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<h3><a href="../index.html">Table of Contents</a></h3>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#">Stream descriptors</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#drm-related-stream-descriptor-fields">DRM related Stream descriptor fields</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#dash-specific-stream-descriptor-fields">DASH specific stream descriptor fields</a></li>
<li><a class="reference internal" href="#hls-specific-stream-descriptor-fields">HLS specific stream descriptor fields</a></li>
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<div class="section" id="stream-descriptors">
<h1>Stream descriptors<a class="headerlink" href="#stream-descriptors" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<p>There can be multiple <em>stream_descriptor</em> with input from the same “file” or
multiple different “files”.</p>
<p>Stream descriptor is of the form:</p>
<div class="highlight-default notranslate"><div class="highlight"><pre><span></span><span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="n">field</span><span class="o">&gt;=&lt;</span><span class="n">value</span><span class="o">&gt;</span><span class="p">[,</span><span class="o">&lt;</span><span class="n">field</span><span class="o">&gt;=&lt;</span><span class="n">value</span><span class="o">&gt;</span><span class="p">]</span><span class="o">...</span>
<p>These are the available fields:</p>
<dl class="field-list simple">
<dt class="field-odd">input (in)</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>input/source media “file” path, which can be regular files, pipes, udp
streams. See <a class="reference internal" href="udp_file_options.html"><span class="doc">UDP file options</span></a> on additional options for UDP
<dt class="field-even">stream_selector (stream)</dt>
<dd class="field-even"><p>Required field with value audio, video, text or stream number (zero
<dt class="field-odd">output (out)</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>Required output file path (single file).</p>
<dt class="field-even">init_segment</dt>
<dd class="field-even"><p>initialization segment path (multiple file).</p>
<dt class="field-odd">segment_template (segment)</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>Optional value which specifies the naming pattern for the segment files,
and that the stream should be split into multiple files. Its presence should
be consistent across streams. See
<a class="reference internal" href="segment_template_formatting.html"><span class="doc">Segment template formatting</span></a>.</p>
<dt class="field-even">bandwidth (bw)</dt>
<dd class="field-even"><p>Optional value which contains a user-specified maximum bit rate for the
stream, in bits/sec. If specified, this value is propagated to (HLS)
EXT-X-STREAM-INF:BANDWIDTH or (DASH) Representation&#64;bandwidth and the
$Bandwidth$ template parameter for segment names. If not specified, the
bandwidth value is estimated from content bitrate. Note that it only affects
the generated manifests/playlists; it has no effect on the media content
<dt class="field-odd">language (lang)</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>Optional value which contains a user-specified language tag. If specified,
this value overrides any language metadata in the input stream.</p>
<dt class="field-even">output_format (format)</dt>
<dd class="field-even"><p>Optional value which specifies the format of the output files (MP4 or WebM).
If not specified, it will be derived from the file extension of the output
<dt class="field-odd">trick_play_factor (tpf)</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>Optional value which specifies the trick play, a.k.a. trick mode, stream
sampling rate among key frames. If specified, the output is a trick play
<div class="section" id="drm-related-stream-descriptor-fields">
<h1>DRM related Stream descriptor fields<a class="headerlink" href="#drm-related-stream-descriptor-fields" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<dl class="field-list simple">
<dt class="field-odd">skip_encryption=0|1</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>Optional. Defaults to 0 if not specified. If it is set to 1, no encryption
of the stream will be made.</p>
<dt class="field-even">drm_label</dt>
<dd class="field-even"><p>Optional value for custom DRM label, which defines the encryption key
applied to the stream. Typically values include AUDIO, SD, HD, UHD1, UHD2.
For raw key, it should be a label defined in keys. If not provided, the
DRM label is derived from stream type (video, audio), resolutions, etc.
Note that it is case sensitive.</p>
<div class="section" id="dash-specific-stream-descriptor-fields">
<h1>DASH specific stream descriptor fields<a class="headerlink" href="#dash-specific-stream-descriptor-fields" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<dl class="field-list simple">
<dt class="field-odd">dash_accessibilities (accessibilities)</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>Optional semicolon separated list of values for DASH Accessibility element.
The value should be in the format: scheme_id_uri=value, which propagates
to the Accessibility element in the result DASH manifest. See DASH
(ISO/IEC 23009-1) specification for details.</p>
<dt class="field-even">dash_roles (roles)</dt>
<dd class="field-even"><p>Optional semicolon separated list of values for DASH Role element. The
value should be one of: <strong>caption</strong>, <strong>subtitle</strong>, <strong>main</strong>, <strong>alternate</strong>,
<strong>supplementary</strong>, <strong>commentary</strong> and <strong>dub</strong>. See DASH (ISO/IEC 23009-1)
specification for details.</p>
<div class="section" id="hls-specific-stream-descriptor-fields">
<h1>HLS specific stream descriptor fields<a class="headerlink" href="#hls-specific-stream-descriptor-fields" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
<dl class="field-list simple">
<dt class="field-odd">hls_name</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>Used for HLS audio to set the NAME attribute for EXT-X-MEDIA.
Defaults to the base of the playlist name.</p>
<dt class="field-even">hls_group_id</dt>
<dd class="field-even"><p>Used for HLS audio to set the GROUP-ID attribute for EXT-X-MEDIA.
Defaults to audio if not specified.</p>
<dt class="field-odd">playlist_name</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>The HLS playlist file to create. Usually ends with .m3u8, and is
relative to hls_master_playlist_output (see below). If unspecified,
defaults to something of the form stream_0.m3u8, stream_1.m3u8,
stream_2.m3u8, etc.</p>
<dt class="field-even">iframe_playlist_name</dt>
<dd class="field-even"><p>The optional HLS I-Frames only playlist file to create. Usually ends with
.m3u8, and is relative to hls_master_playlist_output (see below). Should
only be set for video streams. If unspecified, no I-Frames only playlist is
<dt class="field-odd">hls_characteristics (charcs)</dt>
<dd class="field-odd"><p>Optional colon or semi-colon separated list of values for the
<a class="reference external" href=""></a> for details.</p>
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