// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "packager/media/formats/webvtt/webvtt_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include "packager/base/logging.h" #include "packager/base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "packager/base/strings/string_util.h" #include "packager/base/strings/stringprintf.h" namespace shaka { namespace media { namespace { bool GetTotalMilliseconds(uint64_t hours, uint64_t minutes, uint64_t seconds, uint64_t ms, int64_t* out) { DCHECK(out); if (minutes > 59 || seconds > 59 || ms > 999) { VLOG(1) << "Hours:" << hours << " Minutes:" << minutes << " Seconds:" << seconds << " MS:" << ms << " shoud have never made it to GetTotalMilliseconds"; return false; } *out = 60 * 60 * 1000 * hours + 60 * 1000 * minutes + 1000 * seconds + ms; return true; } enum class StyleTagKind { kUnderline, kBold, kItalic, }; std::string GetOpenTag(StyleTagKind tag) { switch (tag) { case StyleTagKind::kUnderline: return ""; case StyleTagKind::kBold: return ""; case StyleTagKind::kItalic: return ""; } return ""; // Not reached, but Windows doesn't like NOTREACHED. } std::string GetCloseTag(StyleTagKind tag) { switch (tag) { case StyleTagKind::kUnderline: return ""; case StyleTagKind::kBold: return ""; case StyleTagKind::kItalic: return ""; } return ""; // Not reached, but Windows doesn't like NOTREACHED. } bool IsWhitespace(char c) { return c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == ' '; } // Replace consecutive whitespaces with a single whitespace. std::string CollapseWhitespace(const std::string& data) { std::string output; output.resize(data.size()); size_t chars_written = 0; bool in_whitespace = false; for (char c : data) { if (IsWhitespace(c)) { if (!in_whitespace) { in_whitespace = true; output[chars_written++] = ' '; } } else { in_whitespace = false; output[chars_written++] = c; } } output.resize(chars_written); return output; } std::string WriteFragment(const TextFragment& fragment, std::list* tags) { std::string ret; size_t local_tag_count = 0; auto has = [tags](StyleTagKind tag) { return std::find(tags->begin(), tags->end(), tag) != tags->end(); }; auto push_tag = [tags, &local_tag_count, &has](StyleTagKind tag) { if (has(tag)) { return std::string(); } tags->push_back(tag); local_tag_count++; return GetOpenTag(tag); }; if ((fragment.style.underline == false && has(StyleTagKind::kUnderline)) || (fragment.style.bold == false && has(StyleTagKind::kBold)) || (fragment.style.italic == false && has(StyleTagKind::kItalic))) { LOG(WARNING) << "WebVTT output doesn't support disabling " "underline/bold/italic within a cue"; } if (fragment.newline) { // Newlines represent separate WebVTT cues. So close the existing tags to // be nice and re-open them on the new line. for (auto it = tags->rbegin(); it != tags->rend(); it++) { ret += GetCloseTag(*it); } ret += "\n"; for (const auto tag : *tags) { ret += GetOpenTag(tag); } } else { if (fragment.style.underline == true) { ret += push_tag(StyleTagKind::kUnderline); } if (fragment.style.bold == true) { ret += push_tag(StyleTagKind::kBold); } if (fragment.style.italic == true) { ret += push_tag(StyleTagKind::kItalic); } if (!fragment.body.empty()) { // Replace newlines and consecutive whitespace with a single space. If // the user wanted an explicit newline, they should use the "newline" // field. ret += CollapseWhitespace(fragment.body); } else { for (const auto& frag : fragment.sub_fragments) { ret += WriteFragment(frag, tags); } } // Pop all the local tags we pushed. while (local_tag_count > 0) { ret += GetCloseTag(tags->back()); tags->pop_back(); local_tag_count--; } } return ret; } } // namespace bool WebVttTimestampToMs(const base::StringPiece& source, int64_t* out) { DCHECK(out); if (source.length() < 9) { LOG(WARNING) << "Timestamp '" << source << "' is mal-formed"; return false; } const size_t minutes_begin = source.length() - 9; const size_t seconds_begin = source.length() - 6; const size_t milliseconds_begin = source.length() - 3; uint64_t hours = 0; uint64_t minutes = 0; uint64_t seconds = 0; uint64_t ms = 0; const bool has_hours = minutes_begin >= 3 && source[minutes_begin - 1] == ':' && base::StringToUint64(source.substr(0, minutes_begin - 1), &hours); if ((minutes_begin == 0 || has_hours) && source[seconds_begin - 1] == ':' && source[milliseconds_begin - 1] == '.' && base::StringToUint64(source.substr(minutes_begin, 2), &minutes) && base::StringToUint64(source.substr(seconds_begin, 2), &seconds) && base::StringToUint64(source.substr(milliseconds_begin, 3), &ms)) { return GetTotalMilliseconds(hours, minutes, seconds, ms, out); } LOG(WARNING) << "Timestamp '" << source << "' is mal-formed"; return false; } std::string MsToWebVttTimestamp(uint64_t ms) { uint64_t remaining = ms; uint64_t only_ms = remaining % 1000; remaining /= 1000; uint64_t only_seconds = remaining % 60; remaining /= 60; uint64_t only_minutes = remaining % 60; remaining /= 60; uint64_t only_hours = remaining; return base::StringPrintf("%02" PRIu64 ":%02" PRIu64 ":%02" PRIu64 ".%03" PRIu64, only_hours, only_minutes, only_seconds, only_ms); } std::string WebVttSettingsToString(const TextSettings& settings) { std::string ret; if (!settings.region.empty()) { ret += " region:"; ret += settings.region; } if (settings.line) { switch (settings.line->type) { case TextUnitType::kPercent: ret += " line:"; ret += base::DoubleToString(settings.line->value); ret += "%"; break; case TextUnitType::kLines: ret += " line:"; ret += base::DoubleToString(settings.line->value); break; case TextUnitType::kPixels: LOG(WARNING) << "WebVTT doesn't support pixel line settings"; break; } } if (settings.position) { if (settings.position->type == TextUnitType::kPercent) { ret += " position:"; ret += base::DoubleToString(settings.position->value); ret += "%"; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "WebVTT only supports percent position settings"; } } if (settings.width) { if (settings.width->type == TextUnitType::kPercent) { ret += " size:"; ret += base::DoubleToString(settings.width->value); ret += "%"; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "WebVTT only supports percent width settings"; } } if (settings.height) { LOG(WARNING) << "WebVTT doesn't support cue heights"; } if (settings.writing_direction != WritingDirection::kHorizontal) { ret += " direction:"; if (settings.writing_direction == WritingDirection::kVerticalGrowingLeft) { ret += "rl"; } else { ret += "lr"; } } switch (settings.text_alignment) { case TextAlignment::kStart: ret += " align:start"; break; case TextAlignment::kEnd: ret += " align:end"; break; case TextAlignment::kLeft: ret += " align:left"; break; case TextAlignment::kRight: ret += " align:right"; break; case TextAlignment::kCenter: ret += " align:center"; break; } if (!ret.empty()) { DCHECK_EQ(ret[0], ' '); ret.erase(0, 1); } return ret; } std::string WebVttFragmentToString(const TextFragment& fragment) { std::list tags; return WriteFragment(fragment, &tags); } std::string WebVttGetPreamble(const TextStreamInfo& stream_info) { std::string ret; for (const auto& pair : stream_info.regions()) { if (!ret.empty()) { ret += "\n\n"; } if (pair.second.width.type != TextUnitType::kPercent || pair.second.height.type != TextUnitType::kLines || pair.second.window_anchor_x.type != TextUnitType::kPercent || pair.second.window_anchor_y.type != TextUnitType::kPercent || pair.second.region_anchor_x.type != TextUnitType::kPercent || pair.second.region_anchor_y.type != TextUnitType::kPercent) { LOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported unit type in WebVTT region"; continue; } base::StringAppendF( &ret, "REGION\n" "id:%s\n" "width:%f%%\n" "lines:%d\n" "viewportanchor:%f%%,%f%%\n" "regionanchor:%f%%,%f%%", pair.first.c_str(), pair.second.width.value, static_cast(pair.second.height.value), pair.second.window_anchor_x.value, pair.second.window_anchor_y.value, pair.second.region_anchor_x.value, pair.second.region_anchor_y.value); if (pair.second.scroll) { ret += "\nscroll:up"; } } if (!stream_info.css_styles().empty()) { if (!ret.empty()) { ret += "\n\n"; } ret += "STYLE\n" + stream_info.css_styles(); } return ret; } } // namespace media } // namespace shaka