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<h3><a href="index.html">Table Of Contents</a></h3>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#">Design</a><ul>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#architecture-diagram">Architecture diagram</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#media-handler-data-flow">Media handler data flow</a><ul>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#demuxer">Demuxer</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#chunkinghandler">ChunkingHandler</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#manifest-generation-event-flow">Manifest generation event flow</a><ul>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#dash-on-demand">DASH On Demand</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#dash-live">DASH Live</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#hls-single-segment">HLS Single-segment</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#hls-multi-segment">HLS Multi-segment</a></li>
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<div class="section" id="design">
<h1>Design<a class="headerlink" href="#design" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<div class="section" id="architecture-diagram">
<h2>Architecture diagram<a class="headerlink" href="#architecture-diagram" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<img src="_images/graphviz-2be9217e6549f69b5c8785fd58c2d89e684a3884.png" alt="digraph shaka_packager {
label=&lt;&lt;u&gt;Shaka Packager Architecture&lt;/u&gt;&gt;
subgraph cluster_media {
label=&lt;&lt;u&gt;Media Processing Pipeline&lt;/u&gt;&gt;
Demuxer, ChunkingHandler, EncryptionHandler, Replicator,
TrickplayHandler, Muxer [shape=rectangle]
Demuxer -&gt; ChunkingHandler [style=bold headlabel=&quot;many&quot; taillabel=&quot;1&quot;]
ChunkingHandler -&gt; EncryptionHandler -&gt; Replicator -&gt; TrickplayHandler
-&gt; Muxer [style=bold]
ChunkingHandler -&gt; Replicator -&gt; Muxer [style=bold]
subgraph cluster_demuxer {
label=&lt;&lt;u&gt; &lt;/u&gt;&gt;
Demuxer2 [label=&quot;Demuxer&quot; shape=rectangle]
Demuxer2 -&gt; MediaParser
[dir=back arrowtail=diamond headlabel=&quot;1&quot; taillabel=&quot;1&quot;]
MediaParser -&gt; Mp4MediaParser, WebMMediaParser, Mp2tMediaParser,
WvmMediaParser [dir=back arrowtail=onormal]
subgraph cluster_muxer {
label=&lt;&lt;u&gt; &lt;/u&gt;&gt;
Muxer2 [label=&quot;Muxer&quot; shape=rectangle]
Muxer2 -&gt; Mp4Muxer, WebMMuxer, Mp2tMuxer [dir=back arrowtail=onormal]
# Hack to place cluster_muxer subgraph below cluster_demuxer subgraph.
WebMMediaParser, Mp2tMediaParser -&gt; Muxer2
[style=invisible arrowhead=none]
MuxerListener, MpdNotifyMuxerListener, HlsNotifyMuxerListener,
MpdNotifier, HlsNotifier [shape=rectangle style=rounded]
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifyMuxerListener, HlsNotifyMuxerListener
[dir=back arrowtail=onormal]
subgraph cluster_manifest {
label=&lt;&lt;u&gt;Manifest Generation&lt;/u&gt;&gt;
HlsNotifyMuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier [headlabel=&quot;1&quot; taillabel=&quot;many&quot;]
MpdNotifyMuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier [headlabel=&quot;1&quot; taillabel=&quot;many&quot;]
MasterPlaylist, MediaPlaylist, MpdBuilder, AdaptationSet,
Representation [shape=trapezium]
HlsNotifier -&gt; MasterPlaylist
MasterPlaylist -&gt; MediaPlaylist
[dir=back arrowtail=diamond headlabel=&quot;many&quot; taillabel=&quot;1&quot;]
MpdNotifier -&gt; MpdBuilder
MpdBuilder -&gt; AdaptationSet -&gt; Representation
[dir=back arrowtail=diamond headlabel=&quot;many&quot; taillabel=&quot;1&quot;]
{rank=same; MasterPlaylist, MpdBuilder}
{rank=same; MediaPlaylist, Representation}
subgraph cluster_legend {
node [shape=plaintext]
blank1 [label=&quot;&quot; height=0]
blank2 [label=&quot;&quot; height=0]
blank3 [label=&quot;&quot; height=0]
&quot;Composition&quot; -&gt; blank1 [dir=back arrowtail=diamond]
&quot;Inheritance&quot; -&gt; blank2 [dir=back arrowtail=onormal]
&quot;MediaHandler data flow&quot; -&gt; blank3 [style=bold]
&quot;Bridge Class&quot; [shape=rectangle style=rounded]
&quot;Manifest Class&quot; [shape=trapezium]
MediaHandler [shape=rectangle]
# Hack to place legend subgraph in the bottom.
MediaPlaylist -&gt; MediaHandler [style=invisible arrowhead=none]
}" />
<div class="section" id="media-handler-data-flow">
<h2>Media handler data flow<a class="headerlink" href="#media-handler-data-flow" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<img src="_images/graphviz-787838559a989a01982bde69df7d1ba50dba3dae.png" alt="digraph g {
StreamData [
label=&quot;{... | SegmentInfo | MediaSample ... | SegmentInfo | MediaSample ... | StreamInfo}&quot;
MediaHandler [shape=rectangle]
MediaHandler2 [shape=rectangle, label=MediaHandler]
MediaHandler -&gt; StreamData -&gt; MediaHandler2
}" />
<p class="plantuml">
<img src="_images/plantuml-d388f7ab1eb3f4d70c57feb299c189351a097db9.png" alt="MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : StreamInfo
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : MediaSample
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : MediaSample
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : ...
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : MediaSample
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : SegmentInfo
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : MediaSample
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : MediaSample
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : ...
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : MediaSample
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : SegmentInfo
MediaHandler -&gt; MediaHandler2 : ..." />
<div class="section" id="demuxer">
<h3>Demuxer<a class="headerlink" href="#demuxer" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<img src="_images/graphviz-4dc6b84ec2715ae381a5f9dba28a4a895975205b.png" alt="digraph g {
StreamData [
label=&quot;{MediaSample ... | StreamInfo}&quot;, shape=record, style=rounded
StreamData2 [
label=&quot;{MediaSample ... | StreamInfo}&quot;, shape=record, style=rounded
Demuxer [shape=rectangle]
Demuxer -&gt; StreamData
Demuxer -&gt; StreamData2
}" />
<p class="plantuml">
<img src="_images/plantuml-cc4af54b1729e5f327a3d00f038006dfe901ee55.png" alt="Demuxer -&gt; : StreamInfo
Demuxer -&gt; : MediaSample
Demuxer -&gt; : MediaSample
Demuxer -&gt; : ..." />
<div class="section" id="chunkinghandler">
<h3>ChunkingHandler<a class="headerlink" href="#chunkinghandler" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<img src="_images/graphviz-d23de706ddfd3a4d8af17ad11f666c345b90f126.png" alt="digraph g {
StreamDataIn [
label=&quot;{MediaSample ... | StreamInfo}&quot;, shape=record, style=rounded
StreamDataOut [
label=&quot;{SegmentInfo | MediaSample ... | StreamInfo}&quot;
ChunkingHandler [shape=rectangle]
StreamDataIn -&gt; ChunkingHandler -&gt; StreamDataOut
}" />
<p class="plantuml">
<img src="_images/plantuml-5e2d47ce65c3aa9490c00263dd49c9ce72abe2c8.png" alt="-&gt; ChunkingHandler : StreamInfo
ChunkingHandler -&gt; : StreamInfo
-&gt; ChunkingHandler : MediaSample
ChunkingHandler -&gt; : MediaSample
-&gt; ChunkingHandler : ...
ChunkingHandler -&gt; : ...
-&gt; ChunkingHandler : MediaSample
ChunkingHandler -&gt; : MediaSample
ChunkingHandler -&gt; : SegmentInfo
-&gt; ChunkingHandler : ...
ChunkingHandler -&gt; : ..." />
<div class="section" id="manifest-generation-event-flow">
<h2>Manifest generation event flow<a class="headerlink" href="#manifest-generation-event-flow" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h2>
<div class="section" id="dash-on-demand">
<h3>DASH On Demand<a class="headerlink" href="#dash-on-demand" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<p class="plantuml">
<img src="_images/plantuml-71609151dc28fa4de722df6081e727525bbd8c2a.png" alt="alt stream is encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionInfoReady
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache EncryptionInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnMediaStart
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache MediaInfo
alt segment is not encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N-1
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
alt segment is encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionStart
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
alt encryption key changes
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionInfoReady
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyEncryptionUpdate
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N+k
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnMediaEnd
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewContainer
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N+1
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : Flush" />
<div class="section" id="dash-live">
<h3>DASH Live<a class="headerlink" href="#dash-live" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<p class="plantuml">
<img src="_images/plantuml-edc9d35f3b0f3e20a550695f8a0bdb29a752d238.png" alt="alt stream is encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionInfoReady
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache EncryptionInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnMediaStart
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewContainer
alt segment is not encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N-1
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N-1
alt segment is encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionStart
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
alt encryption key changes
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionInfoReady
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyEncryptionUpdate
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N+k
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N+k
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnMediaEnd
MuxerListener -&gt; MpdNotifier : Flush" />
<div class="section" id="hls-single-segment">
<h3>HLS Single-segment<a class="headerlink" href="#hls-single-segment" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<p class="plantuml">
<img src="_images/plantuml-62cab1b32d19a8bba05a432164fc35f0fd34ba1b.png" alt="alt stream is encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionInfoReady
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache EncryptionInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnMediaStart
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache MediaInfo
alt segment is not encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N-1
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
alt segment is encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionStart
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
alt encryption key changes
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionInfoReady
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : Cache EncryptionInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N+k
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache SegmentInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnMediaEnd
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewStream
alt stream is encrypted
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyEncryptionUpdate
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N+1
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ..." />
<div class="section" id="hls-multi-segment">
<h3>HLS Multi-segment<a class="headerlink" href="#hls-multi-segment" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h3>
<p class="plantuml">
<img src="_images/plantuml-2b4e7ead076336273a38a8dd3c2a8047700aa621.png" alt="alt stream is encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionInfoReady
MuxerListener -&gt; MuxerListener : Cache EncryptionInfo
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnMediaStart
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewStream
alt segment is not encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N-1
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N-1
alt segment is encrypted
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionStart
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyEncryptionUpdate
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
alt encryption key changes
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnEncryptionInfoReady
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyEncryptionUpdate
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment N+k
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment N+k
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnNewSegment ...
MuxerListener -&gt; HlsNotifier : NotifyNewSegment ...
Muxer -&gt; MuxerListener : OnMediaEnd" />
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