# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Setup for instrumentation host-driven tests.""" import logging import os import sys import types import test_case import test_info_collection import test_runner def _GetPythonFiles(root, files): """Returns all files from |files| that end in 'Test.py'. Args: root: A directory name with python files. files: A list of file names. Returns: A list with all python files that match the testing naming scheme. """ return [os.path.join(root, f) for f in files if f.endswith('Test.py')] def _InferImportNameFromFile(python_file): """Given a file, infer the import name for that file. Example: /usr/foo/bar/baz.py -> baz. Args: python_file: Path to the Python file, ostensibly to import later. Returns: The module name for the given file. """ return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(python_file))[0] def _GetTestModules(host_driven_test_root, is_official_build): """Retrieve a list of python modules that match the testing naming scheme. Walks the location of host-driven tests, imports them, and provides the list of imported modules to the caller. Args: host_driven_test_root: The path to walk, looking for the pythonDrivenTests or host_driven_tests directory is_official_build: Whether to run only those tests marked 'official' Returns: A list of python modules under |host_driven_test_root| which match the testing naming scheme. Each module should define one or more classes that derive from HostDrivenTestCase. """ # By default run all host-driven tests under pythonDrivenTests or # host_driven_tests. host_driven_test_file_list = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(host_driven_test_root): if (root.endswith('host_driven_tests') or root.endswith('pythonDrivenTests') or (is_official_build and (root.endswith('pythonDrivenTests/official') or root.endswith('host_driven_tests/official')))): host_driven_test_file_list += _GetPythonFiles(root, files) host_driven_test_file_list.sort() test_module_list = [_GetModuleFromFile(test_file) for test_file in host_driven_test_file_list] return test_module_list def _GetModuleFromFile(python_file): """Gets the python module associated with a file by importing it. Args: python_file: File to import. Returns: The module object. """ sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(python_file)) import_name = _InferImportNameFromFile(python_file) return __import__(import_name) def _GetTestsFromClass(test_case_class, **kwargs): """Returns one test object for each test method in |test_case_class|. Test methods are methods on the class which begin with 'test'. Args: test_case_class: Class derived from HostDrivenTestCase which contains zero or more test methods. kwargs: Keyword args to pass into the constructor of test cases. Returns: A list of test case objects, each initialized for a particular test method. """ test_names = [m for m in dir(test_case_class) if _IsTestMethod(m, test_case_class)] return [test_case_class(name, **kwargs) for name in test_names] def _GetTestsFromModule(test_module, **kwargs): """Gets a list of test objects from |test_module|. Args: test_module: Module from which to get the set of test methods. kwargs: Keyword args to pass into the constructor of test cases. Returns: A list of test case objects each initialized for a particular test method defined in |test_module|. """ tests = [] for name in dir(test_module): attr = getattr(test_module, name) if _IsTestCaseClass(attr): tests.extend(_GetTestsFromClass(attr, **kwargs)) return tests def _IsTestCaseClass(test_class): return (type(test_class) is types.TypeType and issubclass(test_class, test_case.HostDrivenTestCase) and test_class is not test_case.HostDrivenTestCase) def _IsTestMethod(attrname, test_case_class): """Checks whether this is a valid test method. Args: attrname: The method name. test_case_class: The test case class. Returns: True if test_case_class.'attrname' is callable and it starts with 'test'; False otherwise. """ attr = getattr(test_case_class, attrname) return callable(attr) and attrname.startswith('test') def _GetAllTests(test_root, is_official_build, **kwargs): """Retrieve a list of host-driven tests defined under |test_root|. Args: test_root: Path which contains host-driven test files. is_official_build: Whether this is an official build. kwargs: Keyword args to pass into the constructor of test cases. Returns: List of test case objects, one for each available test method. """ if not test_root: return [] all_tests = [] test_module_list = _GetTestModules(test_root, is_official_build) for module in test_module_list: all_tests.extend(_GetTestsFromModule(module, **kwargs)) return all_tests def InstrumentationSetup(host_driven_test_root, official_build, instrumentation_options): """Creates a list of host-driven instrumentation tests and a runner factory. Args: host_driven_test_root: Directory where the host-driven tests are. official_build: True if this is an official build. instrumentation_options: An InstrumentationOptions object. Returns: A tuple of (TestRunnerFactory, tests). """ test_collection = test_info_collection.TestInfoCollection() all_tests = _GetAllTests( host_driven_test_root, official_build, instrumentation_options=instrumentation_options) test_collection.AddTests(all_tests) available_tests = test_collection.GetAvailableTests( instrumentation_options.annotations, instrumentation_options.exclude_annotations, instrumentation_options.test_filter) logging.debug('All available tests: ' + str( [t.tagged_name for t in available_tests])) def TestRunnerFactory(device, shard_index): return test_runner.HostDrivenTestRunner( device, shard_index, instrumentation_options.tool, instrumentation_options.build_type, instrumentation_options.push_deps, instrumentation_options.cleanup_test_files) return (TestRunnerFactory, available_tests)