Shaka Packager SDK
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NshakaAll the methods that are virtual are virtual for mocking
 CFileDefine an abstract file interface
 CIoCacheDeclaration of class which implements a thread-safe circular buffer
 CLocalFileImplement LocalFile which deals with local storage
 CBufferCallbackParamsBuffer callback params
 CThreadedIoFileDeclaration of class which implements a thread-safe circular buffer
 CUdpFileImplements UdpFile, which receives UDP unicast and multicast streams
 CUdpOptionsOptions parsed from UDP url string of the form: udp://ip:port[?options]
 CHlsParamsHLS related parameters
 CAdCueGeneratorParamsCuepoint generator related parameters
 CChunkingParamsChunking (segmentation) related parameters
 CWidevineSignerSigner credential for Widevine license server
 CWidevineEncryptionParamsWidevine encryption parameters
 CRawKeyParamsRaw key encryption/decryption parameters, i.e. with key parameters provided
 CEncryptionParamsEncryption parameters
 CWidevineDecryptionParamsWidevine decryption parameters
 CDecryptionParamsDecryption parameters
 CMp4OutputParamsMP4 (ISO-BMFF) output related parameters
 CMpdBuilderThis class generates DASH MPDs (Media Presentation Descriptions)
 CMpdOptionsDefines Mpd Options
 CMpdParamsDASH MPD related parameters
 CTestParamsParameters used for testing
 CPackagingParamsPackaging parameters
 CStreamDescriptorDefines a single input/output stream