:: Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. set OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=Release_x64 set GYP_DEFINES=target_arch=x64 set ROOTDIR=%cd% set PACKAGERDIR=%ROOTDIR%\git\packager :: TODO(rkuroiwa): There are several `dir`s in this script to figure out the :: directory structure created by the builder. Remove them. dir dir .. :: TODO(rkuroiwa): Put this in a batch script and source it, so that this :: doesn't need to be copied for all configurations. git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git ..\depot_tools\ set DEPOTTOOLSDIR=%ROOTDIR%\..\depot_tools python %PACKAGERDIR%\kokoro\deps_replacer.py "github.com" "github.googlesource.com" cd %PACKAGERDIR%\.. dir move packager src %DEPOTTOOLSDIR%\gclient config https://github.com/google/shaka-packager.git --name=src --unmanaged %DEPOTTOOLSDIR%\gclient sync cd src %DEPOTTOOLSDIR%\ninja -C "out\%OUTPUT_DIRECTORY%" -k 100 copy "out\%OUTPUT_DIRECTORY%\packager.exe" packager-win.exe for %%f in ("out\%OUTPUT_DIRECTORY%\*_*test.exe") do (%%f || exit /b 666) python "out\%OUTPUT_DIRECTORY%\packager_test.py" -v