It may look like I'm downgrading, but I'm not.
1.5.0 was an incorrect version bump based on TrueDread's fork. v1.4.0 is the next release after, even though it's a lower version. v1.4.0 should be used instead.
This will improve efficiency and accuracy of getting appropriate DRM systems when downloading segments.
This can dramatically improve download speed from less than 50 kb/s to full speed if the HLS playlist used a lot of AES-128 EXT-X-KEYs. E.g., a unique key for each segment.
This was caused because the HLS.get_drm function took EVERY EXT-X-KEY, checked for supported systems, loaded them, and returned the supported objects. This meant it could load possibly 100s of AES-128 ClearKey objects (likely requiring URL downloads for the key URI) causing a huge delay before downloading each segment.
It's not used by devine itself, but it's still a sub-dependency. Remove from being an explicit dependency in case the sub-dependencies ever remove it as well.