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// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "packager/base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "packager/base/macros.h"
namespace shaka {
namespace media {
// Used as the |nalu_length_size| argument to NaluReader to indicate to use
// AnnexB byte streams. An AnnexB byte stream starts with 3 or 4 byte start
// codes instead of a fixed size NAL unit length.
const uint8_t kIsAnnexbByteStream = 0;
/// For explanations of each struct and its members, see H.264 specification
/// at
class Nalu {
enum H264NaluType {
H264_Unspecified = 0,
H264_NonIDRSlice = 1,
H264_IDRSlice = 5,
H264_SEIMessage = 6,
H264_SPS = 7,
H264_PPS = 8,
H264_AUD = 9,
H264_EOSeq = 10,
H264_FillerData = 12,
H264_SPSExtension = 13,
H264_PrefixNALUnit = 14,
H264_SubsetSPS = 15,
H264_DepthParameterSet = 16,
H264_Reserved17 = 17,
H264_Reserved18 = 18,
H264_CodedSliceExtension = 20,
H264_Reserved22 = 22,
enum H265NaluType {
H265_TRAIL_N = 0,
H265_TRAIL_R = 1,
H265_TSA_N = 2,
H265_TSA_R = 3,
H265_STSA_N = 4,
H265_STSA_R = 5,
H265_RASL_R = 9,
H265_RSV_VCL_N10 = 10,
H265_RSV_VCL_R15 = 15,
H265_BLA_W_LP = 16,
H265_IDR_W_RADL = 19,
H265_IDR_N_LP = 20,
H265_CRA_NUT = 21,
H265_RSV_IRAP_VCL22 = 22,
H265_RSV_IRAP_VCL23 = 23,
H265_RSV_VCL31 = 31,
H265_VPS = 32,
H265_SPS = 33,
H265_PPS = 34,
H265_AUD = 35,
H265_EOS = 36,
H265_EOB = 37,
H265_FD = 38,
H265_PREFIX_SEI = 39,
H265_RSV_NVCL41 = 41,
H265_RSV_NVCL44 = 44,
H265_UNSPEC48 = 48,
H265_UNSPEC55 = 55,
enum CodecType {
bool Initialize(CodecType type,
const uint8_t* data,
uint64_t size) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
/// This is the pointer to the Nalu data, pointing to the header.
const uint8_t* data() const { return data_; }
/// The size of the header, e.g. 1 for H.264.
uint64_t header_size() const { return header_size_; }
/// Size of this Nalu minus header_size().
uint64_t payload_size() const { return payload_size_; }
// H.264 Specific:
int ref_idc() const { return ref_idc_; }
// H.265 Specific:
int nuh_layer_id() const { return nuh_layer_id_; }
int nuh_temporal_id() const { return nuh_temporal_id_; }
/// H264NaluType and H265NaluType enums may be used to compare against the
/// return value.
int type() const { return type_; }
bool is_aud() const { return is_aud_; }
bool is_video_slice() const { return is_video_slice_; }
bool can_start_access_unit() const { return can_start_access_unit_; }
bool InitializeFromH264(const uint8_t* data, uint64_t size);
bool InitializeFromH265(const uint8_t* data, uint64_t size);
// A pointer to the NALU (i.e. points to the header). This pointer is not
// owned by this instance.
const uint8_t* data_ = nullptr;
// NALU header size (e.g. 1 byte for H.264). Note that it does not include
// header extension data in some NAL units.
uint64_t header_size_ = 0;
// Size of data after the header.
uint64_t payload_size_ = 0;
int ref_idc_ = 0;
int nuh_layer_id_ = 0;
int nuh_temporal_id_ = 0;
int type_ = 0;
bool is_aud_ = false;
bool is_video_slice_ = false;
bool can_start_access_unit_ = false;
// Don't use DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN since it is just numbers and a pointer
// it does not own. This allows Nalus to be stored in a vector.
/// Helper class used to read NAL units based on several formats:
/// * Annex B H.264/h.265
/// * NAL Unit Stream
class NaluReader {
enum Result {
kInvalidStream, // error in stream
kEOStream, // end of stream
/// @param nalu_length_size should be set to 0 for AnnexB byte streams;
/// otherwise, it indicates the size of NAL unit length for the NAL
/// unit stream.
NaluReader(Nalu::CodecType type,
uint8_t nal_length_size,
const uint8_t* stream,
uint64_t stream_size);
// Find offset from start of data to next NALU start code
// and size of found start code (3 or 4 bytes).
// If no start code is found, offset is pointing to the first unprocessed byte
// (i.e. the first byte that was not considered as a possible start of a start
// code) and |*start_code_size| is set to 0.
// Postconditions:
// - |*offset| is between 0 and |data_size| included.
// It is strictly less than |data_size| if |data_size| > 0.
// - |*start_code_size| is either 0, 3 or 4.
static bool FindStartCode(const uint8_t* data,
uint64_t data_size,
uint64_t* offset,
uint8_t* start_code_size);
/// Reads a NALU from the stream into |*nalu|, if one exists, and then
/// advances to the next NALU.
/// @param nalu contains the NALU read if it exists.
/// @return kOk if a NALU is read; kEOStream if the stream is at the
/// end-of-stream; kInvalidStream on error.
Result Advance(Nalu* nalu);
/// @returns true if the current position points to a start code.
bool StartsWithStartCode();
enum Format {
// Move the stream pointer to the beginning of the next NALU,
// i.e. pointing at the next start code.
// Return true if a NALU has been found.
// If a NALU is found:
// - its size in bytes is returned in |*nalu_size| and includes
// the start code as well as the trailing zero bits.
// - the size in bytes of the start code is returned in |*start_code_size|.
bool LocateNaluByStartCode(uint64_t* nalu_size, uint8_t* start_code_size);
// Pointer to the current NALU in the stream.
const uint8_t* stream_;
// The remaining size of the stream.
uint64_t stream_size_;
// The type of NALU being read.
Nalu::CodecType nalu_type_;
// The number of bytes the prefix length is; only valid if format is
// kAnnexbByteStreamFormat.
uint8_t nalu_length_size_;
// The format of the stream.
Format format_;
} // namespace media
} // namespace shaka