// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "packager/media/formats/webvtt/webvtt_parser.h" #include "packager/base/logging.h" #include "packager/base/strings/string_split.h" #include "packager/base/strings/string_util.h" #include "packager/media/base/text_sample.h" #include "packager/media/base/text_stream_info.h" #include "packager/media/formats/webvtt/webvtt_timestamp.h" namespace shaka { namespace media { namespace { const uint64_t kStreamIndex = 0; std::string BlockToString(const std::string* block, size_t size) { std::string out = " --- BLOCK START ---\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { out.append(" "); out.append(block[i]); out.append("\n"); } out.append(" --- BLOCK END ---"); return out; } // Comments are just blocks that are preceded by a blank line, start with the // word "NOTE" (followed by a space or newline), and end at the first blank // line. // SOURCE: https://www.w3.org/TR/webvtt1 bool IsLikelyNote(const std::string& line) { return line == "NOTE" || base::StartsWith(line, "NOTE ", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE) || base::StartsWith(line, "NOTE\t", base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE); } // As cue time is the only part of a WEBVTT file that is allowed to have // "-->" appear, then if the given line contains it, we can safely assume // that the line is likely to be a cue time. bool IsLikelyCueTiming(const std::string& line) { return line.find("-->") != std::string::npos; } // A WebVTT cue identifier is any sequence of one or more characters not // containing the substring "-->" (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, // U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN), nor containing any U+000A LINE FEED (LF) // characters or U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters. // SOURCE: https://www.w3.org/TR/webvtt1/#webvtt-cue-identifier bool MaybeCueId(const std::string& line) { return line.find("-->") == std::string::npos; } // Check to see if the block is likely a style block. Style blocks are // identified as any block that starts with a line that only contains // "STYLE". // SOURCE: https://w3c.github.io/webvtt/#styling bool IsLikelyStyle(const std::string& line) { return base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(line, base::TRIM_TRAILING) == "STYLE"; } // Check to see if the block is likely a region block. Region blocks are // identified as any block that starts with a line that only contains // "REGION". // SOURCE: https://w3c.github.io/webvtt/#webvtt-region bool IsLikelyRegion(const std::string& line) { return base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(line, base::TRIM_TRAILING) == "REGION"; } void UpdateConfig(const std::vector& block, std::string* config) { if (!config->empty()) *config += "\n\n"; *config += base::JoinString(block, "\n"); } } // namespace WebVttParser::WebVttParser() {} void WebVttParser::Init(const InitCB& init_cb, const NewMediaSampleCB& new_media_sample_cb, const NewTextSampleCB& new_text_sample_cb, KeySource* decryption_key_source) { DCHECK(init_cb_.is_null()); DCHECK(!init_cb.is_null()); DCHECK(!new_text_sample_cb.is_null()); DCHECK(!decryption_key_source) << "Encrypted WebVTT not supported"; init_cb_ = init_cb; new_text_sample_cb_ = new_text_sample_cb; } bool WebVttParser::Flush() { reader_.Flush(); return Parse(); } bool WebVttParser::Parse(const uint8_t* buf, int size) { reader_.PushData(buf, size); return Parse(); } bool WebVttParser::Parse() { if (!initialized_) { std::vector block; if (!reader_.Next(&block)) { return true; } // Check the header. It is possible for a 0xFEFF BOM to come before the // header text. if (block.size() != 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read WEBVTT header - " << "block size should be 1 but was " << block.size() << "."; return false; } if (block[0] != "WEBVTT" && block[0] != "\xEF\xBB\xBFWEBVTT") { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read WEBVTT header - should be WEBVTT but was " << block[0]; return false; } initialized_ = true; } std::vector block; while (reader_.Next(&block)) { if (!ParseBlock(block)) return false; } return true; } bool WebVttParser::ParseBlock(const std::vector& block) { // NOTE if (IsLikelyNote(block[0])) { // We can safely ignore the whole block. return true; } // STYLE if (IsLikelyStyle(block[0])) { if (saw_cue_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Found style block after seeing cue. Ignoring style block"; } else { UpdateConfig(block, &style_region_config_); } return true; } // REGION if (IsLikelyRegion(block[0])) { if (saw_cue_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Found region block after seeing cue. Ignoring region block"; } else { UpdateConfig(block, &style_region_config_); } return true; } // CUE with ID if (block.size() >= 2 && MaybeCueId(block[0]) && IsLikelyCueTiming(block[1]) && ParseCueWithId(block)) { saw_cue_ = true; return true; } // CUE with no ID if (IsLikelyCueTiming(block[0]) && ParseCueWithNoId(block)) { saw_cue_ = true; return true; } LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to determine block classification:\n" << BlockToString(block.data(), block.size()); return false; } bool WebVttParser::ParseCueWithNoId(const std::vector& block) { return ParseCue("", block.data(), block.size()); } bool WebVttParser::ParseCueWithId(const std::vector& block) { return ParseCue(block[0], block.data() + 1, block.size() - 1); } bool WebVttParser::ParseCue(const std::string& id, const std::string* block, size_t block_size) { const std::vector time_and_style = base::SplitString( block[0], " ", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_NONEMPTY); uint64_t start_time = 0; uint64_t end_time = 0; const bool parsed_time = time_and_style.size() >= 3 && time_and_style[1] == "-->" && WebVttTimestampToMs(time_and_style[0], &start_time) && WebVttTimestampToMs(time_and_style[2], &end_time); if (!parsed_time) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not parse start time, -->, and end time from " << block[0]; return false; } if (!stream_info_dispatched_) DispatchTextStreamInfo(); // According to the WebVTT spec end time must be greater than the start time // of the cue. Since we are seeing content with invalid times in the field, we // are going to drop the cue instead of failing to package. // // For more context see: // - https://www.w3.org/TR/webvtt1/#webvtt-cue-timings // - https://github.com/google/shaka-packager/issues/335 // - https://github.com/google/shaka-packager/issues/425 // // Print a warning so that those packaging content can know that their // content is not spec compliant. if (end_time <= start_time) { LOG(WARNING) << "WebVTT input is not spec compliant. Start time (" << start_time << ") should be less than end time (" << end_time << "). Skipping webvtt cue:" << BlockToString(block, block_size); return true; } std::shared_ptr sample = std::make_shared(); sample->set_id(id); sample->SetTime(start_time, end_time); // The rest of time_and_style are the style tokens. for (size_t i = 3; i < time_and_style.size(); i++) { sample->AppendStyle(time_and_style[i]); } // The rest of the block is the payload. for (size_t i = 1; i < block_size; i++) { sample->AppendPayload(block[i]); } return new_text_sample_cb_.Run(kStreamIndex, sample); } void WebVttParser::DispatchTextStreamInfo() { stream_info_dispatched_ = true; const int kTrackId = 0; // The resolution of timings are in milliseconds. const int kTimescale = 1000; // The duration passed here is not very important. Also the whole file // must be read before determining the real duration which doesn't // work nicely with the current demuxer. const int kDuration = 0; const char kWebVttCodecString[] = "wvtt"; const int64_t kNoWidth = 0; const int64_t kNoHeight = 0; // The language of the stream will be overwritten by the Demuxer later. const char kNoLanguage[] = ""; std::vector> streams; streams.emplace_back(std::make_shared( kTrackId, kTimescale, kDuration, kCodecWebVtt, kWebVttCodecString, style_region_config_, kNoWidth, kNoHeight, kNoLanguage)); init_cb_.Run(streams); } } // namespace media } // namespace shaka