// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "mpd/base/mpd_builder.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "mpd/base/content_protection_element.h" #include "mpd/base/mpd_utils.h" #include "mpd/base/xml/xml_node.h" #include "third_party/libxml/src/include/libxml/tree.h" #include "third_party/libxml/src/include/libxml/xmlstring.h" namespace dash_packager { using xml::XmlNode; using xml::RepresentationXmlNode; using xml::AdaptationSetXmlNode; namespace { std::string GetMimeType( const std::string& prefix, MediaInfo::ContainerType container_type) { switch (container_type) { case MediaInfo::CONTAINER_MP4: return prefix + "/mp4"; case MediaInfo::CONTAINER_MPEG2_TS: // NOTE: DASH MPD spec uses lowercase but RFC3555 says uppercase. return prefix + "/MP2T"; case MediaInfo::CONTAINER_WEBM: return prefix + "/webm"; default: break; } // Unsupported container types should be rejected/handled by the caller. NOTREACHED() << "Unrecognized container type: " << container_type; return std::string(); } void AddMpdNameSpaceInfo(XmlNode* mpd) { DCHECK(mpd); static const char kXmlNamespace[] = "urn:mpeg:DASH:schema:MPD:2011"; mpd->SetStringAttribute("xmlns", kXmlNamespace); static const char kXmlNamespaceXsi[] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"; mpd->SetStringAttribute("xmlns:xsi", kXmlNamespaceXsi); static const char kXmlNamespaceXlink[] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; mpd->SetStringAttribute("xmlns:xlink", kXmlNamespaceXlink); static const char kDashSchemaMpd2011[] = "urn:mpeg:DASH:schema:MPD:2011 DASH-MPD.xsd"; mpd->SetStringAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", kDashSchemaMpd2011); } bool IsPeriodNode(xmlNodePtr node) { DCHECK(node); int kEqual = 0; return xmlStrcmp(node->name, reinterpret_cast("Period")) == kEqual; } // Find the first element. This does not recurse down the tree, // only checks direct children. Returns the pointer to Period element on // success, otherwise returns false. // As noted here, we must traverse. // http://www.xmlsoft.org/tutorial/ar01s04.html xmlNodePtr FindPeriodNode(XmlNode* xml_node) { for (xmlNodePtr node = xml_node->GetRawPtr()->xmlChildrenNode; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if (IsPeriodNode(node)) return node; } return NULL; } bool Positive(double d) { return d > 0.0; } // Return current time in XML DateTime format. std::string XmlDateTimeNow() { base::Time now = base::Time::Now(); base::Time::Exploded now_exploded; now.UTCExplode(&now_exploded); return base::StringPrintf("%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", now_exploded.year, now_exploded.month, now_exploded.day_of_month, now_exploded.hour, now_exploded.minute, now_exploded.second); } void SetIfPositive(const char* attr_name, double value, XmlNode* mpd) { if (Positive(value)) { mpd->SetStringAttribute(attr_name, SecondsToXmlDuration(value)); } } } // namespace MpdOptions::MpdOptions() : minimum_update_period(), min_buffer_time(), time_shift_buffer_depth(), suggested_presentation_delay(), max_segment_duration(), max_subsegment_duration(), number_of_blocks_for_bandwidth_estimation() {} MpdOptions::~MpdOptions() {} MpdBuilder::MpdBuilder(MpdType type, const MpdOptions& mpd_options) : type_(type), options_(mpd_options), adaptation_sets_deleter_(&adaptation_sets_) {} MpdBuilder::~MpdBuilder() {} void MpdBuilder::AddBaseUrl(const std::string& base_url) { base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); base_urls_.push_back(base_url); } AdaptationSet* MpdBuilder::AddAdaptationSet() { base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); scoped_ptr adaptation_set(new AdaptationSet( adaptation_set_counter_.GetNext(), &representation_counter_)); DCHECK(adaptation_set); adaptation_sets_.push_back(adaptation_set.get()); return adaptation_set.release(); } bool MpdBuilder::ToString(std::string* output) { base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); return ToStringImpl(output); } bool MpdBuilder::ToStringImpl(std::string* output) { xmlInitParser(); xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type doc(GenerateMpd()); if (!doc.get()) return false; static const int kNiceFormat = 1; int doc_str_size = 0; xmlChar* doc_str = NULL; xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc( doc.get(), &doc_str, &doc_str_size, "UTF-8", kNiceFormat); output->assign(doc_str, doc_str + doc_str_size); xmlFree(doc_str); DLOG(INFO) << *output; // Cleanup, free the doc then cleanup parser. doc.reset(); xmlCleanupParser(); return true; } xmlDocPtr MpdBuilder::GenerateMpd() { // Setup nodes. static const char kXmlVersion[] = "1.0"; xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type doc(xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST kXmlVersion)); XmlNode mpd("MPD"); AddMpdNameSpaceInfo(&mpd); SetMpdOptionsValues(&mpd); // Iterate thru AdaptationSets and add them to one big Period element. XmlNode period("Period"); std::list::iterator adaptation_sets_it = adaptation_sets_.begin(); for (; adaptation_sets_it != adaptation_sets_.end(); ++adaptation_sets_it) { xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type child((*adaptation_sets_it)->GetXml()); if (!child.get() || !period.AddChild(child.Pass())) return NULL; } // Add baseurls to MPD. std::list::const_iterator base_urls_it = base_urls_.begin(); for (; base_urls_it != base_urls_.end(); ++base_urls_it) { XmlNode base_url("BaseURL"); base_url.SetContent(*base_urls_it); if (!mpd.AddChild(base_url.PassScopedPtr())) return NULL; } if (type_ == kDynamic) { // This is the only Period and it is a regular period. period.SetStringAttribute("start", "PT0S"); } if (!mpd.AddChild(period.PassScopedPtr())) return NULL; switch (type_) { case kStatic: AddStaticMpdInfo(&mpd); break; case kDynamic: AddDynamicMpdInfo(&mpd); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unknown MPD type: " << type_; break; } DCHECK(doc); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc.get(), mpd.Release()); return doc.release(); } void MpdBuilder::AddStaticMpdInfo(XmlNode* mpd_node) { DCHECK(mpd_node); DCHECK_EQ(MpdBuilder::kStatic, type_); static const char kStaticMpdType[] = "static"; static const char kStaticMpdProfile[] = "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011"; mpd_node->SetStringAttribute("type", kStaticMpdType); mpd_node->SetStringAttribute("profiles", kStaticMpdProfile); mpd_node->SetStringAttribute( "mediaPresentationDuration", SecondsToXmlDuration(GetStaticMpdDuration(mpd_node))); } void MpdBuilder::AddDynamicMpdInfo(XmlNode* mpd_node) { DCHECK(mpd_node); DCHECK_EQ(MpdBuilder::kDynamic, type_); static const char kDynamicMpdType[] = "dynamic"; static const char kDynamicMpdProfile[] = "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011"; mpd_node->SetStringAttribute("type", kDynamicMpdType); mpd_node->SetStringAttribute("profiles", kDynamicMpdProfile); } float MpdBuilder::GetStaticMpdDuration(XmlNode* mpd_node) { DCHECK(mpd_node); DCHECK_EQ(MpdBuilder::kStatic, type_); xmlNodePtr period_node = FindPeriodNode(mpd_node); DCHECK(period_node) << "Period element must be a child of mpd_node."; DCHECK(IsPeriodNode(period_node)); // Attribute mediaPresentationDuration must be present for 'static' MPD. So // setting "PT0S" is required even if none of the representaions have duration // attribute. float max_duration = 0.0f; for (xmlNodePtr adaptation_set = xmlFirstElementChild(period_node); adaptation_set; adaptation_set = xmlNextElementSibling(adaptation_set)) { for (xmlNodePtr representation = xmlFirstElementChild(adaptation_set); representation; representation = xmlNextElementSibling(representation)) { float duration = 0.0f; if (GetDurationAttribute(representation, &duration)) { max_duration = max_duration > duration ? max_duration : duration; // 'duration' attribute is there only to help generate MPD, not // necessary for MPD, remove the attribute. xmlUnsetProp(representation, BAD_CAST "duration"); } } } return max_duration; } void MpdBuilder::SetMpdOptionsValues(XmlNode* mpd) { if (type_ == kStatic) { if (!options_.availability_start_time.empty()) { mpd->SetStringAttribute("availabilityStartTime", options_.availability_start_time); } LOG_IF(WARNING, Positive(options_.minimum_update_period)) << "minimumUpdatePeriod should not be present in 'static' profile. " "Ignoring."; LOG_IF(WARNING, Positive(options_.time_shift_buffer_depth)) << "timeShiftBufferDepth will not be used for 'static' profile. " "Ignoring."; LOG_IF(WARNING, Positive(options_.suggested_presentation_delay)) << "suggestedPresentationDelay will not be used for 'static' profile. " "Ignoring."; } else if (type_ == kDynamic) { // 'availabilityStartTime' is required for dynamic profile, so use current // time if not specified. const std::string avail_start = !options_.availability_start_time.empty() ? options_.availability_start_time : XmlDateTimeNow(); mpd->SetStringAttribute("availabilityStartTime", avail_start); if (Positive(options_.minimum_update_period)) { mpd->SetStringAttribute( "minimumUpdatePeriod", SecondsToXmlDuration(options_.minimum_update_period)); } else { // TODO(rkuroiwa): Set minimumUpdatePeriod to some default value. LOG(WARNING) << "The profile is dynamic but no minimumUpdatePeriod " "specified. Setting minimumUpdatePeriod to 0."; } SetIfPositive( "timeShiftBufferDepth", options_.time_shift_buffer_depth, mpd); SetIfPositive("suggestedPresentationDelay", options_.suggested_presentation_delay, mpd); } const double kDefaultMinBufferTime = 2.0; const double min_buffer_time = Positive(options_.min_buffer_time) ? options_.min_buffer_time : kDefaultMinBufferTime; mpd->SetStringAttribute("minBufferTime", SecondsToXmlDuration(min_buffer_time)); if (!options_.availability_end_time.empty()) { mpd->SetStringAttribute("availabilityEndTime", options_.availability_end_time); } SetIfPositive("maxSegmentDuration", options_.max_segment_duration, mpd); SetIfPositive("maxSubsegmentDuration", options_.max_subsegment_duration, mpd); } AdaptationSet::AdaptationSet(uint32 adaptation_set_id, base::AtomicSequenceNumber* counter) : representations_deleter_(&representations_), representation_counter_(counter), id_(adaptation_set_id) { DCHECK(counter); } AdaptationSet::~AdaptationSet() {} Representation* AdaptationSet::AddRepresentation(const MediaInfo& media_info) { base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); scoped_ptr representation( new Representation(media_info, representation_counter_->GetNext())); if (!representation->Init()) return NULL; representations_.push_back(representation.get()); return representation.release(); } void AdaptationSet::AddContentProtectionElement( const ContentProtectionElement& content_protection_element) { base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); content_protection_elements_.push_back(content_protection_element); RemoveDuplicateAttributes(&content_protection_elements_.back()); } // Creates a copy of xml element, iterate thru all the // (child) elements and add them to the copy. xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type AdaptationSet::GetXml() { base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); AdaptationSetXmlNode adaptation_set; if (!adaptation_set.AddContentProtectionElements( content_protection_elements_)) { return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); } std::list::iterator representation_it = representations_.begin(); for (; representation_it != representations_.end(); ++representation_it) { xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type child((*representation_it)->GetXml()); if (!child.get() || !adaptation_set.AddChild(child.Pass())) return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); } adaptation_set.SetId(id_); return adaptation_set.PassScopedPtr(); } Representation::Representation(const MediaInfo& media_info, uint32 id) : media_info_(media_info), id_(id), bandwidth_estimator_(BandwidthEstimator::kUseAllBlocks) {} Representation::~Representation() {} bool Representation::Init() { codecs_ = GetCodecs(media_info_); if (codecs_.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Missing codec info in MediaInfo."; return false; } const bool has_video_info = media_info_.video_info_size() > 0; const bool has_audio_info = media_info_.audio_info_size() > 0; if (!has_video_info && !has_audio_info) { // This is an error. Segment information can be in AdaptationSet, Period, or // MPD but the interface does not provide a way to set them. // See ISO 23009-1:2012 for segment info. LOG(ERROR) << "Representation needs video or audio."; return false; } if (media_info_.container_type() == MediaInfo::CONTAINER_UNKNOWN) { LOG(ERROR) << "'container_type' in MediaInfo cannot be CONTAINER_UNKNOWN."; return false; } // Check video and then audio. Usually when there is audio + video, we take // video/. if (has_video_info) { mime_type_ = GetVideoMimeType(); } else if (has_audio_info) { mime_type_ = GetAudioMimeType(); } return true; } void Representation::AddContentProtectionElement( const ContentProtectionElement& content_protection_element) { base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); content_protection_elements_.push_back(content_protection_element); RemoveDuplicateAttributes(&content_protection_elements_.back()); } void Representation::AddNewSegment(uint64 start_time, uint64 duration, uint64 size) { if (start_time == 0 && duration == 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "Got segment with start_time and duration == 0. Ignoring."; return; } base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); if (IsContiguous(start_time, duration, size)) { ++segment_infos_.back().repeat; } else { SegmentInfo s = {start_time, duration, /* Not repeat. */ 0}; segment_infos_.push_back(s); } bandwidth_estimator_.AddBlock( size, static_cast(duration) / media_info_.reference_time_scale()); } // Uses info in |media_info_| and |content_protection_elements_| to create a // "Representation" node. // MPD schema has strict ordering. The following must be done in order. // AddVideoInfo() (possibly adds FramePacking elements), AddAudioInfo() (Adds // AudioChannelConfig elements), AddContentProtectionElements*(), and // AddVODOnlyInfo() (Adds segment info). xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type Representation::GetXml() { base::AutoLock scoped_lock(lock_); if (!HasRequiredMediaInfoFields()) { LOG(ERROR) << "MediaInfo missing required fields."; return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); } const uint64 bandwidth = media_info_.has_bandwidth() ? media_info_.bandwidth() : bandwidth_estimator_.Estimate(); DCHECK(!(HasVODOnlyFields(media_info_) && HasLiveOnlyFields(media_info_))); RepresentationXmlNode representation; // Mandatory fields for Representation. representation.SetId(id_); representation.SetIntegerAttribute("bandwidth", bandwidth); representation.SetStringAttribute("codecs", codecs_); representation.SetStringAttribute("mimeType", mime_type_); const bool has_video_info = media_info_.video_info_size() > 0; const bool has_audio_info = media_info_.audio_info_size() > 0; if (has_video_info && !representation.AddVideoInfo(media_info_.video_info())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add video info to Representation XML."; return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); } if (has_audio_info && !representation.AddAudioInfo(media_info_.audio_info())) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add audio info to Representation XML."; return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); } if (!representation.AddContentProtectionElements( content_protection_elements_)) { return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); } if (!representation.AddContentProtectionElementsFromMediaInfo(media_info_)) return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); if (HasVODOnlyFields(media_info_) && !representation.AddVODOnlyInfo(media_info_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add VOD segment info."; return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); } if (HasLiveOnlyFields(media_info_) && !representation.AddLiveOnlyInfo(media_info_, segment_infos_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add Live info."; return xml::ScopedXmlPtr::type(); } // TODO(rkuroiwa): It is likely that all representations have the exact same // SegmentTemplate. Optimize and propagate the tag up to AdaptationSet level. return representation.PassScopedPtr(); } bool Representation::HasRequiredMediaInfoFields() { if (HasVODOnlyFields(media_info_) && HasLiveOnlyFields(media_info_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "MediaInfo cannot have both VOD and Live fields."; return false; } if (!media_info_.has_container_type()) { LOG(ERROR) << "MediaInfo missing required field: container_type."; return false; } if (HasVODOnlyFields(media_info_) && !media_info_.has_bandwidth()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Missing 'bandwidth' field. MediaInfo requires bandwidth for " "static profile for generating a valid MPD."; return false; } VLOG_IF(3, HasLiveOnlyFields(media_info_) && !media_info_.has_bandwidth()) << "MediaInfo missing field 'bandwidth'. Using estimated from " "segment size."; return true; } // In Debug builds, some of the irregular cases crash. It is probably a // programming error but in production, it might not be best to stop the // pipeline, especially for live. bool Representation::IsContiguous(uint64 start_time, uint64 duration, uint64 size) const { if (segment_infos_.empty() || segment_infos_.back().duration != duration) return false; // Contiguous segment. const SegmentInfo& previous = segment_infos_.back(); const uint64 previous_segment_end_time = previous.start_time + previous.duration * (previous.repeat + 1); if (previous_segment_end_time == start_time) return true; // A gap since previous. if (previous_segment_end_time < start_time) return false; // No out of order segments. const uint64 previous_segment_start_time = previous.start_time + previous.duration * previous.repeat; if (previous_segment_start_time >= start_time) { LOG(ERROR) << "Segments should not be out of order segment. Adding segment " "with start_time == " << start_time << " but the previous segment starts at " << previous.start_time << "."; DCHECK(false); return false; } // No overlapping segments. const uint64 kRoundingErrorGrace = 5; if (start_time < previous_segment_end_time - kRoundingErrorGrace) { LOG(WARNING) << "Segments shold not be overlapping. The new segment starts at " << start_time << " but the previous segment ends at " << previous_segment_end_time << "."; DCHECK(false); return false; } // Within rounding error grace but technically not contiguous interms of MPD. return false; } std::string Representation::GetVideoMimeType() const { return GetMimeType("video", media_info_.container_type()); } std::string Representation::GetAudioMimeType() const { return GetMimeType("audio", media_info_.container_type()); } } // namespace dash_packager