// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/files/memory_mapped_file.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "media/base/media_sample.h" #include "media/base/timestamp.h" #include "media/filters/h264_parser.h" #include "media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_h264.h" #include "media/test/test_data_util.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using media::filters::H264Parser; using media::filters::H264PPS; using media::filters::H264SliceHeader; using media::filters::H264SPS; using media::filters::H264NALU; namespace media { class VideoStreamInfo; namespace mp2t { namespace { struct Packet { // Offset in the stream. size_t offset; // Size of the packet. size_t size; }; // Compute the size of each packet assuming packets are given in stream order // and the last packet covers the end of the stream. void ComputePacketSize(std::vector& packets, size_t stream_size) { for (size_t k = 0; k < packets.size() - 1; k++) { DCHECK_GE(packets[k + 1].offset, packets[k].offset); packets[k].size = packets[k + 1].offset - packets[k].offset; } packets[packets.size() - 1].size = stream_size - packets[packets.size() - 1].offset; } // Get the offset of the start of each access unit. // This function assumes there is only one slice per access unit. // This is a very simplified access unit segmenter that is good // enough for unit tests. std::vector GetAccessUnits(const uint8* stream, size_t stream_size) { std::vector access_units; bool start_access_unit = true; // In a first pass, retrieve the offsets of all access units. size_t offset = 0; while (true) { // Find the next start code. off_t relative_offset = 0; off_t start_code_size = 0; bool success = H264Parser::FindStartCode( &stream[offset], stream_size - offset, &relative_offset, &start_code_size); if (!success) break; offset += relative_offset; if (start_access_unit) { Packet cur_access_unit; cur_access_unit.offset = offset; access_units.push_back(cur_access_unit); start_access_unit = false; } // Get the NALU type. offset += start_code_size; if (offset >= stream_size) break; int nal_unit_type = stream[offset] & 0x1f; // We assume there is only one slice per access unit. if (nal_unit_type == H264NALU::kIDRSlice || nal_unit_type == H264NALU::kNonIDRSlice) { start_access_unit = true; } } ComputePacketSize(access_units, stream_size); return access_units; } // Append an AUD NALU at the beginning of each access unit // needed for streams which do not already have AUD NALUs. void AppendAUD( const uint8* stream, size_t stream_size, const std::vector& access_units, std::vector& stream_with_aud, std::vector& access_units_with_aud) { uint8 aud[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x09 }; stream_with_aud.resize(stream_size + access_units.size() * sizeof(aud)); access_units_with_aud.resize(access_units.size()); size_t offset = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units.size(); k++) { access_units_with_aud[k].offset = offset; access_units_with_aud[k].size = access_units[k].size + sizeof(aud); memcpy(&stream_with_aud[offset], aud, sizeof(aud)); offset += sizeof(aud); memcpy(&stream_with_aud[offset], &stream[access_units[k].offset], access_units[k].size); offset += access_units[k].size; } } } // namespace class EsParserH264Test : public testing::Test { public: EsParserH264Test() : sample_count_(0) { } void LoadStream(const char* filename); void ProcessPesPackets(const std::vector& pes_packets); void EmitSample(uint32 pid, scoped_refptr& sample) { sample_count_++; } void NewVideoConfig(scoped_refptr& config) { } size_t sample_count() const { return sample_count_; } // Stream with AUD NALUs. std::vector stream_; // Access units of the stream with AUD NALUs. std::vector access_units_; protected: size_t sample_count_; }; void EsParserH264Test::LoadStream(const char* filename) { base::FilePath file_path = GetTestDataFilePath(filename); base::MemoryMappedFile stream_without_aud; ASSERT_TRUE(stream_without_aud.Initialize(file_path)) << "Couldn't open stream file: " << file_path.MaybeAsASCII(); // The input file does not have AUDs. std::vector access_units_without_aud = GetAccessUnits( stream_without_aud.data(), stream_without_aud.length()); ASSERT_GT(access_units_without_aud.size(), 0u); AppendAUD(stream_without_aud.data(), stream_without_aud.length(), access_units_without_aud, stream_, access_units_); } void EsParserH264Test::ProcessPesPackets( const std::vector& pes_packets) { // Duration of one 25fps video frame in 90KHz clock units. const uint32 kMpegTicksPerFrame = 3600; EsParserH264 es_parser( 0, base::Bind(&EsParserH264Test::NewVideoConfig, base::Unretained(this)), base::Bind(&EsParserH264Test::EmitSample, base::Unretained(this))); size_t au_idx = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < pes_packets.size(); k++) { size_t cur_pes_offset = pes_packets[k].offset; size_t cur_pes_size = pes_packets[k].size; // Update the access unit the PES belongs to from a timing point of view. while (au_idx < access_units_.size() - 1 && cur_pes_offset <= access_units_[au_idx + 1].offset && cur_pes_offset + cur_pes_size > access_units_[au_idx + 1].offset) { au_idx++; } // Check whether the PES packet includes the start of an access unit. // The timings are relevant only in this case. int64 pts = kNoTimestamp; int64 dts = kNoTimestamp; if (cur_pes_offset <= access_units_[au_idx].offset && cur_pes_offset + cur_pes_size > access_units_[au_idx].offset) { pts = au_idx * kMpegTicksPerFrame; } ASSERT_TRUE( es_parser.Parse(&stream_[cur_pes_offset], cur_pes_size, pts, dts)); } es_parser.Flush(); } TEST_F(EsParserH264Test, OneAccessUnitPerPes) { LoadStream("bear.h264"); // One to one equivalence between PES packets and access units. std::vector pes_packets(access_units_); // Process each PES packet. ProcessPesPackets(pes_packets); ASSERT_EQ(sample_count(), access_units_.size()); } TEST_F(EsParserH264Test, NonAlignedPesPacket) { LoadStream("bear.h264"); // Generate the PES packets. std::vector pes_packets; Packet cur_pes_packet; cur_pes_packet.offset = 0; for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) { pes_packets.push_back(cur_pes_packet); // The current PES packet includes the remaining bytes of the previous // access unit and some bytes of the current access unit // (487 bytes in this unit test but no more than the current access unit // size). cur_pes_packet.offset = access_units_[k].offset + std::min(487u, access_units_[k].size); } ComputePacketSize(pes_packets, stream_.size()); // Process each PES packet. ProcessPesPackets(pes_packets); ASSERT_EQ(sample_count(), access_units_.size()); } TEST_F(EsParserH264Test, SeveralPesPerAccessUnit) { LoadStream("bear.h264"); // Get the minimum size of an access unit. size_t min_access_unit_size = stream_.size(); for (size_t k = 0; k < access_units_.size(); k++) { if (min_access_unit_size >= access_units_[k].size) min_access_unit_size = access_units_[k].size; } // Use a small PES packet size or the minimum access unit size // if it is even smaller. size_t pes_size = 512; if (min_access_unit_size < pes_size) pes_size = min_access_unit_size; std::vector pes_packets; Packet cur_pes_packet; cur_pes_packet.offset = 0; while (cur_pes_packet.offset < stream_.size()) { pes_packets.push_back(cur_pes_packet); cur_pes_packet.offset += pes_size; } ComputePacketSize(pes_packets, stream_.size()); // Process each PES packet. ProcessPesPackets(pes_packets); ASSERT_EQ(sample_count(), access_units_.size()); } } // namespace mp2t } // namespace media