// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "mpd/base/mpd_utils.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "mpd/base/content_protection_element.h" #include "mpd/base/media_info.pb.h" #include "mpd/base/xml/scoped_xml_ptr.h" #include "third_party/libxml/src/include/libxml/tree.h" namespace { // Concatenate all the codecs in |repeated_stream_info|. template std::string CodecsString(const RepeatedStreamInfoType& repeated_stream_info) { std::string codecs; for (int i = 0; i < repeated_stream_info.size(); ++i) { codecs.append(repeated_stream_info.Get(i).codec()); codecs.append(","); } if (!codecs.empty()) { DCHECK_EQ(codecs[codecs.size() - 1], ','); codecs.resize(codecs.size() - 1); // Cut off ',' at the end. } return codecs; } } // namespace namespace dash_packager { bool HasVODOnlyFields(const MediaInfo& media_info) { return media_info.has_init_range() || media_info.has_index_range() || media_info.has_media_file_name() || media_info.has_media_duration_seconds(); } bool HasLiveOnlyFields(const MediaInfo& media_info) { return media_info.has_init_segment_name() || media_info.has_segment_template() || media_info.has_segment_duration_seconds(); } void RemoveDuplicateAttributes( ContentProtectionElement* content_protection_element) { DCHECK(content_protection_element); typedef std::map AttributesMap; AttributesMap& attributes = content_protection_element->additional_attributes; if (!content_protection_element->value.empty()) attributes.erase("value"); if (!content_protection_element->scheme_id_uri.empty()) attributes.erase("schemeIdUri"); } std::string GetCodecs(const MediaInfo& media_info) { std::string video_codecs; if (media_info.video_info_size() > 0) video_codecs = CodecsString(media_info.video_info()); std::string audio_codecs; if (media_info.audio_info_size() > 0) audio_codecs = CodecsString(media_info.audio_info()); if (!video_codecs.empty() && !audio_codecs.empty()) { return video_codecs + "," + audio_codecs; } else if (!video_codecs.empty()) { return video_codecs; } else if (!audio_codecs.empty()) { return audio_codecs; } return ""; } std::string SecondsToXmlDuration(double seconds) { return "PT" + base::DoubleToString(seconds) + "S"; } bool GetDurationAttribute(xmlNodePtr node, float* duration) { DCHECK(node); DCHECK(duration); static const char kDuration[] = "duration"; xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type duration_value( xmlGetProp(node, BAD_CAST kDuration)); if (!duration_value) return false; double duration_double_precision = 0.0; if (!base::StringToDouble(reinterpret_cast(duration_value.get()), &duration_double_precision)) { return false; } *duration = static_cast(duration_double_precision); return true; } bool MoreThanOneTrue(bool b1, bool b2, bool b3) { return (b1 && b2) || (b2 && b3) || (b3 && b1); } bool AtLeastOneTrue(bool b1, bool b2, bool b3) { return b1 || b2 || b3; } bool OnlyOneTrue(bool b1, bool b2, bool b3) { return !MoreThanOneTrue(b1, b2, b3) && AtLeastOneTrue(b1, b2, b3); } } // namespace dash_packager