// Copyright 2014 Google LLC. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd // // Overloads operator== for mp4 boxes, mainly used for testing. #ifndef PACKAGER_MEDIA_FORMATS_MP4_BOX_DEFINITIONS_COMPARISON_H_ #define PACKAGER_MEDIA_FORMATS_MP4_BOX_DEFINITIONS_COMPARISON_H_ #include "packager/media/formats/mp4/box_definitions.h" namespace shaka { namespace media { inline bool operator==(const SubsampleEntry& lhs, const SubsampleEntry& rhs) { return lhs.clear_bytes == rhs.clear_bytes && lhs.cipher_bytes == rhs.cipher_bytes; } namespace mp4 { inline bool operator==(const FileType& lhs, const FileType& rhs) { return lhs.major_brand == rhs.major_brand && lhs.minor_version == rhs.minor_version && lhs.compatible_brands == rhs.compatible_brands; } inline bool operator==(const ProtectionSystemSpecificHeader& lhs, const ProtectionSystemSpecificHeader& rhs) { return lhs.raw_box == rhs.raw_box; } inline bool operator==(const SampleAuxiliaryInformationOffset& lhs, const SampleAuxiliaryInformationOffset& rhs) { return lhs.offsets == rhs.offsets; } inline bool operator==(const SampleAuxiliaryInformationSize& lhs, const SampleAuxiliaryInformationSize& rhs) { return lhs.default_sample_info_size == rhs.default_sample_info_size && lhs.sample_count == rhs.sample_count && lhs.sample_info_sizes == rhs.sample_info_sizes; } inline bool operator==(const SampleEncryptionEntry& lhs, const SampleEncryptionEntry& rhs) { return lhs.initialization_vector == rhs.initialization_vector && lhs.subsamples == rhs.subsamples; } inline bool operator==(const SampleEncryption& lhs, const SampleEncryption& rhs) { return lhs.iv_size == rhs.iv_size && lhs.sample_encryption_entries == rhs.sample_encryption_entries; } inline bool operator==(const OriginalFormat& lhs, const OriginalFormat& rhs) { return lhs.format == rhs.format; } inline bool operator==(const SchemeType& lhs, const SchemeType& rhs) { return lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.version == rhs.version; } inline bool operator==(const TrackEncryption& lhs, const TrackEncryption& rhs) { return lhs.default_is_protected == rhs.default_is_protected && lhs.default_per_sample_iv_size == rhs.default_per_sample_iv_size && lhs.default_kid == rhs.default_kid && lhs.default_crypt_byte_block == rhs.default_crypt_byte_block && lhs.default_skip_byte_block == rhs.default_skip_byte_block && lhs.default_constant_iv == rhs.default_constant_iv; } inline bool operator==(const SchemeInfo& lhs, const SchemeInfo& rhs) { return lhs.track_encryption == rhs.track_encryption; } inline bool operator==(const ProtectionSchemeInfo& lhs, const ProtectionSchemeInfo& rhs) { return lhs.format == rhs.format && lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.info == rhs.info; } inline bool operator==(const MovieHeader& lhs, const MovieHeader& rhs) { return lhs.creation_time == rhs.creation_time && lhs.modification_time == rhs.modification_time && lhs.timescale == rhs.timescale && lhs.duration == rhs.duration && lhs.rate == rhs.rate && lhs.volume == rhs.volume && lhs.next_track_id == rhs.next_track_id; } inline bool operator==(const TrackHeader& lhs, const TrackHeader& rhs) { return lhs.creation_time == rhs.creation_time && lhs.modification_time == rhs.modification_time && lhs.track_id == rhs.track_id && lhs.duration == rhs.duration && lhs.layer == rhs.layer && lhs.alternate_group == rhs.alternate_group && lhs.volume == rhs.volume && lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height; } inline bool operator==(const SampleDescription& lhs, const SampleDescription& rhs) { return lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.video_entries == rhs.video_entries && lhs.audio_entries == rhs.audio_entries; } inline bool operator==(const DecodingTime& lhs, const DecodingTime& rhs) { return lhs.sample_count == rhs.sample_count && lhs.sample_delta == rhs.sample_delta; } inline bool operator==(const DecodingTimeToSample& lhs, const DecodingTimeToSample& rhs) { return lhs.decoding_time == rhs.decoding_time; } inline bool operator==(const CompositionOffset& lhs, const CompositionOffset& rhs) { return lhs.sample_count == rhs.sample_count && lhs.sample_offset == rhs.sample_offset; } inline bool operator==(const CompositionTimeToSample& lhs, const CompositionTimeToSample& rhs) { return lhs.composition_offset == rhs.composition_offset; } inline bool operator==(const ChunkInfo& lhs, const ChunkInfo& rhs) { return lhs.first_chunk == rhs.first_chunk && lhs.samples_per_chunk == rhs.samples_per_chunk && lhs.sample_description_index == rhs.sample_description_index; } inline bool operator==(const SampleToChunk& lhs, const SampleToChunk& rhs) { return lhs.chunk_info == rhs.chunk_info; } inline bool operator==(const SampleSize& lhs, const SampleSize& rhs) { return lhs.sample_size == rhs.sample_size && lhs.sample_count == rhs.sample_count && lhs.sizes == rhs.sizes; } inline bool operator==(const CompactSampleSize& lhs, const CompactSampleSize& rhs) { return lhs.field_size == rhs.field_size && lhs.sizes == rhs.sizes; } inline bool operator==(const ChunkLargeOffset& lhs, const ChunkLargeOffset& rhs) { return lhs.offsets == rhs.offsets; } inline bool operator==(const SyncSample& lhs, const SyncSample& rhs) { return lhs.sample_number == rhs.sample_number; } inline bool operator==(const CencSampleEncryptionInfoEntry& lhs, const CencSampleEncryptionInfoEntry& rhs) { return lhs.is_protected == rhs.is_protected && lhs.per_sample_iv_size == rhs.per_sample_iv_size && lhs.key_id == rhs.key_id && lhs.crypt_byte_block == rhs.crypt_byte_block && lhs.skip_byte_block == rhs.skip_byte_block && lhs.constant_iv == rhs.constant_iv; } inline bool operator==(const AudioRollRecoveryEntry& lhs, const AudioRollRecoveryEntry& rhs) { return lhs.roll_distance == rhs.roll_distance; } inline bool operator==(const SampleGroupDescription& lhs, const SampleGroupDescription& rhs) { return lhs.grouping_type == rhs.grouping_type && lhs.cenc_sample_encryption_info_entries == rhs.cenc_sample_encryption_info_entries && lhs.audio_roll_recovery_entries == rhs.audio_roll_recovery_entries; } inline bool operator==(const SampleToGroupEntry& lhs, const SampleToGroupEntry& rhs) { return lhs.sample_count == rhs.sample_count && lhs.group_description_index == rhs.group_description_index; } inline bool operator==(const SampleToGroup& lhs, const SampleToGroup& rhs) { return lhs.grouping_type == rhs.grouping_type && lhs.grouping_type_parameter == rhs.grouping_type_parameter && lhs.entries == rhs.entries; } inline bool operator==(const SampleTable& lhs, const SampleTable& rhs) { return lhs.description == rhs.description && lhs.decoding_time_to_sample == rhs.decoding_time_to_sample && lhs.composition_time_to_sample == rhs.composition_time_to_sample && lhs.sample_to_chunk == rhs.sample_to_chunk && lhs.sample_size == rhs.sample_size && lhs.chunk_large_offset == rhs.chunk_large_offset && lhs.sync_sample == rhs.sync_sample && lhs.sample_group_descriptions == rhs.sample_group_descriptions && lhs.sample_to_groups == rhs.sample_to_groups; } inline bool operator==(const EditListEntry& lhs, const EditListEntry& rhs) { return lhs.segment_duration == rhs.segment_duration && lhs.media_time == rhs.media_time && lhs.media_rate_integer == rhs.media_rate_integer && lhs.media_rate_fraction == rhs.media_rate_fraction; } inline bool operator==(const EditList& lhs, const EditList& rhs) { return lhs.edits == rhs.edits; } inline bool operator==(const Edit& lhs, const Edit& rhs) { return lhs.list == rhs.list; } inline bool operator==(const HandlerReference& lhs, const HandlerReference& rhs) { return lhs.handler_type == rhs.handler_type; } inline bool operator==(const Language& lhs, const Language& rhs) { return lhs.code == rhs.code; } inline bool operator==(const ID3v2& lhs, const ID3v2& rhs) { return lhs.language == rhs.language && lhs.id3v2_data == rhs.id3v2_data; } inline bool operator==(const Metadata& lhs, const Metadata& rhs) { return lhs.handler == rhs.handler && lhs.id3v2 == rhs.id3v2; } inline bool operator==(const CodecConfiguration& lhs, const CodecConfiguration& rhs) { return lhs.box_type == rhs.box_type && lhs.data == rhs.data; } inline bool operator==(const PixelAspectRatio& lhs, const PixelAspectRatio& rhs) { return lhs.h_spacing == rhs.h_spacing && lhs.v_spacing == rhs.v_spacing; } inline bool operator==(const VideoSampleEntry& lhs, const VideoSampleEntry& rhs) { return lhs.format == rhs.format && lhs.data_reference_index == rhs.data_reference_index && lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height && lhs.pixel_aspect == rhs.pixel_aspect && lhs.sinf == rhs.sinf && lhs.codec_configuration == rhs.codec_configuration; } inline bool operator==(const DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor& lhs, const DecoderSpecificInfoDescriptor& rhs) { return lhs.data() == rhs.data(); } inline bool operator==(const DecoderConfigDescriptor& lhs, const DecoderConfigDescriptor& rhs) { return lhs.buffer_size_db() == rhs.buffer_size_db() && lhs.max_bitrate() == rhs.max_bitrate() && lhs.avg_bitrate() == rhs.avg_bitrate() && lhs.object_type() == rhs.object_type() && lhs.decoder_specific_info_descriptor() == rhs.decoder_specific_info_descriptor(); } inline bool operator==(const ESDescriptor& lhs, const ESDescriptor& rhs) { return lhs.esid() == rhs.esid() && lhs.decoder_config_descriptor() == rhs.decoder_config_descriptor(); } inline bool operator==(const ElementaryStreamDescriptor& lhs, const ElementaryStreamDescriptor& rhs) { return lhs.es_descriptor == rhs.es_descriptor; } inline bool operator==(const DTSSpecific& lhs, const DTSSpecific& rhs) { return lhs.sampling_frequency == rhs.sampling_frequency && lhs.max_bitrate == rhs.max_bitrate && lhs.avg_bitrate == rhs.avg_bitrate && lhs.pcm_sample_depth == rhs.pcm_sample_depth && lhs.extra_data == rhs.extra_data; } inline bool operator==(const AC3Specific& lhs, const AC3Specific& rhs) { return lhs.data == rhs.data; } inline bool operator==(const EC3Specific& lhs, const EC3Specific& rhs) { return lhs.data == rhs.data; } inline bool operator==(const OpusSpecific& lhs, const OpusSpecific& rhs) { return lhs.opus_identification_header == rhs.opus_identification_header && lhs.preskip == rhs.preskip; } inline bool operator==(const AudioSampleEntry& lhs, const AudioSampleEntry& rhs) { return lhs.format == rhs.format && lhs.data_reference_index == rhs.data_reference_index && lhs.channelcount == rhs.channelcount && lhs.samplesize == rhs.samplesize && lhs.samplerate == rhs.samplerate && lhs.sinf == rhs.sinf && lhs.esds == rhs.esds && lhs.ddts == rhs.ddts && lhs.dac3 == rhs.dac3 && lhs.dec3 == rhs.dec3 && lhs.dops == rhs.dops; } inline bool operator==(const WebVTTConfigurationBox& lhs, const WebVTTConfigurationBox& rhs) { return lhs.config == rhs.config; } inline bool operator==(const WebVTTSourceLabelBox& lhs, const WebVTTSourceLabelBox& rhs) { return lhs.source_label == rhs.source_label; } inline bool operator==(const TextSampleEntry& lhs, const TextSampleEntry& rhs) { return lhs.config == rhs.config && lhs.label == rhs.label; } inline bool operator==(const MediaHeader& lhs, const MediaHeader& rhs) { return lhs.creation_time == rhs.creation_time && lhs.modification_time == rhs.modification_time && lhs.timescale == rhs.timescale && lhs.duration == rhs.duration && lhs.language == rhs.language; } inline bool operator==(const VideoMediaHeader& lhs, const VideoMediaHeader& rhs) { return lhs.graphicsmode == rhs.graphicsmode && lhs.opcolor_red == rhs.opcolor_red && lhs.opcolor_green == rhs.opcolor_green && lhs.opcolor_blue == rhs.opcolor_blue; } inline bool operator==(const SoundMediaHeader& lhs, const SoundMediaHeader& rhs) { return lhs.balance == rhs.balance; } inline bool operator==(const SubtitleMediaHeader& lhs, const SubtitleMediaHeader& rhs) { return true; } inline bool operator==(const DataEntryUrl& lhs, const DataEntryUrl& rhs) { return lhs.flags == rhs.flags && lhs.location == rhs.location; } inline bool operator==(const DataReference& lhs, const DataReference& rhs) { return lhs.data_entry == rhs.data_entry; } inline bool operator==(const DataInformation& lhs, const DataInformation& rhs) { return lhs.dref == rhs.dref; } inline bool operator==(const MediaInformation& lhs, const MediaInformation& rhs) { return lhs.dinf == rhs.dinf && lhs.sample_table == rhs.sample_table && lhs.vmhd == rhs.vmhd && lhs.smhd == rhs.smhd; } inline bool operator==(const Media& lhs, const Media& rhs) { return lhs.header == rhs.header && lhs.handler == rhs.handler && lhs.information == rhs.information; } inline bool operator==(const Track& lhs, const Track& rhs) { return lhs.header == rhs.header && lhs.media == rhs.media && lhs.edit == rhs.edit && lhs.sample_encryption == rhs.sample_encryption; } inline bool operator==(const MovieExtendsHeader& lhs, const MovieExtendsHeader& rhs) { return lhs.fragment_duration == rhs.fragment_duration; } inline bool operator==(const TrackExtends& lhs, const TrackExtends& rhs) { return lhs.track_id == rhs.track_id && lhs.default_sample_description_index == rhs.default_sample_description_index && lhs.default_sample_duration == rhs.default_sample_duration && lhs.default_sample_size == rhs.default_sample_size && lhs.default_sample_flags == rhs.default_sample_flags; } inline bool operator==(const MovieExtends& lhs, const MovieExtends& rhs) { return lhs.header == rhs.header && lhs.tracks == rhs.tracks; } inline bool operator==(const Movie& lhs, const Movie& rhs) { return lhs.header == rhs.header && lhs.extends == rhs.extends && lhs.tracks == rhs.tracks && lhs.pssh == rhs.pssh; } inline bool operator==(const TrackFragmentDecodeTime& lhs, const TrackFragmentDecodeTime& rhs) { return lhs.decode_time == rhs.decode_time; } inline bool operator==(const MovieFragmentHeader& lhs, const MovieFragmentHeader& rhs) { return lhs.sequence_number == rhs.sequence_number; } inline bool operator==(const TrackFragmentHeader& lhs, const TrackFragmentHeader& rhs) { return lhs.flags == rhs.flags && lhs.track_id == rhs.track_id && lhs.sample_description_index == rhs.sample_description_index && lhs.default_sample_duration == rhs.default_sample_duration && lhs.default_sample_size == rhs.default_sample_size && lhs.default_sample_flags == rhs.default_sample_flags; } inline bool operator==(const TrackFragmentRun& lhs, const TrackFragmentRun& rhs) { return lhs.flags == rhs.flags && lhs.sample_count == rhs.sample_count && lhs.data_offset == rhs.data_offset && lhs.sample_flags == rhs.sample_flags && lhs.sample_sizes == rhs.sample_sizes && lhs.sample_durations == rhs.sample_durations && lhs.sample_composition_time_offsets == rhs.sample_composition_time_offsets; } inline bool operator==(const TrackFragment& lhs, const TrackFragment& rhs) { return lhs.header == rhs.header && lhs.runs == rhs.runs && lhs.decode_time == rhs.decode_time && lhs.auxiliary_offset == rhs.auxiliary_offset && lhs.auxiliary_size == rhs.auxiliary_size && lhs.sample_encryption == rhs.sample_encryption; } inline bool operator==(const MovieFragment& lhs, const MovieFragment& rhs) { return lhs.header == rhs.header && lhs.tracks == rhs.tracks && lhs.pssh == rhs.pssh; } inline bool operator==(const SegmentReference& lhs, const SegmentReference& rhs) { return lhs.reference_type == rhs.reference_type && lhs.referenced_size == rhs.referenced_size && lhs.subsegment_duration == rhs.subsegment_duration && lhs.starts_with_sap == rhs.starts_with_sap && lhs.sap_type == rhs.sap_type && lhs.sap_delta_time == rhs.sap_delta_time; } inline bool operator==(const SegmentIndex& lhs, const SegmentIndex& rhs) { return lhs.reference_id == rhs.reference_id && lhs.timescale == rhs.timescale && lhs.earliest_presentation_time == rhs.earliest_presentation_time && lhs.first_offset == rhs.first_offset && lhs.references == rhs.references; } inline bool operator==(const CueSourceIDBox& lhs, const CueSourceIDBox& rhs) { return lhs.source_id == rhs.source_id; } inline bool operator==(const CueTimeBox& lhs, const CueTimeBox& rhs) { return lhs.cue_current_time == rhs.cue_current_time; } inline bool operator==(const CueIDBox& lhs, const CueIDBox& rhs) { return lhs.cue_id == rhs.cue_id; } inline bool operator==(const CueSettingsBox& lhs, const CueSettingsBox& rhs) { return lhs.settings == rhs.settings; } inline bool operator==(const CuePayloadBox& lhs, const CuePayloadBox& rhs) { return lhs.cue_text == rhs.cue_text; } inline bool operator==(const VTTEmptyCueBox& lhs, const VTTEmptyCueBox& rhs) { return true; } inline bool operator==(const VTTAdditionalTextBox& lhs, const VTTAdditionalTextBox& rhs) { return lhs.cue_additional_text == rhs.cue_additional_text; } inline bool operator==(const VTTCueBox& lhs, const VTTCueBox& rhs) { return lhs.cue_source_id == rhs.cue_source_id && lhs.cue_id == rhs.cue_id && lhs.cue_time == rhs.cue_time && lhs.cue_settings == rhs.cue_settings && lhs.cue_payload == rhs.cue_payload; } } // namespace mp4 } // namespace media } // namespace shaka #endif // PACKAGER_MEDIA_FORMATS_MP4_BOX_DEFINITIONS_COMPARISON_H_