// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd #include "media/base/widevine_encryptor_source.h" #include "base/base64.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/json/json_writer.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "media/base/httpfetcher.h" #include "media/base/request_signer.h" // TODO(kqyang): Move media/mp4/rcheck.h to media/base/. // Remove this definition and use RCHECK in rcheck.h instead. #define RCHECK(x) \ do { \ if (!(x)) { \ LOG(ERROR) << "Failure while processing: " << #x; \ return false; \ } \ } while (0) namespace { const char kLicenseStatusOK[] = "OK"; // Server may return INTERNAL_ERROR intermittently, which is a transient error // and the next client request may succeed without problem. const char kLicenseStatusTransientError[] = "INTERNAL_ERROR"; // Number of times to retry requesting keys in case of a transient error from // the server. const int kNumTransientErrorRetries = 5; const int kFirstRetryDelayMilliseconds = 1000; bool Base64StringToBytes(const std::string& base64_string, std::vector* bytes) { DCHECK(bytes); std::string str; if (!base::Base64Decode(base64_string, &str)) return false; bytes->assign(str.begin(), str.end()); return true; } bool GetKeyAndKeyId(const base::DictionaryValue& track_dict, std::vector* key, std::vector* key_id) { DCHECK(key); DCHECK(key_id); std::string key_base64_string; RCHECK(track_dict.GetString("key", &key_base64_string)); VLOG(2) << "Key:" << key_base64_string; RCHECK(Base64StringToBytes(key_base64_string, key)); std::string key_id_base64_string; RCHECK(track_dict.GetString("key_id", &key_id_base64_string)); VLOG(2) << "Keyid:" << key_id_base64_string; RCHECK(Base64StringToBytes(key_id_base64_string, key_id)); return true; } bool GetPssh(const base::DictionaryValue& track_dict, std::vector* pssh) { DCHECK(pssh); // TODO(kqyang): Add support for multiple pssh. const base::ListValue* pssh_list; RCHECK(track_dict.GetList("pssh", &pssh_list)); // Invariant check. We don't want to crash in release mode if possible. // The following code handles it gracefully if GetSize() does not return 1. DCHECK_EQ(1, pssh_list->GetSize()); const base::DictionaryValue* pssh_dict; RCHECK(pssh_list->GetDictionary(0, &pssh_dict)); std::string drm_type; RCHECK(pssh_dict->GetString("drm_type", &drm_type)); if (drm_type != "WIDEVINE") { LOG(ERROR) << "Expecting drm_type 'WIDEVINE', get '" << drm_type << "'."; return false; } std::string pssh_base64_string; RCHECK(pssh_dict->GetString("data", &pssh_base64_string)); VLOG(2) << "Pssh:" << pssh_base64_string; RCHECK(Base64StringToBytes(pssh_base64_string, pssh)); return true; } } // namespace namespace media { WidevineEncryptorSource::WidevineEncryptorSource( const std::string& server_url, const std::string& content_id, TrackType track_type, scoped_ptr signer) : server_url_(server_url), content_id_(content_id), track_type_(track_type), signer_(signer.Pass()) { DCHECK(signer_); } WidevineEncryptorSource::~WidevineEncryptorSource() {} Status WidevineEncryptorSource::Initialize() { std::string request; FillRequest(content_id_, &request); std::string message; Status status = SignRequest(request, &message); if (!status.ok()) return status; VLOG(1) << "Message: " << message; HTTPFetcher fetcher; std::string raw_response; int64 sleep_duration = kFirstRetryDelayMilliseconds; // Perform client side retries if seeing server transient error to workaround // server limitation. for (int i = 0; i < kNumTransientErrorRetries; ++i) { status = fetcher.Post(server_url_, message, &raw_response); if (!status.ok()) return status; VLOG(1) << "Retry [" << i << "] Response:" << raw_response; std::string response; if (!DecodeResponse(raw_response, &response)) { return Status(error::SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to decode response '" + raw_response + "'."); } bool transient_error = false; if (ExtractEncryptionKey(response, &transient_error)) return Status::OK; if (!transient_error) { return Status( error::SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to extract encryption key from '" + response + "'."); } // Exponential backoff. if (i != kNumTransientErrorRetries - 1) { base::PlatformThread::Sleep( base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(sleep_duration)); sleep_duration *= 2; } } return Status(error::SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to recover from server internal error."); } WidevineEncryptorSource::TrackType WidevineEncryptorSource::GetTrackTypeFromString( const std::string& track_type_string) { if (track_type_string == "SD") return TRACK_TYPE_SD; if (track_type_string == "HD") return TRACK_TYPE_HD; if (track_type_string == "AUDIO") return TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO; LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected track type: " << track_type_string; return TRACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } void WidevineEncryptorSource::FillRequest(const std::string& content_id, std::string* request) { DCHECK(request); std::string content_id_base64_string; base::Base64Encode(content_id, &content_id_base64_string); base::DictionaryValue request_dict; request_dict.SetString("content_id", content_id_base64_string); // TODO(kqyang): Do we care about policy? request_dict.SetString("policy", ""); // Build tracks. base::ListValue* tracks = new base::ListValue(); base::DictionaryValue* track_sd = new base::DictionaryValue(); track_sd->SetString("type", "SD"); tracks->Append(track_sd); base::DictionaryValue* track_hd = new base::DictionaryValue(); track_hd->SetString("type", "HD"); tracks->Append(track_hd); base::DictionaryValue* track_audio = new base::DictionaryValue(); track_audio->SetString("type", "AUDIO"); tracks->Append(track_audio); request_dict.Set("tracks", tracks); // Build DRM types. base::ListValue* drm_types = new base::ListValue(); drm_types->AppendString("WIDEVINE"); request_dict.Set("drm_types", drm_types); base::JSONWriter::Write(&request_dict, request); } Status WidevineEncryptorSource::SignRequest(const std::string& request, std::string* signed_request) { DCHECK(signed_request); // Sign the request. std::string signature; if (!signer_->GenerateSignature(request, &signature)) return Status(error::INTERNAL_ERROR, "Signature generation failed."); // Encode request and signature using Base64 encoding. std::string request_base64_string; base::Base64Encode(request, &request_base64_string); std::string signature_base64_string; base::Base64Encode(signature, &signature_base64_string); base::DictionaryValue signed_request_dict; signed_request_dict.SetString("request", request_base64_string); signed_request_dict.SetString("signature", signature_base64_string); signed_request_dict.SetString("signer", signer_->signer_name()); base::JSONWriter::Write(&signed_request_dict, signed_request); return Status::OK; } bool WidevineEncryptorSource::DecodeResponse(const std::string& raw_response, std::string* response) { DCHECK(response); // Extract base64 formatted response from JSON formatted raw response. scoped_ptr root(base::JSONReader::Read(raw_response)); if (!root) { LOG(ERROR) << "'" << raw_response << "' is not in JSON format."; return false; } const base::DictionaryValue* response_dict = NULL; RCHECK(root->GetAsDictionary(&response_dict)); std::string response_base64_string; RCHECK(response_dict->GetString("response", &response_base64_string)); RCHECK(base::Base64Decode(response_base64_string, response)); return true; } bool WidevineEncryptorSource::IsExpectedTrackType( const std::string& track_type_string) { return track_type_ == GetTrackTypeFromString(track_type_string); } bool WidevineEncryptorSource::ExtractEncryptionKey( const std::string& response, bool* transient_error) { DCHECK(transient_error); *transient_error = false; scoped_ptr root(base::JSONReader::Read(response)); if (!root) { LOG(ERROR) << "'" << response << "' is not in JSON format."; return false; } const base::DictionaryValue* license_dict = NULL; RCHECK(root->GetAsDictionary(&license_dict)); std::string license_status; RCHECK(license_dict->GetString("status", &license_status)); if (license_status != kLicenseStatusOK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Received non-OK license response: " << response; *transient_error = (license_status == kLicenseStatusTransientError); return false; } const base::ListValue* tracks; RCHECK(license_dict->GetList("tracks", &tracks)); for (base::ListValue::const_iterator it = tracks->begin(); it != tracks->end(); ++it) { const base::DictionaryValue* track_dict; RCHECK((*it)->GetAsDictionary(&track_dict)); std::string track_type; RCHECK(track_dict->GetString("type", &track_type)); if (!IsExpectedTrackType(track_type)) continue; std::vector key_id; std::vector key; std::vector pssh; if (!GetKeyAndKeyId(*track_dict, &key, &key_id) || !GetPssh(*track_dict, &pssh)) return false; set_key_id(key_id); set_key(key); set_pssh(pssh); return true; } LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot find key of type " << track_type_ << " from '" << response << "'."; return false; } } // namespace media