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<h1>Ads options<a class="headerlink" href="#ads-options" title="Permalink to this headline"></a></h1>
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<dt><kbd><span class="option">--ad_cues <var>&lt;start_time[;start_time]…&gt;</var></span></kbd></dt>
<dd><p>List of cuepoint markers separated by semicolon. The start_time represents
the start of the cue marker in seconds (double precision) relative to the
start of the program. This flag preconditions content for
<a class="reference external" href="">Dynamic Ad Insertion</a> with Google Ad Manager.
For DASH, multiple periods will be generated with period boundaries at the
next key frame to the designated start times; For HLS, segments will be
terminated at the next key frame to the designated start times and
#EXT-X-PLACEMENT-OPPORTUNITY tag will be inserted after the segment in
media playlist.</p>
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