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// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "media/file/file_closer.h"
#include "media/formats/mp4/segmenter.h"
namespace edash_packager {
namespace media {
namespace mp4 {
/// Segmenter for MP4 Dash Video-On-Demand profile. A single MP4 file with a
/// single segment is created, i.e. with only one SIDX box. The generated media
/// file can contain one or many subsegments with subsegment duration
/// defined by @b MuxerOptions.segment_duration. A subsegment can contain one
/// or many fragments with fragment duration defined by @b
/// MuxerOptions.fragment_duration. The actual subsegment or fragment duration
/// may not match the requested duration exactly, but will be approximated. That
/// is, the Segmenter tries to end subsegment/fragment at the first sample with
/// overall subsegment/fragment duration not smaller than defined duration and
/// yet meet SAP requirements. SingleSegmentSegmenter ignores @b
/// MuxerOptions.num_subsegments_per_sidx.
class SingleSegmentSegmenter : public Segmenter {
SingleSegmentSegmenter(const MuxerOptions& options,
scoped_ptr<FileType> ftyp,
scoped_ptr<Movie> moov);
virtual ~SingleSegmentSegmenter();
/// @name Segmenter implementation overrides.
/// @{
virtual bool GetInitRange(size_t* offset, size_t* size) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool GetIndexRange(size_t* offset, size_t* size) OVERRIDE;
/// @}
// Segmenter implementation overrides.
virtual Status DoInitialize() OVERRIDE;
virtual Status DoFinalize() OVERRIDE;
virtual Status DoFinalizeSegment() OVERRIDE;
scoped_ptr<SegmentIndex> vod_sidx_;
std::string temp_file_name_;
scoped_ptr<File, FileCloser> temp_file_;
} // namespace mp4
} // namespace media
} // namespace edash_packager