// Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "packager/media/formats/webm/encryptor.h" #include "packager/media/base/aes_encryptor.h" #include "packager/media/base/media_sample.h" namespace edash_packager { namespace media { namespace webm { namespace { // Generate 64bit IV by default. const size_t kDefaultIvSize = 8u; Status CreateContentEncryption(mkvmuxer::Track* track, EncryptionKey* key) { if (!track->AddContentEncoding()) { return Status(error::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Could not add ContentEncoding to track."); } mkvmuxer::ContentEncoding* const encoding = track->GetContentEncodingByIndex(0); if (!encoding) { return Status(error::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Could not add ContentEncoding to track."); } mkvmuxer::ContentEncAESSettings* const aes = encoding->enc_aes_settings(); if (!aes) { return Status(error::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Error getting ContentEncAESSettings."); } if (aes->cipher_mode() != mkvmuxer::ContentEncAESSettings::kCTR) { return Status(error::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Cipher Mode is not CTR."); } if (!key->key_id.empty() && !encoding->SetEncryptionID( reinterpret_cast(key->key_id.data()), key->key_id.size())) { return Status(error::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Error setting encryption ID."); } return Status::OK; } } // namespace Encryptor::Encryptor() {} Encryptor::~Encryptor() {} Status Encryptor::Initialize(MuxerListener* muxer_listener, KeySource::TrackType track_type, KeySource* key_source) { DCHECK(key_source); return CreateEncryptor(muxer_listener, track_type, key_source); } Status Encryptor::AddTrackInfo(mkvmuxer::Track* track) { DCHECK(key_); return CreateContentEncryption(track, key_.get()); } Status Encryptor::EncryptFrame(scoped_refptr sample, bool encrypt_frame) { DCHECK(encryptor_); const size_t sample_size = sample->data_size(); if (encrypt_frame) { // | 1 | iv | enc_data | const size_t iv_size = encryptor_->iv().size(); sample->resize_data(sample_size + iv_size + 1); uint8_t* sample_data = sample->writable_data(); // Encrypt the data in-place. if (!encryptor_->Crypt(sample_data, sample_size, sample_data)) { return Status(error::MUXER_FAILURE, "Failed to encrypt the frame."); } // First move the sample data to after the IV; then write the IV and signal // byte. memmove(sample_data + iv_size + 1, sample_data, sample_size); sample_data[0] = 0x01; memcpy(sample_data + 1, encryptor_->iv().data(), iv_size); encryptor_->UpdateIv(); } else { // | 0 | data | sample->resize_data(sample_size + 1); uint8_t* sample_data = sample->writable_data(); memmove(sample_data + 1, sample_data, sample_size); sample_data[0] = 0x00; } return Status::OK; } Status Encryptor::CreateEncryptor(MuxerListener* muxer_listener, KeySource::TrackType track_type, KeySource* key_source) { scoped_ptr encryption_key(new EncryptionKey()); Status status = key_source->GetKey(track_type, encryption_key.get()); if (!status.ok()) return status; scoped_ptr encryptor(new AesCtrEncryptor()); const bool initialized = encryption_key->iv.empty() ? encryptor->InitializeWithRandomIv( encryption_key->key, kDefaultIvSize) : encryptor->InitializeWithIv( encryption_key->key, encryption_key->iv); if (!initialized) return Status(error::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to create the encryptor."); if (muxer_listener) { const bool kInitialEncryptionInfo = true; muxer_listener->OnEncryptionInfoReady(kInitialEncryptionInfo, encryption_key->key_id, encryption_key->key_system_info); } key_ = encryption_key.Pass(); encryptor_ = encryptor.Pass(); return Status::OK; } } // namespace webm } // namespace media } // namespace edash_packager