
348 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains an implementation of an H264 Annex-B video stream parser.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "packager/media/codecs/h26x_bit_reader.h"
#include "packager/media/codecs/nalu_reader.h"
namespace shaka {
namespace media {
// On success, |coded_width| and |coded_height| contains coded resolution after
// cropping; |pixel_width:pixel_height| contains pixel aspect ratio, 1:1 is
// assigned if it is not present in SPS.
struct H264Sps;
bool ExtractResolutionFromSps(const H264Sps& sps,
uint32_t* coded_width,
uint32_t* coded_height,
uint32_t* pixel_width,
uint32_t* pixel_height);
enum {
kH264ScalingList4x4Length = 16,
kH264ScalingList8x8Length = 64,
struct H264Sps {
int profile_idc;
bool constraint_set0_flag;
bool constraint_set1_flag;
bool constraint_set2_flag;
bool constraint_set3_flag;
bool constraint_set4_flag;
bool constraint_set5_flag;
int level_idc;
int seq_parameter_set_id;
int chroma_format_idc;
bool separate_colour_plane_flag;
int bit_depth_luma_minus8;
int bit_depth_chroma_minus8;
bool qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag;
bool seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag;
int scaling_list4x4[6][kH264ScalingList4x4Length];
int scaling_list8x8[6][kH264ScalingList8x8Length];
int log2_max_frame_num_minus4;
int pic_order_cnt_type;
int log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4;
bool delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag;
int offset_for_non_ref_pic;
int offset_for_top_to_bottom_field;
int num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle;
int expected_delta_per_pic_order_cnt_cycle; // calculated
int offset_for_ref_frame[255];
int max_num_ref_frames;
bool gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag;
int pic_width_in_mbs_minus1;
int pic_height_in_map_units_minus1;
bool frame_mbs_only_flag;
bool mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag;
bool direct_8x8_inference_flag;
bool frame_cropping_flag;
int frame_crop_left_offset;
int frame_crop_right_offset;
int frame_crop_top_offset;
int frame_crop_bottom_offset;
bool vui_parameters_present_flag;
int sar_width; // Set to 0 when not specified.
int sar_height; // Set to 0 when not specified.
bool bitstream_restriction_flag;
int max_num_reorder_frames;
int max_dec_frame_buffering;
int chroma_array_type;
struct H264Pps {
int pic_parameter_set_id;
int seq_parameter_set_id;
bool entropy_coding_mode_flag;
bool bottom_field_pic_order_in_frame_present_flag;
int num_slice_groups_minus1;
int num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1;
int num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1;
bool weighted_pred_flag;
int weighted_bipred_idc;
int pic_init_qp_minus26;
int pic_init_qs_minus26;
int chroma_qp_index_offset;
bool deblocking_filter_control_present_flag;
bool constrained_intra_pred_flag;
bool redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag;
bool transform_8x8_mode_flag;
bool pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag;
int scaling_list4x4[6][kH264ScalingList4x4Length];
int scaling_list8x8[6][kH264ScalingList8x8Length];
int second_chroma_qp_index_offset;
struct H264ModificationOfPicNum {
int modification_of_pic_nums_idc;
union {
int abs_diff_pic_num_minus1;
int long_term_pic_num;
struct H264WeightingFactors {
bool luma_weight_flag;
bool chroma_weight_flag;
int luma_weight[32];
int luma_offset[32];
int chroma_weight[32][2];
int chroma_offset[32][2];
struct H264DecRefPicMarking {
int memory_mgmnt_control_operation;
int difference_of_pic_nums_minus1;
int long_term_pic_num;
int long_term_frame_idx;
int max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1;
struct H264SliceHeader {
enum {
kRefListSize = 32,
kRefListModSize = kRefListSize
enum Type {
kPSlice = 0,
kBSlice = 1,
kISlice = 2,
kSPSlice = 3,
kSISlice = 4,
bool IsPSlice() const;
bool IsBSlice() const;
bool IsISlice() const;
bool IsSPSlice() const;
bool IsSISlice() const;
bool idr_pic_flag; // from NAL header
int nal_ref_idc; // from NAL header
// Points to the beginning of the nal unit.
const uint8_t* nalu_data;
// Size of whole nalu unit.
off_t nalu_size;
// This is the size of the slice header not including the nalu header byte.
// Sturcture: |NALU Header| Slice Header | Slice Data |
// Size: |<- 8bits ->|<- header_bit_size ->|<- Rest of nalu ->|
// Note that this is not a field in the H.264 spec.
off_t header_bit_size;
int first_mb_in_slice;
int slice_type;
int pic_parameter_set_id;
2014-04-29 18:51:28 +00:00
int colour_plane_id;
int frame_num;
bool field_pic_flag;
bool bottom_field_flag;
int idr_pic_id;
int pic_order_cnt_lsb;
int delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom;
int delta_pic_order_cnt[2];
int redundant_pic_cnt;
bool direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag;
bool num_ref_idx_active_override_flag;
int num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1;
int num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1;
bool ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0;
bool ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l1;
H264ModificationOfPicNum ref_list_l0_modifications[kRefListModSize];
H264ModificationOfPicNum ref_list_l1_modifications[kRefListModSize];
int luma_log2_weight_denom;
int chroma_log2_weight_denom;
bool luma_weight_l0_flag;
bool chroma_weight_l0_flag;
H264WeightingFactors pred_weight_table_l0;
bool luma_weight_l1_flag;
bool chroma_weight_l1_flag;
H264WeightingFactors pred_weight_table_l1;
bool no_output_of_prior_pics_flag;
bool long_term_reference_flag;
bool adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag;
H264DecRefPicMarking ref_pic_marking[kRefListSize];
int cabac_init_idc;
int slice_qp_delta;
bool sp_for_switch_flag;
int slice_qs_delta;
int disable_deblocking_filter_idc;
int slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2;
int slice_beta_offset_div2;
struct H264SEIRecoveryPoint {
int recovery_frame_cnt;
bool exact_match_flag;
bool broken_link_flag;
int changing_slice_group_idc;
struct H264SEIMessage {
enum Type {
kSEIRecoveryPoint = 6,
int type;
int payload_size;
union {
// Placeholder; in future more supported types will contribute to more
// union members here.
H264SEIRecoveryPoint recovery_point;
// Class to parse an Annex-B H.264 stream,
// as specified in chapters 7 and Annex B of the H.264 spec.
class H264Parser {
enum Result {
kInvalidStream, // error in stream
kUnsupportedStream, // stream not supported by the parser
kEOStream, // end of stream
// NALU-specific parsing functions.
// SPSes and PPSes are owned by the parser class and the memory for their
// structures is managed here, not by the caller, as they are reused
// across NALUs.
// Parse an SPS/PPS NALU and save their data in the parser, returning id
// of the parsed structure in |*pps_id|/|*sps_id|.
// To get a pointer to a given SPS/PPS structure, use GetSps()/GetPps(),
// passing the returned |*sps_id|/|*pps_id| as parameter.
Result ParseSps(const Nalu& nalu, int* sps_id);
Result ParsePps(const Nalu& nalu, int* pps_id);
// Return a pointer to SPS/PPS with given |sps_id|/|pps_id| or NULL if not
// present.
const H264Sps* GetSps(int sps_id);
const H264Pps* GetPps(int pps_id);
// Slice headers and SEI messages are not used across NALUs by the parser
// and can be discarded after current NALU, so the parser does not store
// them, nor does it manage their memory.
// The caller has to provide and manage it instead.
// Parse a slice header, returning it in |*shdr|. |*nalu| must be set to
// the NALU returned from AdvanceToNextNALU() and corresponding to |*shdr|.
Result ParseSliceHeader(const Nalu& nalu, H264SliceHeader* shdr);
// Parse a SEI message, returning it in |*sei_msg|, provided and managed
// by the caller.
Result ParseSEI(const Nalu& nalu, H264SEIMessage* sei_msg);
// Parse scaling lists (see spec).
Result ParseScalingList(H26xBitReader* br,
int size,
int* scaling_list,
bool* use_default);
Result ParseSpsScalingLists(H26xBitReader* br, H264Sps* sps);
Result ParsePpsScalingLists(H26xBitReader* br,
const H264Sps& sps,
H264Pps* pps);
// Parse optional VUI parameters in SPS (see spec).
Result ParseVUIParameters(H26xBitReader* br, H264Sps* sps);
// Set |hrd_parameters_present| to true only if they are present.
Result ParseAndIgnoreHRDParameters(H26xBitReader* br,
bool* hrd_parameters_present);
// Parse reference picture lists' modifications (see spec).
Result ParseRefPicListModifications(H26xBitReader* br, H264SliceHeader* shdr);
Result ParseRefPicListModification(H26xBitReader* br,
int num_ref_idx_active_minus1,
H264ModificationOfPicNum* ref_list_mods);
// Parse prediction weight table (see spec).
Result ParsePredWeightTable(H26xBitReader* br,
const H264Sps& sps,
H264SliceHeader* shdr);
// Parse weighting factors (see spec).
Result ParseWeightingFactors(H26xBitReader* br,
int num_ref_idx_active_minus1,
int chroma_array_type,
int luma_log2_weight_denom,
int chroma_log2_weight_denom,
H264WeightingFactors* w_facts);
// Parse decoded reference picture marking information (see spec).
Result ParseDecRefPicMarking(H26xBitReader* br, H264SliceHeader* shdr);
// PPSes and SPSes stored for future reference.
typedef std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<H264Sps>> SpsById;
typedef std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<H264Pps>> PpsById;
SpsById active_SPSes_;
PpsById active_PPSes_;
} // namespace media
} // namespace shaka