments;
std::string expected_s_element = absl::StrFormat(
initial_start_time_ + kExpectedRemovedSegments * kDuration, kDuration,
XmlNodeEqual(ExpectedXml(expected_s_element, kExpectedStartNumber)));
Values(0, 1000));
namespace {
const int kTimeShiftBufferDepth = 2;
const int kNumPreservedSegmentsOutsideLiveWindow = 3;
const int kMaxNumSegmentsAvailable =
kTimeShiftBufferDepth + 1 + kNumPreservedSegmentsOutsideLiveWindow;
const char kSegmentTemplate[] = "memory://$Number$.mp4";
const char kSegmentTemplateUrl[] = "video/$Number$.mp4";
const char kStringPrintTemplate[] = "memory://%d.mp4";
const int64_t kInitialStartTime = 0;
const int64_t kDuration = kDefaultTimeScale;
const uint64_t kSize = 10;
const uint64_t kNoRepeat = 0;
} // namespace
class RepresentationDeleteSegmentsTest : public SegmentTimelineTestBase {
void SetUp() override {
// Create 100 files with the template.
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; ++i) {
File::WriteStringToFile(absl::StrFormat(kStringPrintTemplate, i).c_str(),
"dummy content");
MediaInfo media_info = ConvertToMediaInfo(GetDefaultMediaInfo());
representation_ =
CreateRepresentation(media_info, kAnyRepresentationId, NoListener());
mpd_options_.mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth = kTimeShiftBufferDepth;
mpd_options_.mpd_params.preserved_segments_outside_live_window =
bool SegmentDeleted(const std::string& segment_name) {
std::unique_ptr<File, FileCloser> file_closer(
File::Open(segment_name.c_str(), "r"));
return file_closer.get() == nullptr;
// Verify that no segments are deleted initially until there are more than
// |kMaxNumSegmentsAvailable| segments.
TEST_F(RepresentationDeleteSegmentsTest, NoSegmentsDeletedInitially) {
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxNumSegmentsAvailable; ++i) {
AddSegments(kInitialStartTime + i * kDuration, kDuration, kSize, kNoRepeat);
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxNumSegmentsAvailable; ++i) {
EXPECT_FALSE(SegmentDeleted(absl::StrFormat(kStringPrintTemplate, i + 1)));
TEST_F(RepresentationDeleteSegmentsTest, OneSegmentDeleted) {
for (int i = 0; i <= kMaxNumSegmentsAvailable; ++i) {
AddSegments(kInitialStartTime + i * kDuration, kDuration, kSize, kNoRepeat);
EXPECT_FALSE(SegmentDeleted(absl::StrFormat(kStringPrintTemplate, 2)));
EXPECT_TRUE(SegmentDeleted(absl::StrFormat(kStringPrintTemplate, 1)));
// Verify that segments are deleted as expected with many non-repeating
// segments.
TEST_F(RepresentationDeleteSegmentsTest, ManyNonRepeatingSegments) {
int many_segments = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < many_segments; ++i) {
AddSegments(kInitialStartTime + i * kDuration, kDuration, kSize, kNoRepeat);
const int last_available_segment_index =
many_segments - kMaxNumSegmentsAvailable + 1;
absl::StrFormat(kStringPrintTemplate, last_available_segment_index)));
absl::StrFormat(kStringPrintTemplate, last_available_segment_index - 1)));
// Verify that segments are deleted as expected with many repeating segments.
TEST_F(RepresentationDeleteSegmentsTest, ManyRepeatingSegments) {
const int kLoops = 4;
const int kRepeat = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < kLoops; ++i) {
AddSegments(kInitialStartTime + i * kDuration * (kRepeat + 1), kDuration,
kSize, kRepeat);
const int kNumSegments = kLoops * (kRepeat + 1);
const int last_available_segment_index =
kNumSegments - kMaxNumSegmentsAvailable + 1;
absl::StrFormat(kStringPrintTemplate, last_available_segment_index)));
absl::StrFormat(kStringPrintTemplate, last_available_segment_index - 1)));
} // namespace shaka