DASH Media Packaging SDK
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator
1 // Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
4 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
5 // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
7 #include "packager/media/demuxer/demuxer.h"
9 #include <algorithm>
11 #include "packager/base/bind.h"
12 #include "packager/base/logging.h"
13 #include "packager/base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
14 #include "packager/media/base/decryptor_source.h"
15 #include "packager/media/base/key_source.h"
16 #include "packager/media/base/media_sample.h"
17 #include "packager/media/base/stream_info.h"
18 #include "packager/media/file/file.h"
19 #include "packager/media/formats/mp2t/mp2t_media_parser.h"
20 #include "packager/media/formats/mp4/mp4_media_parser.h"
21 #include "packager/media/formats/webm/webm_media_parser.h"
22 #include "packager/media/formats/webvtt/webvtt_media_parser.h"
23 #include "packager/media/formats/wvm/wvm_media_parser.h"
25 namespace {
26 // 65KB, sufficient to determine the container and likely all init data.
27 const size_t kInitBufSize = 0x10000;
28 const size_t kBufSize = 0x200000; // 2MB
29 // Maximum number of allowed queued samples. If we are receiving a lot of
30 // samples before seeing init_event, something is not right. The number
31 // set here is arbitrary though.
32 const size_t kQueuedSamplesLimit = 10000;
33 const size_t kInvalidStreamIndex = static_cast<size_t>(-1);
34 const size_t kBaseVideoOutputStreamIndex = 0x100;
35 const size_t kBaseAudioOutputStreamIndex = 0x200;
36 const size_t kBaseTextOutputStreamIndex = 0x300;
38 std::string GetStreamLabel(size_t stream_index) {
39  switch (stream_index) {
40  case kBaseVideoOutputStreamIndex:
41  return "video";
42  case kBaseAudioOutputStreamIndex:
43  return "audio";
44  case kBaseTextOutputStreamIndex:
45  return "text";
46  default:
47  return base::SizeTToString(stream_index);
48  }
49 }
51 bool GetStreamIndex(const std::string& stream_label, size_t* stream_index) {
52  DCHECK(stream_index);
53  if (stream_label == "video") {
54  *stream_index = kBaseVideoOutputStreamIndex;
55  } else if (stream_label == "audio") {
56  *stream_index = kBaseAudioOutputStreamIndex;
57  } else if (stream_label == "text") {
58  *stream_index = kBaseTextOutputStreamIndex;
59  } else {
60  // Expect stream_label to be a zero based stream id.
61  if (!base::StringToSizeT(stream_label, stream_index)) {
62  LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid argument --stream=" << stream_label << "; "
63  << "should be 'audio', 'video', 'text', or a number";
64  return false;
65  }
66  }
67  return true;
68 }
70 }
72 namespace shaka {
73 namespace media {
75 Demuxer::Demuxer(const std::string& file_name)
76  : file_name_(file_name), buffer_(new uint8_t[kBufSize]) {}
78 Demuxer::~Demuxer() {
79  if (media_file_)
80  media_file_->Close();
81 }
83 void Demuxer::SetKeySource(std::unique_ptr<KeySource> key_source) {
84  key_source_ = std::move(key_source);
85 }
88  LOG(INFO) << "Demuxer::Run() on file '" << file_name_ << "'.";
89  Status status = InitializeParser();
90  // ParserInitEvent callback is called after a few calls to Parse(), which sets
91  // up the streams. Only after that, we can verify the outputs below.
92  while (!all_streams_ready_ && status.ok())
93  status.Update(Parse());
94  // If no output is defined, then return success after receiving all stream
95  // info.
96  if (all_streams_ready_ && output_handlers().empty())
97  return Status::OK;
98  if (!status.ok())
99  return status;
100  // Check if all specified outputs exists.
101  for (const auto& pair : output_handlers()) {
102  if (std::find(stream_indexes_.begin(), stream_indexes_.end(), pair.first) ==
103  stream_indexes_.end()) {
104  LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid argument, stream=" << GetStreamLabel(pair.first)
105  << " not available.";
106  return Status(error::INVALID_ARGUMENT, "Stream not available");
107  }
108  }
110  while (!cancelled_ && status.ok())
111  status.Update(Parse());
112  if (cancelled_ && status.ok())
113  return Status(error::CANCELLED, "Demuxer run cancelled");
115  if (status.error_code() == error::END_OF_STREAM) {
116  for (size_t stream_index : stream_indexes_) {
117  status = FlushDownstream(stream_index);
118  if (!status.ok())
119  return status;
120  }
121  return Status::OK;
122  }
123  return status;
124 }
127  cancelled_ = true;
128 }
130 Status Demuxer::SetHandler(const std::string& stream_label,
131  std::shared_ptr<MediaHandler> handler) {
132  size_t stream_index = kInvalidStreamIndex;
133  if (!GetStreamIndex(stream_label, &stream_index)) {
134  return Status(error::INVALID_ARGUMENT,
135  "Invalid stream: " + stream_label);
136  }
137  return MediaHandler::SetHandler(stream_index, std::move(handler));
138 }
140 void Demuxer::SetLanguageOverride(const std::string& stream_label,
141  const std::string& language_override) {
142  size_t stream_index = kInvalidStreamIndex;
143  if (!GetStreamIndex(stream_label, &stream_index))
144  LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid stream for language override " << stream_label;
145  language_overrides_[stream_index] = language_override;
146 }
148 Demuxer::QueuedSample::QueuedSample(uint32_t local_track_id,
149  std::shared_ptr<MediaSample> local_sample)
150  : track_id(local_track_id), sample(local_sample) {}
152 Demuxer::QueuedSample::~QueuedSample() {}
154 Status Demuxer::InitializeParser() {
155  DCHECK(!media_file_);
156  DCHECK(!all_streams_ready_);
158  LOG(INFO) << "Initialize Demuxer for file '" << file_name_ << "'.";
160  media_file_ = File::Open(file_name_.c_str(), "r");
161  if (!media_file_) {
162  return Status(error::FILE_FAILURE,
163  "Cannot open file for reading " + file_name_);
164  }
166  // Read enough bytes before detecting the container.
167  size_t bytes_read = 0;
168  while (bytes_read < kInitBufSize) {
169  int64_t read_result =
170  media_file_->Read(buffer_.get() + bytes_read, kInitBufSize);
171  if (read_result < 0)
172  return Status(error::FILE_FAILURE, "Cannot read file " + file_name_);
173  if (read_result == 0)
174  break;
175  bytes_read += read_result;
176  }
177  container_name_ = DetermineContainer(buffer_.get(), bytes_read);
179  // Initialize media parser.
180  switch (container_name_) {
181  case CONTAINER_MOV:
182  parser_.reset(new mp4::MP4MediaParser());
183  break;
185  parser_.reset(new mp2t::Mp2tMediaParser());
186  break;
188  parser_.reset(new wvm::WvmMediaParser());
189  break;
191  parser_.reset(new WebMMediaParser());
192  break;
194  parser_.reset(new WebVttMediaParser());
195  break;
196  default:
198  return Status(error::UNIMPLEMENTED, "Container not supported.");
199  }
201  parser_->Init(base::Bind(&Demuxer::ParserInitEvent, base::Unretained(this)),
202  base::Bind(&Demuxer::NewSampleEvent, base::Unretained(this)),
203  key_source_.get());
205  // Handle trailing 'moov'.
206  if (container_name_ == CONTAINER_MOV)
207  static_cast<mp4::MP4MediaParser*>(parser_.get())->LoadMoov(file_name_);
208  if (!parser_->Parse(buffer_.get(), bytes_read)) {
209  return Status(error::PARSER_FAILURE,
210  "Cannot parse media file " + file_name_);
211  }
212  return Status::OK;
213 }
215 void Demuxer::ParserInitEvent(
216  const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<StreamInfo>>& stream_infos) {
217  if (dump_stream_info_) {
218  printf("\nFile \"%s\":\n", file_name_.c_str());
219  printf("Found %zu stream(s).\n", stream_infos.size());
220  for (size_t i = 0; i < stream_infos.size(); ++i)
221  printf("Stream [%zu] %s\n", i, stream_infos[i]->ToString().c_str());
222  }
224  int base_stream_index = 0;
225  bool video_handler_set =
226  output_handlers().find(kBaseVideoOutputStreamIndex) !=
227  output_handlers().end();
228  bool audio_handler_set =
229  output_handlers().find(kBaseAudioOutputStreamIndex) !=
230  output_handlers().end();
231  bool text_handler_set =
232  output_handlers().find(kBaseTextOutputStreamIndex) !=
233  output_handlers().end();
234  for (const std::shared_ptr<StreamInfo>& stream_info : stream_infos) {
235  size_t stream_index = base_stream_index;
236  if (video_handler_set && stream_info->stream_type() == kStreamVideo) {
237  stream_index = kBaseVideoOutputStreamIndex;
238  // Only for the first video stream.
239  video_handler_set = false;
240  }
241  if (audio_handler_set && stream_info->stream_type() == kStreamAudio) {
242  stream_index = kBaseAudioOutputStreamIndex;
243  // Only for the first audio stream.
244  audio_handler_set = false;
245  }
246  if (text_handler_set && stream_info->stream_type() == kStreamText) {
247  stream_index = kBaseTextOutputStreamIndex;
248  text_handler_set = false;
249  }
251  const bool handler_set =
252  output_handlers().find(stream_index) != output_handlers().end();
253  if (handler_set) {
254  track_id_to_stream_index_map_[stream_info->track_id()] = stream_index;
255  stream_indexes_.push_back(stream_index);
256  auto iter = language_overrides_.find(stream_index);
257  if (iter != language_overrides_.end() &&
258  stream_info->stream_type() != kStreamVideo) {
259  stream_info->set_language(iter->second);
260  }
261  DispatchStreamInfo(stream_index, stream_info);
262  } else {
263  track_id_to_stream_index_map_[stream_info->track_id()] =
264  kInvalidStreamIndex;
265  }
266  ++base_stream_index;
267  }
268  all_streams_ready_ = true;
269 }
271 bool Demuxer::NewSampleEvent(uint32_t track_id,
272  const std::shared_ptr<MediaSample>& sample) {
273  if (!all_streams_ready_) {
274  if (queued_samples_.size() >= kQueuedSamplesLimit) {
275  LOG(ERROR) << "Queued samples limit reached: " << kQueuedSamplesLimit;
276  return false;
277  }
278  queued_samples_.push_back(QueuedSample(track_id, sample));
279  return true;
280  }
281  while (!queued_samples_.empty()) {
282  if (!PushSample(queued_samples_.front().track_id,
283  queued_samples_.front().sample)) {
284  return false;
285  }
286  queued_samples_.pop_front();
287  }
288  return PushSample(track_id, sample);
289 }
291 bool Demuxer::PushSample(uint32_t track_id,
292  const std::shared_ptr<MediaSample>& sample) {
293  auto stream_index_iter = track_id_to_stream_index_map_.find(track_id);
294  if (stream_index_iter == track_id_to_stream_index_map_.end()) {
295  LOG(ERROR) << "Track " << track_id << " not found.";
296  return false;
297  }
298  if (stream_index_iter->second == kInvalidStreamIndex)
299  return true;
300  Status status = DispatchMediaSample(stream_index_iter->second, sample);
301  if (!status.ok()) {
302  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to process sample " << stream_index_iter->second
303  << " " << status;
304  }
305  return status.ok();
306 }
308 Status Demuxer::Parse() {
309  DCHECK(media_file_);
310  DCHECK(parser_);
311  DCHECK(buffer_);
313  int64_t bytes_read = media_file_->Read(buffer_.get(), kBufSize);
314  if (bytes_read == 0) {
315  if (!parser_->Flush())
316  return Status(error::PARSER_FAILURE, "Failed to flush.");
317  return Status(error::END_OF_STREAM, "");
318  } else if (bytes_read < 0) {
319  return Status(error::FILE_FAILURE, "Cannot read file " + file_name_);
320  }
322  return parser_->Parse(buffer_.get(), bytes_read)
323  ? Status::OK
324  : Status(error::PARSER_FAILURE,
325  "Cannot parse media file " + file_name_);
326 }
328 } // namespace media
329 } // namespace shaka
virtual bool Open()=0
Internal open. Should not be used directly.
Status DispatchMediaSample(size_t stream_index, std::shared_ptr< MediaSample > media_sample)
Dispatch the media sample to downstream handlers.
Status SetHandler(const std::string &stream_label, std::shared_ptr< MediaHandler > handler)
Definition: demuxer.cc:130
virtual bool Close()=0
void SetLanguageOverride(const std::string &stream_label, const std::string &language_override)
Definition: demuxer.cc:140
void Update(const Status &new_status)
Definition: status.h:130
Status DispatchStreamInfo(size_t stream_index, std::shared_ptr< StreamInfo > stream_info)
Dispatch the stream info to downstream handlers.
void SetKeySource(std::unique_ptr< KeySource > key_source)
Definition: demuxer.cc:83
virtual int64_t Read(void *buffer, uint64_t length)=0
Status FlushDownstream(size_t output_stream_index)
Flush the downstream connected at the specified output stream index.
Demuxer(const std::string &file_name)
Definition: demuxer.cc:75
Status SetHandler(size_t output_stream_index, std::shared_ptr< MediaHandler > handler)
Connect downstream handler at the specified output stream index.