208 lines
7.8 KiB
208 lines
7.8 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/gn/ninja_script_target_writer.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "tools/gn/err.h"
#include "tools/gn/file_template.h"
#include "tools/gn/string_utils.h"
#include "tools/gn/target.h"
NinjaScriptTargetWriter::NinjaScriptTargetWriter(const Target* target,
std::ostream& out)
: NinjaTargetWriter(target, out) {
NinjaScriptTargetWriter::~NinjaScriptTargetWriter() {
void NinjaScriptTargetWriter::Run() {
// Run the script from the dir of the BUILD file. This has no trailing
// slash.
const SourceDir& script_cd = target_->label().dir();
std::string script_cd_to_root = InvertDir(script_cd);
if (script_cd_to_root.empty()) {
script_cd_to_root = ".";
} else {
// Remove trailing slash
DCHECK(script_cd_to_root[script_cd_to_root.size() - 1] == '/');
script_cd_to_root.resize(script_cd_to_root.size() - 1);
std::string script_relative_to_cd =
script_cd_to_root + target_->script_values().script().value();
std::string custom_rule_name = WriteRuleDefinition(script_relative_to_cd);
// Precompute the common dependencies for each step. This includes the
// script itself (changing the script should force a rebuild) and any data
// files.
// TODO(brettw) this needs to be re-thought. "data" is supposed to be runtime
// data (i.e. for tests and such) rather than compile-time dependencies for
// each target. If we really need this, we need to have a different way to
// express it.
// One idea: add an "inputs" variable to specify this kind of thing. We
// should probably make it an error to specify data but no inputs for a
// script as a way to catch people doing the wrong way.
std::ostringstream common_deps_stream;
path_output_.WriteFile(common_deps_stream, target_->script_values().script());
const Target::FileList& datas = target_->data();
for (size_t i = 0; i < datas.size(); i++) {
common_deps_stream << " ";
path_output_.WriteFile(common_deps_stream, datas[i]);
const std::string& common_deps = common_deps_stream.str();
// Collects all output files for writing below.
std::vector<OutputFile> output_files;
if (!has_sources()) {
// Write separate rules for each input source file.
WriteSourceRules(custom_rule_name, common_deps, script_cd,
script_cd_to_root, &output_files);
} else {
// No sources, write a rule that invokes the script once with the
// outputs as outputs, and the data as inputs.
out_ << "build";
const Target::FileList& outputs = target_->script_values().outputs();
for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); i++) {
OutputFile output_path(
out_ << " ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, output_path);
out_ << ": " << custom_rule_name << " " << common_deps << std::endl;
out_ << std::endl;
std::string NinjaScriptTargetWriter::WriteRuleDefinition(
const std::string& script_relative_to_cd) {
// Make a unique name for this rule.
std::string target_label = target_->label().GetUserVisibleName(true);
std::string custom_rule_name(target_label);
ReplaceChars(custom_rule_name, ":/()", "_", &custom_rule_name);
// Use a unique name for the response file when there are multiple build
// steps so that they don't stomp on each other. When there are no sources,
// there will be only one invocation so we can use a simple name.
std::string rspfile = custom_rule_name;
if (has_sources())
rspfile += ".$unique_name";
rspfile += ".rsp";
out_ << "rule " << custom_rule_name << std::endl;
out_ << " command = $pythonpath gyp-win-tool action-wrapper $arch "
<< rspfile << " ";
path_output_.WriteDir(out_, target_->label().dir(),
out_ << std::endl;
out_ << " description = CUSTOM " << target_label << std::endl;
out_ << " restat = 1" << std::endl;
out_ << " rspfile = " << rspfile << std::endl;
// The build command goes in the rsp file.
out_ << " rspfile_content = $pythonpath " << script_relative_to_cd;
for (size_t i = 0; i < target_->script_values().args().size(); i++) {
const std::string& arg = target_->script_values().args()[i];
out_ << " ";
out_ << std::endl;
return custom_rule_name;
void NinjaScriptTargetWriter::WriteArg(const std::string& arg) {
// This can be optimized if it's called a lot.
EscapeOptions options;
options.mode = ESCAPE_NINJA;
std::string output_str = EscapeString(arg, options);
// Do this substitution after escaping our our $ will be escaped (which we
// don't want).
ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&output_str, 0, FileTemplate::kSource,
ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&output_str, 0, FileTemplate::kSourceNamePart,
out_ << output_str;
void NinjaScriptTargetWriter::WriteSourceRules(
const std::string& custom_rule_name,
const std::string& common_deps,
const SourceDir& script_cd,
const std::string& script_cd_to_root,
std::vector<OutputFile>* output_files) {
// Construct the template for generating the output files from each source.
const Target::FileList& outputs = target_->script_values().outputs();
std::vector<std::string> output_template_args;
for (size_t i = 0; i < outputs.size(); i++) {
// All outputs should be in the output dir.
FileTemplate output_template(output_template_args);
// Prevent re-allocating each time by initializing outside the loop.
std::vector<std::string> output_template_result;
// Path output formatter for wrigin source paths passed to the script.
PathOutput script_source_path_output(script_cd, ESCAPE_SHELL, true);
const Target::FileList& sources = target_->sources();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
// Write outputs for this source file computed by the template.
out_ << "build";
output_template.ApplyString(sources[i].value(), &output_template_result);
for (size_t out_i = 0; out_i < output_template_result.size(); out_i++) {
OutputFile output_path(output_template_result[out_i]);
out_ << " ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, output_path);
out_ << ": " << custom_rule_name
<< " " << common_deps
<< " ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, sources[i]);
out_ << std::endl;
out_ << " unique_name = " << i << std::endl;
// The source file here should be relative to the script directory since
// this is the variable passed to the script. Here we slightly abuse the
// OutputFile object by putting a non-output-relative path in it to signal
// that the PathWriter should not prepend directories.
out_ << " source = ";
script_source_path_output.WriteFile(out_, sources[i]);
out_ << std::endl;
out_ << " source_name_part = "
<< FindFilenameNoExtension(&sources[i].value()).as_string()
<< std::endl;
void NinjaScriptTargetWriter::WriteStamp(
const std::vector<OutputFile>& output_files) {
out_ << "build ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, helper_.GetTargetOutputFile(target_));
out_ << ": stamp";
for (size_t i = 0; i < output_files.size(); i++) {
out_ << " ";
path_output_.WriteFile(out_, output_files[i]);
out_ << std::endl;