
293 lines
9.6 KiB

import ast
import contextlib
import importlib.util
import re
import shutil
import sys
import time
import unicodedata
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import AsyncIterator, Optional, Sequence, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import chardet
import pproxy
import requests
from construct import ValidationError
from langcodes import Language, closest_match
from pymp4.parser import Box
from unidecode import unidecode
from devine.core.config import config
from devine.core.constants import LANGUAGE_MAX_DISTANCE
def rotate_log_file(log_path: Path, keep: int = 20) -> Path:
Update Log Filename and delete old log files.
It keeps only the 20 newest logs by default.
if not log_path:
raise ValueError("A log path must be provided")
log_path.relative_to(Path("")) # file name only
except ValueError:
log_path = config.directories.logs / log_path
log_path = log_path.parent /
if log_path.parent.exists():
log_files = [x for x in log_path.parent.iterdir() if x.suffix == log_path.suffix]
for log_file in log_files[::-1][keep-1:]:
# keep n newest files and delete the rest
log_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return log_path
def import_module_by_path(path: Path) -> ModuleType:
"""Import a Python file by Path as a Module."""
if not path:
raise ValueError("Path must be provided")
if not isinstance(path, Path):
raise TypeError(f"Expected path to be a {Path}, not {path!r}")
if not path.exists():
raise ValueError("Path does not exist")
# compute package hierarchy for relative import support
if path.is_relative_to(config.directories.core_dir):
name = []
_path = path.parent
while _path.stem != config.directories.core_dir.stem:
_path = _path.parent
name = ".".join([config.directories.core_dir.stem] + name[::-1])
# is outside the src package
if str(path.parent.parent) not in sys.path:
sys.path.insert(1, str(path.parent.parent))
name = path.parent.stem
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
return module
def get_binary_path(*names: str) -> Optional[Path]:
"""Find the path of the first found binary name."""
for name in names:
path = shutil.which(name)
if path:
return Path(path)
return None
def sanitize_filename(filename: str, spacer: str = ".") -> str:
Sanitize a string to be filename safe.
The spacer is safer to be a '.' for older DDL and p2p sharing spaces.
This includes web-served content via direct links and such.
# replace all non-ASCII characters with ASCII equivalents
filename = unidecode(filename)
# remove or replace further characters as needed
filename = "".join(c for c in filename if unicodedata.category(c) != "Mn") # hidden characters
filename = filename.\
replace("/", " & ").\
replace(";", " & ") # e.g. multi-episode filenames
filename = re.sub(r"[:; ]", spacer, filename) # structural chars to (spacer)
filename = re.sub(r"[\\*!?¿,'\"“”()<>|$#]", "", filename) # not filename safe chars
filename = re.sub(rf"[{spacer}]{{2,}}", spacer, filename) # remove extra neighbouring (spacer)s
return filename
def is_close_match(language: Union[str, Language], languages: Sequence[Union[str, Language, None]]) -> bool:
"""Check if a language is a close match to any of the provided languages."""
languages = [x for x in languages if x]
if not languages:
return False
return closest_match(language, list(map(str, languages)))[1] <= LANGUAGE_MAX_DISTANCE
def get_boxes(data: bytes, box_type: bytes, as_bytes: bool = False) -> Box:
"""Scan a byte array for a wanted box, then parse and yield each find."""
# using slicing to get to the wanted box is done because parsing the entire box and recursively
# scanning through each box and its children often wouldn't scan far enough to reach the wanted box.
# since it doesn't care what child box the wanted box is from, this works fine.
if not isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
raise ValueError("data must be bytes")
while True:
index = data.index(box_type)
except ValueError:
if index < 0:
if index > 4:
index -= 4 # size is before box type and is 4 bytes long
data = data[index:]
box = Box.parse(data)
except IOError:
# since get_init_segment might cut off unexpectedly, pymp4 may be unable to read
# the expected amounts of data and complain, so let's just end the function here
except ValidationError as e:
if box_type == b"tenc":
# ignore this error on tenc boxes as the tenc definition isn't consistent,
# some services don't even put valid data and mix it up with avc1...
raise e
if as_bytes:
box =
yield box
def ap_case(text: str, keep_spaces: bool = False, stop_words: tuple[str] = None) -> str:
Convert a string to title case using AP/APA style.
Based on
text: The text string to title case with AP/APA style.
keep_spaces: To keep the original whitespace, or to just use a normal space.
This would only be needed if you have special whitespace between words.
stop_words: Override the default stop words with your own ones.
if not text:
return ""
if not stop_words:
stop_words = ("a", "an", "and", "at", "but", "by", "for", "in", "nor",
"of", "on", "or", "so", "the", "to", "up", "yet")
splitter = re.compile(r"(\s+|[-‑–—])")
words = splitter.split(text)
return "".join([
[" ", word][keep_spaces] if re.match(r"\s+", word) else
word if splitter.match(word) else
word.lower() if i != 0 and i != len(words) - 1 and word.lower() in stop_words else
for i, word in enumerate(words)
def get_ip_info(session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> dict:
Use to get IP location information.
If you provide a Requests Session with a Proxy, that proxies IP information
is what will be returned.
return (session or requests.Session()).get("").json()
def time_elapsed_since(start: float) -> str:
Get time elapsed since a timestamp as a string.
E.g., `1h56m2s`, `15m12s`, `0m55s`, e.t.c.
elapsed = int(time.time() - start)
minutes, seconds = divmod(elapsed, 60)
hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
time_string = f"{minutes:d}m{seconds:d}s"
if hours:
time_string = f"{hours:d}h{time_string}"
return time_string
def try_ensure_utf8(data: bytes) -> bytes:
Try to ensure that the given data is encoded in UTF-8.
data: Input data that may or may not yet be UTF-8 or another encoding.
Returns the input data encoded in UTF-8 if successful. If unable to detect the
encoding of the input data, then the original data is returned as-received.
return data
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# CP-1252 is a superset of latin1
return data.decode("cp1252").encode("utf8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# last ditch effort to detect encoding
detection_result = chardet.detect(data)
if not detection_result["encoding"]:
return data
return data.decode(detection_result["encoding"]).encode("utf8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return data
async def start_pproxy(proxy: str) -> AsyncIterator[str]:
proxy = urlparse(proxy)
scheme = {
"https": "http+ssl",
"socks5h": "socks"
}.get(proxy.scheme, proxy.scheme)
remote_server = f"{scheme}://{proxy.hostname}"
if proxy.port:
remote_server += f":{proxy.port}"
if proxy.username or proxy.password:
remote_server += "#"
if proxy.username:
remote_server += proxy.username
if proxy.password:
remote_server += f":{proxy.password}"
server = pproxy.Server("http://localhost:0") # random port
remote = pproxy.Connection(remote_server)
handler = await server.start_server({"rserver": [remote]})
port = handler.sockets[0].getsockname()[1]
yield f"http://localhost:{port}"
await handler.wait_closed()
class FPS(ast.NodeVisitor):
def visit_BinOp(self, node: ast.BinOp) -> float:
if isinstance(node.op, ast.Div):
return self.visit(node.left) / self.visit(node.right)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid operation: {node.op}")
def visit_Num(self, node: ast.Num) -> complex:
return node.n
def visit_Expr(self, node: ast.Expr) -> float:
return self.visit(node.value)
def parse(cls, expr: str) -> float:
return cls().visit(ast.parse(expr).body[0])