
136 lines
4.8 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <packager/media/chunking/text_chunker.h>
#include <absl/log/check.h>
#include <packager/status/status_macros.h>
namespace shaka {
namespace media {
namespace {
const size_t kStreamIndex = 0;
} // namespace
TextChunker::TextChunker(double segment_duration_in_seconds)
: segment_duration_in_seconds_(segment_duration_in_seconds){};
Status TextChunker::Process(std::unique_ptr<StreamData> data) {
switch (data->stream_data_type) {
case StreamDataType::kStreamInfo:
return OnStreamInfo(std::move(data->stream_info));
case StreamDataType::kTextSample:
return OnTextSample(data->text_sample);
case StreamDataType::kCueEvent:
return OnCueEvent(data->cue_event);
return Status(error::INTERNAL_ERROR,
"Invalid stream data type for this handler");
Status TextChunker::OnFlushRequest(size_t /*input_stream_index*/) {
// Keep outputting segments until all the samples leave the system. Calling
// |DispatchSegment| will remove samples over time.
while (samples_in_current_segment_.size()) {
return FlushAllDownstreams();
Status TextChunker::OnStreamInfo(std::shared_ptr<const StreamInfo> info) {
time_scale_ = info->time_scale();
segment_duration_ = ScaleTime(segment_duration_in_seconds_);
return DispatchStreamInfo(kStreamIndex, std::move(info));
Status TextChunker::OnCueEvent(std::shared_ptr<const CueEvent> event) {
// We are going to end the current segment prematurely using the cue event's
// time as the new segment end.
// Because the cue should have been inserted into the stream such that no
// later sample could start before it does, we know that there should
// be no later samples starting before the cue event.
// Convert the event's time to be scaled to the time of each sample.
const int64_t event_time = ScaleTime(event->time_in_seconds);
// Output all full segments before the segment that the cue event interupts.
while (segment_start_ + segment_duration_ < event_time) {
const int64_t shorten_duration = event_time - segment_start_;
return DispatchCueEvent(kStreamIndex, std::move(event));
Status TextChunker::OnTextSample(std::shared_ptr<const TextSample> sample) {
// Output all segments that come before our new sample.
const int64_t sample_start = sample->start_time();
// If we have not seen a sample yet, base all segments off the first sample's
// start time.
if (segment_start_ < 0) {
// Force the first segment to start at the segment that would have started
// before the sample. This should allow segments from different streams to
// align.
segment_start_ = (sample_start / segment_duration_) * segment_duration_;
// We need to write all the segments that would have ended before the new
// sample started.
while (sample_start >= segment_start_ + segment_duration_) {
// |DispatchSegment| will advance |segment_start_|.
return Status::OK;
Status TextChunker::DispatchSegment(int64_t duration) {
DCHECK_GT(duration, 0) << "Segment duration should always be positive";
// Output all the samples that are part of the segment.
for (const auto& sample : samples_in_current_segment_) {
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DispatchTextSample(kStreamIndex, sample));
// Output the segment info.
std::shared_ptr<SegmentInfo> info = std::make_shared<SegmentInfo>();
info->start_timestamp = segment_start_;
info->duration = duration;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DispatchSegmentInfo(kStreamIndex, std::move(info)));
// Move onto the next segment.
const int64_t new_segment_start = segment_start_ + duration;
segment_start_ = new_segment_start;
// Remove all samples that end before the (new) current segment started.
[new_segment_start](const std::shared_ptr<const TextSample>& sample) {
// For the sample to even be in this list, it should have started
// before the (new) current segment.
DCHECK_LT(sample->start_time(), new_segment_start);
return sample->EndTime() <= new_segment_start;
return Status::OK;
int64_t TextChunker::ScaleTime(double seconds) const {
DCHECK_GT(time_scale_, 0) << "Need positive time scale to scale time.";
return static_cast<int64_t>(seconds * time_scale_);
} // namespace media
} // namespace shaka