// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/android/jni_android.h" #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace base { namespace android { namespace { const char kJavaLangObject[] = "java/lang/Object"; const char kGetClass[] = "getClass"; const char kToString[] = "toString"; const char kReturningJavaLangClass[] = "()Ljava/lang/Class;"; const char kReturningJavaLangString[] = "()Ljava/lang/String;"; const char* g_last_method; const char* g_last_jni_signature; jmethodID g_last_method_id; const JNINativeInterface* g_previous_functions; jmethodID GetMethodIDWrapper(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, const char* method, const char* jni_signature) { g_last_method = method; g_last_jni_signature = jni_signature; g_last_method_id = g_previous_functions->GetMethodID(env, clazz, method, jni_signature); return g_last_method_id; } } // namespace class JNIAndroidTest : public testing::Test { protected: virtual void SetUp() { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); g_previous_functions = env->functions; hooked_functions = *g_previous_functions; env->functions = &hooked_functions; hooked_functions.GetMethodID = &GetMethodIDWrapper; } virtual void TearDown() { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); env->functions = g_previous_functions; Reset(); } void Reset() { g_last_method = 0; g_last_jni_signature = 0; g_last_method_id = NULL; } // Needed to cleanup the cached method map in the implementation between // runs (e.g. if using --gtest_repeat) base::ShadowingAtExitManager exit_manager; // From JellyBean release, the instance of this struct provided in JNIEnv is // read-only, so we deep copy it to allow individual functions to be hooked. JNINativeInterface hooked_functions; }; TEST_F(JNIAndroidTest, GetMethodIDFromClassNameCaching) { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); Reset(); jmethodID id1 = GetMethodIDFromClassName(env, kJavaLangObject, kGetClass, kReturningJavaLangClass); EXPECT_STREQ(kGetClass, g_last_method); EXPECT_STREQ(kReturningJavaLangClass, g_last_jni_signature); EXPECT_EQ(g_last_method_id, id1); Reset(); jmethodID id2 = GetMethodIDFromClassName(env, kJavaLangObject, kGetClass, kReturningJavaLangClass); EXPECT_STREQ(0, g_last_method); EXPECT_STREQ(0, g_last_jni_signature); EXPECT_EQ(NULL, g_last_method_id); EXPECT_EQ(id1, id2); Reset(); jmethodID id3 = GetMethodIDFromClassName(env, kJavaLangObject, kToString, kReturningJavaLangString); EXPECT_STREQ(kToString, g_last_method); EXPECT_STREQ(kReturningJavaLangString, g_last_jni_signature); EXPECT_EQ(g_last_method_id, id3); } namespace { base::subtle::AtomicWord g_atomic_id = 0; int LazyMethodIDCall(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, int p) { jmethodID id = base::android::MethodID::LazyGet< base::android::MethodID::TYPE_STATIC>( env, clazz, "abs", "(I)I", &g_atomic_id); return env->CallStaticIntMethod(clazz, id, p); } int MethodIDCall(JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jmethodID id, int p) { return env->CallStaticIntMethod(clazz, id, p); } } // namespace TEST(JNIAndroidMicrobenchmark, MethodId) { JNIEnv* env = AttachCurrentThread(); ScopedJavaLocalRef clazz(GetClass(env, "java/lang/Math")); base::Time start_lazy = base::Time::Now(); int o = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) o += LazyMethodIDCall(env, clazz.obj(), i); base::Time end_lazy = base::Time::Now(); jmethodID id = reinterpret_cast(g_atomic_id); base::Time start = base::Time::Now(); for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) o += MethodIDCall(env, clazz.obj(), id, i); base::Time end = base::Time::Now(); // On a Galaxy Nexus, results were in the range of: // JNI LazyMethodIDCall (us) 1984 // JNI MethodIDCall (us) 1861 LOG(ERROR) << "JNI LazyMethodIDCall (us) " << base::TimeDelta(end_lazy - start_lazy).InMicroseconds(); LOG(ERROR) << "JNI MethodIDCall (us) " << base::TimeDelta(end - start).InMicroseconds(); LOG(ERROR) << "JNI " << o; } } // namespace android } // namespace base