# Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved. # # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style # license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at # https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd # CMake build file to host protobuf configuration. # Turn these features off. set(protobuf_INSTALL OFF) set(protobuf_BUILD_TESTS OFF) set(protobuf_BUILD_CONFORMANCE OFF) set(protobuf_BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF) set(protobuf_BUILD_LIBPROTOC OFF) set(protobuf_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) set(protobuf_WITH_ZLIB OFF) # Turn these features on. set(protobuf_BUILD_PROTOC_BINARIES ON) set(protobuf_DISABLE_RTTI ON) # The latest version of protobuf requires a path to ABSL. set(ABSL_ROOT_DIR get_filename_component(ABSOLUTE_PATH ../abseil-cpp/source ABSOLUTE)) # Make sure protoc links against the same MSVC runtime as internal libs. set(protobuf_MSVC_STATIC_RUNTIME OFF) # Disable these errors/warnings: if(MSVC) add_compile_options( # src/google/protobuf/arena_align.h /wd4146 # sign comparison # src/google/protobuf/generated_message_tctable_lite.cc /wd4141 # multiple inline keywords # src/google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h /wd4100 # unreferenced formal parameter ) else() add_compile_options( # src/google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.cc -Wno-type-limits # src/google/protobuf/stubs/stringprintf.cc -Wno-sign-compare # src/google/protobuf/compiler/cpp/parse_function_generator.cc -Wno-missing-field-initializers # src/google/protobuf/message_lite.cc -Wno-stringop-overflow # src/google/protobuf/stubs/int128.cc -Wno-shorten-64-to-32 # src/google/protobuf/generated_message_tctable_lite.cc -Wno-unused-function # There are several interfaces with ununused parameters. -Wno-unused-parameter # There are also redundant move calls. -Wno-redundant-move ) endif() # Disable internal debugging features, which end up triggering further compiler # errors. add_definitions(-DNDEBUG) # With these set in scope of this folder, load the library's own CMakeLists.txt. add_subdirectory(source)