// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "packager/media/base/video_stream_info.h" #include "packager/base/logging.h" #include "packager/base/stl_util.h" #include "packager/base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "packager/base/strings/string_util.h" #include "packager/base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "packager/media/base/limits.h" namespace edash_packager { namespace media { namespace { std::string VideoCodecToString(VideoCodec video_codec) { switch (video_codec) { case kCodecH264: return "H264"; case kCodecVC1: return "VC1"; case kCodecMPEG2: return "MPEG2"; case kCodecMPEG4: return "MPEG4"; case kCodecTheora: return "Theora"; case kCodecVP8: return "VP8"; case kCodecVP9: return "VP9"; case kCodecVP10: return "VP10"; default: NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "Unknown Video Codec: " << video_codec; return "UnknownVideoCodec"; } } } // namespace VideoStreamInfo::VideoStreamInfo(int track_id, uint32_t time_scale, uint64_t duration, VideoCodec codec, const std::string& codec_string, const std::string& language, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, uint32_t pixel_width, uint32_t pixel_height, int16_t trick_play_rate, uint8_t nalu_length_size, const uint8_t* extra_data, size_t extra_data_size, bool is_encrypted) : StreamInfo(kStreamVideo, track_id, time_scale, duration, codec_string, language, extra_data, extra_data_size, is_encrypted), codec_(codec), width_(width), height_(height), pixel_width_(pixel_width), pixel_height_(pixel_height), trick_play_rate_(trick_play_rate), nalu_length_size_(nalu_length_size) { } VideoStreamInfo::~VideoStreamInfo() {} bool VideoStreamInfo::IsValidConfig() const { return codec_ != kUnknownVideoCodec && width_ > 0 && width_ <= limits::kMaxDimension && height_ > 0 && height_ <= limits::kMaxDimension && (nalu_length_size_ <= 2 || nalu_length_size_ == 4); } std::string VideoStreamInfo::ToString() const { return base::StringPrintf( "%s codec: %s\n width: %d\n height: %d\n pixel aspect ratio: %d:%d\n " "trick_play_rate: %d\n nalu_length_size: %d\n", StreamInfo::ToString().c_str(), VideoCodecToString(codec_).c_str(), width_, height_, pixel_width_, pixel_height_, trick_play_rate_, nalu_length_size_); } } // namespace media } // namespace edash_packager