
305 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2017 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <packager/media/trick_play/trick_play_handler.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <packager/media/base/audio_stream_info.h>
#include <packager/media/base/media_handler_test_base.h>
#include <packager/media/base/video_stream_info.h>
#include <packager/status/status_test_util.h>
using ::testing::_;
namespace shaka {
namespace media {
namespace {
const size_t kInputCount = 1;
const size_t kOutputCount = 1;
const size_t kInputIndex = 0;
const size_t kOutputIndex = 0;
const size_t kStreamIndex = 0;
// This value does not matter as trick play does not use it, but it is needed
// to create the audio and video info.
const int32_t kTimescale = 1000;
const bool kKeyFrame = true;
} // namespace
class TrickPlayHandlerTest : public MediaHandlerTestBase {
void SetUpAndInitializeGraph(uint32_t factor) {
std::make_shared<TrickPlayHandler>(factor), kInputCount, kOutputCount));
Status DispatchVideoInfo() {
auto info = GetVideoStreamInfo(kTimescale);
auto data = StreamData::FromStreamInfo(kStreamIndex, std::move(info));
return Input(kInputIndex)->Dispatch(std::move(data));
Status DispatchSample(int64_t time, int64_t duration, bool keyframe) {
auto sample = GetMediaSample(time, duration, keyframe);
auto data = StreamData::FromMediaSample(kStreamIndex, std::move(sample));
return Input(kInputIndex)->Dispatch(std::move(data));
Status DispatchSegment(int64_t start_time, int64_t duration) {
const bool kSubSegment = true;
auto info = GetSegmentInfo(start_time, duration, !kSubSegment);
auto data = StreamData::FromSegmentInfo(kStreamIndex, std::move(info));
return Input(kInputIndex)->Dispatch(std::move(data));
Status Flush() { return Input(kInputIndex)->FlushAllDownstreams(); }
// This test makes sure that audio streams are rejected by trick play handlers.
TEST_F(TrickPlayHandlerTest, RejectsAudio) {
const uint32_t kTrickPlayFactor = 1u;
auto info = GetAudioStreamInfo(kTimescale);
auto data = StreamData::FromStreamInfo(kStreamIndex, std::move(info));
Status status = Input(kInputIndex)->Dispatch(std::move(data));
EXPECT_EQ(error::TRICK_PLAY_ERROR, status.error_code());
// This test makes sure that when the trick play handler is initialized using
// a non-main-stream track that only a sub set of information gets passed
// through. This checks the specific case where no media samples are sent.
TEST_F(TrickPlayHandlerTest, TrickTrackNoSamples) {
// When there are no samples, play rate could not be determined and should be
// set to 0.
const int64_t kPlayRate = 0;
const uint32_t kTrickPlayFactor = 1u;
testing::InSequence s;
OnProcess(IsVideoStream(_, kTrickPlayFactor, kPlayRate)));
EXPECT_CALL(*Output(kOutputIndex), OnFlush(_));
// This test makes sure that when the trick play handler is initialized using
// a non-main-stream track that only a sub set of information gets passed
// through.
TEST_F(TrickPlayHandlerTest, TrickTrackWithSamplesOnlyGetsKeyFrames) {
const uint32_t kTrickPlayFactor = 1u;
const int64_t kFrameDuration = 100;
const int64_t kFrame0 = 0;
const int64_t kFrame1 = 100;
const int64_t kFrame2 = 200;
const int64_t kFrame3 = 300;
const int64_t kFrame4 = 400;
const int64_t kFrame5 = 500;
const int64_t kFrame6 = 600;
const int64_t kFrame7 = 700;
const int64_t kFrame8 = 800;
// Key frame every three frames.
// Use every key frame in the trick play stream.
// A single trick play frame has 3 times the duration of a normal frame.
const int64_t kPlayRate = 3;
const int64_t kTrickPlayDuration = kFrameDuration * 3;
// Only some samples we send to trick play should also be sent to our mock
// handler.
testing::InSequence s;
OnProcess(IsVideoStream(_, kTrickPlayFactor, kPlayRate)));
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame0, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame3, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame6, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
EXPECT_CALL(*Output(kOutputIndex), OnFlush(_));
// GOP 1
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame0, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame1, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame2, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// GOP 2
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame3, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame4, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame5, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// GOP 3
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame6, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame7, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame8, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// This test makes sure that when the trick play handler is initialized using
// a non-main-stream track that only a sub set of information gets passed
// through.
TEST_F(TrickPlayHandlerTest, TrickTrackWithSamples) {
const uint32_t kTrickPlayFactor = 2u;
const int64_t kFrameDuration = 100;
const int64_t kFrame0 = 0;
const int64_t kFrame1 = 100;
const int64_t kFrame2 = 200;
const int64_t kFrame3 = 300;
const int64_t kFrame4 = 400;
const int64_t kFrame5 = 500;
const int64_t kFrame6 = 600;
const int64_t kFrame7 = 700;
// Key frame every two frames.
// Use every second key frame in the trick play stream.
// A single trick play frame has 4 times the duration of a normal frame.
const int64_t kPlayRate = 4;
const int64_t kTrickPlayDuration = kFrameDuration * 4;
// Only some samples we send to trick play should also be sent to our mock
// handler.
testing::InSequence s;
OnProcess(IsVideoStream(_, kTrickPlayFactor, kPlayRate)));
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame0, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame4, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
EXPECT_CALL(*Output(kOutputIndex), OnFlush(_));
// GOP 1
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame0, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame1, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// GOP 2
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame2, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame3, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// GOP 3
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame4, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame5, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// GOP 4
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame6, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame7, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
TEST_F(TrickPlayHandlerTest, TrickTrackWithSamplesAndSegments) {
const uint32_t kTrickPlayFactor = 1u;
const int64_t kFrameDuration = 100;
const int64_t kFrame0 = 0;
const int64_t kFrame1 = 100;
const int64_t kFrame2 = 200;
const int64_t kFrame3 = 300;
const int64_t kFrame4 = 400;
const int64_t kFrame5 = 500;
const int64_t kFrame6 = 600;
const int64_t kFrame7 = 700;
const int64_t kSegmentDuration = 400;
const int64_t kSegment0 = 0;
const int64_t kSegment1 = 400;
// Key frame every two frames.
// Use every key frame in the trick play stream.
// This means that each trick play frame covers two normal frames.
const int64_t kPlayRate = 2;
const int64_t kTrickPlayDuration = kFrameDuration * 2;
// Only some samples we send to trick play should also be sent to our mock
// handler.
testing::InSequence s;
OnProcess(IsVideoStream(_, kTrickPlayFactor, kPlayRate)));
// Segment One
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame0, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame2, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
OnProcess(IsSegmentInfo(_, kSegment0, kSegmentDuration, _, _)));
// Segment Two
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame4, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
OnProcess(IsMediaSample(_, kFrame6, kTrickPlayDuration, _, kKeyFrame)));
OnProcess(IsSegmentInfo(_, kSegment1, kSegmentDuration, _, _)));
EXPECT_CALL(*Output(kOutputIndex), OnFlush(_));
// GOP 1
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame0, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame1, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// GOP 2
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame2, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame3, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// Segment One
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSegment(kSegment0, kSegmentDuration));
// GOP 3
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame4, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame5, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// GOP 4
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame6, kFrameDuration, kKeyFrame));
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSample(kFrame7, kFrameDuration, !kKeyFrame));
// Segment Two
ASSERT_OK(DispatchSegment(kSegment1, kSegmentDuration));
} // namespace media
} // namespace shaka