
422 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "packager/base/files/file_path.h"
#include "packager/base/files/file_util.h"
#include "packager/media/base/audio_stream_info.h"
#include "packager/media/base/video_stream_info.h"
#include "packager/media/formats/mp2t/pes_packet.h"
#include "packager/media/formats/mp2t/ts_writer.h"
namespace edash_packager {
namespace media {
namespace mp2t {
namespace {
const int kTsPacketSize = 188;
// Only {Audio,Video}Codec matter for this test. Other values are bogus.
const VideoCodec kH264VideoCodec = VideoCodec::kCodecH264;
const AudioCodec kAacAudioCodec = AudioCodec::kCodecAAC;
const int kTrackId = 0;
const uint32_t kTimeScale = 90000;
const uint64_t kDuration = 180000;
const char kCodecString[] = "avc1";
const char kLanguage[] = "eng";
const uint32_t kWidth = 1280;
const uint32_t kHeight = 720;
const uint32_t kPixelWidth = 1;
const uint32_t kPixelHeight = 1;
const uint16_t kTrickPlayRate = 1;
const uint8_t kNaluLengthSize = 1;
const bool kIsEncrypted = false;
const uint8_t kSampleBits = 16;
const uint8_t kNumChannels = 2;
const uint32_t kSamplingFrequency = 44100;
const uint32_t kMaxBitrate = 320000;
const uint32_t kAverageBitrate = 256000;
const uint8_t kExtraData[] = {
0x01, 0x02,
} // namespace
class TsWriterTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Using different file names for each test so that the tests can be run in
// parallel.
void SetUp() override {
// TODO(rkuroiwa): Use memory file prefix once its exposed.
test_file_name_ = kLocalFilePrefix + test_file_path_.value();
void TearDown() override {
const bool kRecursive = true;
base::DeleteFile(test_file_path_, !kRecursive);
bool ReadFileToVector(const base::FilePath& path, std::vector<uint8_t>* out) {
std::string content;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(path, &content))
return false;
out->assign(content.begin(), content.end());
return true;
// Checks whether |actual|'s prefix matches with |prefix| and the suffix
// matches with |suffix|. If there is padding, then padding_length specifies
// how long the padding is between prefix and suffix.
// |actual| must be at least 188 bytes long.
void ExpectTsPacketEqual(const uint8_t* prefix, size_t prefix_size,
int padding_length,
const uint8_t* suffix, size_t suffix_size,
const uint8_t* actual) {
std::vector<uint8_t> actual_prefix(actual, actual + prefix_size);
EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<uint8_t>(prefix, prefix + prefix_size),
// Padding until the payload.
for (size_t i = prefix_size; i < kTsPacketSize - suffix_size; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(0xFF, actual[i]) << "at index " << i;
std::vector<uint8_t> actual_suffix(actual + prefix_size + padding_length,
actual + kTsPacketSize);
EXPECT_EQ(std::vector<uint8_t>(suffix, suffix + suffix_size),
std::string test_file_name_;
TsWriter ts_writer_;
base::FilePath test_file_path_;
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, InitializeVideoH264) {
scoped_refptr<VideoStreamInfo> stream_info(new VideoStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, kH264VideoCodec, kCodecString, kLanguage,
kWidth, kHeight, kPixelWidth, kPixelHeight, kTrickPlayRate,
kNaluLengthSize, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, InitializeVideoNonH264) {
scoped_refptr<VideoStreamInfo> stream_info(new VideoStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, VideoCodec::kCodecVP9, kCodecString,
kLanguage, kWidth, kHeight, kPixelWidth, kPixelHeight, kTrickPlayRate,
kNaluLengthSize, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, InitializeAudioAac) {
scoped_refptr<AudioStreamInfo> stream_info(new AudioStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, kAacAudioCodec, kCodecString, kLanguage,
kSampleBits, kNumChannels, kSamplingFrequency, kMaxBitrate,
kAverageBitrate, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, InitializeAudioNonAac) {
scoped_refptr<AudioStreamInfo> stream_info(new AudioStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, AudioCodec::kCodecOpus, kCodecString,
kLanguage, kSampleBits, kNumChannels, kSamplingFrequency, kMaxBitrate,
kAverageBitrate, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, NewSegment) {
scoped_refptr<VideoStreamInfo> stream_info(new VideoStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, kH264VideoCodec, kCodecString, kLanguage,
kWidth, kHeight, kPixelWidth, kPixelHeight, kTrickPlayRate,
kNaluLengthSize, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
std::vector<uint8_t> content;
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToVector(test_file_path_, &content));
// 2 TS Packets. PAT, PMT.
ASSERT_EQ(376u, content.size());
const uint8_t kExpectedPatPrefix[] = {
0x47, // Sync byte.
0x40, // payload_unit_start_indicator set.
0x00, // pid.
0x30, // Adaptation field and payload are both present. counter = 0.
0xA6, // Adaptation Field length.
0x00, // All adaptation field flags 0.
const int kExpectedPatPrefixSize = arraysize(kExpectedPatPrefix);
const uint8_t kExpectedPatPayload[] = {
0x00, // pointer field
0xB0, // The last 2 '00' assumes that this PAT is not very long.
0x0D, // Length of the rest of this array.
0x00, 0x00, // Transport stream ID is 0.
0xC1, // version number 0, current next indicator 1.
0x00, // section number
0x00, // last section number
// program number -> PMT PID mapping.
0x00, 0x01, // program number is 1.
0xE0, // first 3 bits is reserved.
0x20, // PMT PID.
// CRC32.
0xf9, 0x62, 0xf5, 0x8b,
kExpectedPatPrefix, kExpectedPatPrefixSize, 165, kExpectedPatPayload,
const uint8_t kExpectedPmtPrefix[] = {
0x47, // Sync byte.
0x40, // payload_unit_start_indicator set.
0x20, // pid.
0x30, // Adaptation field and payload are both present. counter = 0.
0xA1, // Adaptation Field length.
0x00, // All adaptation field flags 0.
const int kExpectedPmtPrefixSize = arraysize(kExpectedPmtPrefix);
const uint8_t kPmtH264[] = {
0x00, // pointer field
0xB0, // assumes length is <= 256 bytes.
0x12, // length of the rest of this array.
0x00, 0x01,
0xC1, // version 0, current next indicator 1.
0x00, // section number
0x00, // last section number.
0xE0, // first 3 bits reserved.
0x50, // PCR PID is the elementary streams PID.
0xF0, // first 4 bits reserved.
0x00, // No descriptor at this level.
0x1B, 0xE0, 0x50, // stream_type -> PID.
0xF0, 0x00, // Es_info_length is 0.
// CRC32.
0x43, 0x49, 0x97, 0xbe,
kExpectedPmtPrefix, kExpectedPmtPrefixSize, 160, kPmtH264,
arraysize(kPmtH264), + kTsPacketSize));
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, AddPesPacket) {
scoped_refptr<VideoStreamInfo> stream_info(new VideoStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, kH264VideoCodec, kCodecString, kLanguage,
kWidth, kHeight, kPixelWidth, kPixelHeight, kTrickPlayRate,
kNaluLengthSize, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
scoped_ptr<PesPacket> pes(new PesPacket());
const uint8_t kAnyData[] = {
0x12, 0x88, 0x4f, 0x4a,
pes->mutable_data()->assign(kAnyData, kAnyData + arraysize(kAnyData));
std::vector<uint8_t> content;
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToVector(test_file_path_, &content));
// 3 TS Packets. PAT, PMT, and PES.
ASSERT_EQ(564u, content.size());
const int kPesStartPosition = 376;
// Prefix of the expected output. Rest of the packet should be filled with
// padding.
const uint8_t kExpectedOutputPrefix[] = {
0x47, // Sync byte.
0x40, // payload_unit_start_indicator set.
0x50, // pid.
0x30, // Adaptation field and payload are both present. counter = 0.
0xA0, // Adaptation Field length.
0x10, // pcr flag.
0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, // PCR.
const uint8_t kExpectedPayload[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // Start code.
0xE0, // stream id.
0x00, 0x11, // PES_packet_length.
0x80, // Flags.
0xC0, // PTS and DTS both present.
0x0A, // PES_header_data_length.
0x31, // Since PTS is 0 this is '0011' (fixed) and marker bit at LSB.
0x00, // PTS leading bits 0.
0x01, // PTS 0 followed by marker bit.
0x12, // PTS 0x900 shifted.
0x01, // PTS 0 followed by marker bit.
0x11, // Fixed '0001' followed by marker bit at LSB.
0x00, // DTS leading bits 0.
0x01, // DTS 0 followed by marker bit.
0x12, // DTS 0x900 shifted.
0x01, // DTS 0 followed by marker bit.
0x12, 0x88, 0x4f, 0x4a, // Payload.
kExpectedOutputPrefix, arraysize(kExpectedOutputPrefix), 153,
kExpectedPayload, arraysize(kExpectedPayload), + kPesStartPosition));
// Verify that PES packet > 64KiB can be handled.
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, BigPesPacket) {
scoped_refptr<VideoStreamInfo> stream_info(new VideoStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, kH264VideoCodec, kCodecString, kLanguage,
kWidth, kHeight, kPixelWidth, kPixelHeight, kTrickPlayRate,
kNaluLengthSize, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
scoped_ptr<PesPacket> pes(new PesPacket());
// A little over 2 TS Packets (3 TS Packets).
const std::vector<uint8_t> big_data(400, 0x23);
*pes->mutable_data() = big_data;
std::vector<uint8_t> content;
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToVector(test_file_path_, &content));
// The first TsPacket can only carry
// 177 (TS packet size - header - adaptation_field) - 19 (PES header data) =
// 158 bytes of the PES packet payload.
// So this should create
// 2 + 1 + ceil((400 - 158) / 184) = 5 TsPackets.
// Where 184 is the maxium payload of a TS packet.
EXPECT_EQ(5u * 188, content.size());
// Check continuity counter.
EXPECT_EQ(0, (content[2 * 188 + 3] & 0xF));
EXPECT_EQ(1, (content[3 * 188 + 3] & 0xF));
EXPECT_EQ(2, (content[4 * 188 + 3] & 0xF));
// Bug found in code review. It should check whether PTS is present not whether
// PTS (implicilty) cast to bool is true.
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, PesPtsZeroNoDts) {
scoped_refptr<VideoStreamInfo> stream_info(new VideoStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, kH264VideoCodec, kCodecString, kLanguage,
kWidth, kHeight, kPixelWidth, kPixelHeight, kTrickPlayRate,
kNaluLengthSize, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
scoped_ptr<PesPacket> pes(new PesPacket());
const uint8_t kAnyData[] = {
0x12, 0x88, 0x4F, 0x4A,
pes->mutable_data()->assign(kAnyData, kAnyData + arraysize(kAnyData));
std::vector<uint8_t> content;
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToVector(test_file_path_, &content));
// 3 TS Packets. PAT, PMT, and PES.
ASSERT_EQ(564u, content.size());
const int kPesStartPosition = 376;
// Prefix of the expected output. Rest of the packet should be filled with
// padding.
const uint8_t kExpectedOutputPrefix[] = {
0x47, // Sync byte.
0x40, // payload_unit_start_indicator set.
0x50, // pid.
0x30, // Adaptation field and payload are both present. counter = 0.
0xA5, // Adaptation Field length.
0x10, // pcr flag.
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // PCR.
const uint8_t kExpectedPayload[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x01, // Start code.
0xE0, // stream id.
0x00, 0x0C, // PES_packet_length.
0x80, // Flags.
0x80, // Only PTS present.
0x05, // PES_header_data_length.
0x21, // Since PTS is 0 this is '0010' (fixed) and marker bit at LSB.
0x00, // PTS 0.
0x01, // PTS 0 followed by marker bit.
0x00, // PTS 0.
0x01, // PTS 0 followed by marker bit.
0x12, 0x88, 0x4F, 0x4A, // Payload.
kExpectedOutputPrefix, arraysize(kExpectedOutputPrefix), 158,
kExpectedPayload, arraysize(kExpectedPayload), + kPesStartPosition));
// Verify that TS packet with payload 183 is handled correctly, e.g.
// adaptation_field_length should be 0.
TEST_F(TsWriterTest, TsPacketPayload183Bytes) {
scoped_refptr<VideoStreamInfo> stream_info(new VideoStreamInfo(
kTrackId, kTimeScale, kDuration, kH264VideoCodec, kCodecString, kLanguage,
kWidth, kHeight, kPixelWidth, kPixelHeight, kTrickPlayRate,
kNaluLengthSize, kExtraData, arraysize(kExtraData), kIsEncrypted));
scoped_ptr<PesPacket> pes(new PesPacket());
// Note that first TS packet will have adaptation fields with PCR, so make
// payload big enough so that second PES packet's payload is 183.
// First TS packet can carry 157 bytes of PES payload. The next one should
// carry 183 bytes.
std::vector<uint8_t> pes_payload(157 + 183, 0xAF);
*pes->mutable_data() = pes_payload;
const uint8_t kExpectedOutputPrefix[] = {
0x47, // Sync byte.
0x00, // payload_unit_start_indicator set.
0x50, // pid.
0x31, // Adaptation field and payload are both present. counter = 0.
0x00, // Adaptation Field length, 1 byte padding.
std::vector<uint8_t> content;
ASSERT_TRUE(ReadFileToVector(test_file_path_, &content));
// 4 TsPackets. PAT, PMT, TsPacket with PES header, TsPacket rest of PES
// payload.
ASSERT_EQ(752u, content.size());
const int kPesStartPosition = 564;
std::vector<uint8_t> actual_prefix( + kPesStartPosition, + kPesStartPosition + 5);
std::vector<uint8_t>(kExpectedOutputPrefix, kExpectedOutputPrefix + 5),
} // namespace mp2t
} // namespace media
} // namespace edash_packager