// Copyright 2020 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "packager/media/formats/ttml/ttml_generator.h" #include "packager/base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "packager/media/base/rcheck.h" namespace shaka { namespace media { namespace ttml { namespace { std::string ToTtmlTime(int64_t time, uint32_t timescale) { int64_t remaining = time * 1000 / timescale; const int ms = remaining % 1000; remaining /= 1000; const int sec = remaining % 60; remaining /= 60; const int min = remaining % 60; remaining /= 60; const int hr = remaining; return base::StringPrintf("%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d", hr, min, sec, ms); } std::string ToTtmlSize(const TextNumber& x, const TextNumber& y) { const char* kSuffixMap[] = {"px", "em", "%"}; return base::StringPrintf("%.0f%s %.0f%s", x.value, kSuffixMap[static_cast(x.type)], y.value, kSuffixMap[static_cast(y.type)]); } } // namespace TtmlGenerator::TtmlGenerator() {} TtmlGenerator::~TtmlGenerator() {} void TtmlGenerator::Initialize(const std::map& regions, const std::string& language, uint32_t time_scale) { regions_ = regions; language_ = language; time_scale_ = time_scale; } void TtmlGenerator::AddSample(const TextSample& sample) { samples_.emplace_back(sample); } void TtmlGenerator::Reset() { samples_.clear(); } bool TtmlGenerator::Dump(std::string* result) const { xml::XmlNode root("tt"); RCHECK(root.SetStringAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml")); RCHECK(root.SetStringAttribute("xmlns:tts", "http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling")); bool did_log = false; xml::XmlNode head("head"); RCHECK(root.SetStringAttribute("xml:lang", language_)); for (const auto& pair : regions_) { if (!did_log && (pair.second.region_anchor_x.value != 0 && pair.second.region_anchor_y.value != 0)) { LOG(WARNING) << "TTML doesn't support non-0 region anchor"; did_log = true; } xml::XmlNode region("region"); const auto origin = ToTtmlSize(pair.second.window_anchor_x, pair.second.window_anchor_y); const auto extent = ToTtmlSize(pair.second.width, pair.second.height); RCHECK(region.SetStringAttribute("xml:id", pair.first)); RCHECK(region.SetStringAttribute("tts:origin", origin)); RCHECK(region.SetStringAttribute("tts:extent", extent)); RCHECK(head.AddChild(std::move(region))); } RCHECK(root.AddChild(std::move(head))); xml::XmlNode body("body"); xml::XmlNode div("div"); for (const auto& sample : samples_) { RCHECK(AddSampleToXml(sample, &div)); } RCHECK(body.AddChild(std::move(div))); RCHECK(root.AddChild(std::move(body))); *result = root.ToString(/* comment= */ ""); return true; } bool TtmlGenerator::AddSampleToXml(const TextSample& sample, xml::XmlNode* body) const { xml::XmlNode p("p"); RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("xml:space", "preserve")); RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("begin", ToTtmlTime(sample.start_time(), time_scale_))); RCHECK( p.SetStringAttribute("end", ToTtmlTime(sample.EndTime(), time_scale_))); RCHECK(ConvertFragmentToXml(sample.body(), &p)); if (!sample.id().empty()) RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("xml:id", sample.id())); const auto& settings = sample.settings(); if (!settings.region.empty()) RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("region", settings.region)); if (settings.line || settings.position) { const auto origin = ToTtmlSize( settings.position.value_or(TextNumber(0, TextUnitType::kPixels)), settings.line.value_or(TextNumber(0, TextUnitType::kPixels))); RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("tts:origin", origin)); } if (settings.writing_direction != WritingDirection::kHorizontal) { const char* dir = settings.writing_direction == WritingDirection::kVerticalGrowingLeft ? "tbrl" : "tblr"; RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("tts:writingMode", dir)); } if (settings.text_alignment != TextAlignment::kStart) { switch (settings.text_alignment) { case TextAlignment::kStart: // To avoid compiler warning. case TextAlignment::kCenter: RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("tts:textAlign", "center")); break; case TextAlignment::kEnd: RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("tts:textAlign", "end")); break; case TextAlignment::kLeft: RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("tts:textAlign", "left")); break; case TextAlignment::kRight: RCHECK(p.SetStringAttribute("tts:textAlign", "right")); break; } } RCHECK(body->AddChild(std::move(p))); return true; } bool TtmlGenerator::ConvertFragmentToXml(const TextFragment& body, xml::XmlNode* parent) const { if (body.newline) { xml::XmlNode br("br"); return parent->AddChild(std::move(br)); } // If we have new styles, add a new . xml::XmlNode span("span"); xml::XmlNode* node = parent; if (body.style.bold || body.style.italic || body.style.underline) { node = &span; if (body.style.bold) { RCHECK(span.SetStringAttribute("tts:fontWeight", *body.style.bold ? "bold" : "normal")); } if (body.style.italic) { RCHECK(span.SetStringAttribute("tts:fontStyle", *body.style.italic ? "italic" : "normal")); } if (body.style.underline) { RCHECK(span.SetStringAttribute( "tts:textDecoration", *body.style.underline ? "underline" : "noUnderline")); } } if (!body.body.empty()) { node->AddContent(body.body); } else { for (const auto& frag : body.sub_fragments) { if (!ConvertFragmentToXml(frag, node)) return false; } } if (body.style.bold || body.style.italic || body.style.underline) RCHECK(parent->AddChild(std::move(span))); return true; } } // namespace ttml } // namespace media } // namespace shaka