DASH Media Packaging SDK
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator
1 // Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
4 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
5 // https://developers.google.com/open-source/licenses/bsd
7 #include "packager/mpd/base/mpd_builder.h"
9 #include <libxml/tree.h>
10 #include <libxml/xmlstring.h>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include <iterator>
14 #include <list>
15 #include <memory>
16 #include <string>
18 #include "packager/base/base64.h"
19 #include "packager/base/bind.h"
20 #include "packager/base/files/file_path.h"
21 #include "packager/base/logging.h"
22 #include "packager/base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
23 #include "packager/base/strings/stringprintf.h"
24 #include "packager/base/synchronization/lock.h"
25 #include "packager/base/time/default_clock.h"
26 #include "packager/base/time/time.h"
27 #include "packager/file/file.h"
28 #include "packager/media/base/language_utils.h"
29 #include "packager/mpd/base/content_protection_element.h"
30 #include "packager/mpd/base/mpd_utils.h"
31 #include "packager/mpd/base/xml/xml_node.h"
32 #include "packager/version/version.h"
34 namespace shaka {
36 using base::FilePath;
37 using xml::XmlNode;
38 using xml::RepresentationXmlNode;
39 using xml::AdaptationSetXmlNode;
41 namespace {
43 AdaptationSet::Role MediaInfoTextTypeToRole(
44  MediaInfo::TextInfo::TextType type) {
45  switch (type) {
46  case MediaInfo::TextInfo::UNKNOWN:
47  LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown text type, assuming subtitle.";
48  return AdaptationSet::kRoleSubtitle;
49  case MediaInfo::TextInfo::CAPTION:
50  return AdaptationSet::kRoleCaption;
51  case MediaInfo::TextInfo::SUBTITLE:
52  return AdaptationSet::kRoleSubtitle;
53  default:
54  NOTREACHED() << "Unknown MediaInfo TextType: " << type
55  << " assuming subtitle.";
56  return AdaptationSet::kRoleSubtitle;
57  }
58 }
60 std::string GetMimeType(const std::string& prefix,
61  MediaInfo::ContainerType container_type) {
62  switch (container_type) {
63  case MediaInfo::CONTAINER_MP4:
64  return prefix + "/mp4";
65  case MediaInfo::CONTAINER_MPEG2_TS:
66  // NOTE: DASH MPD spec uses lowercase but RFC3555 says uppercase.
67  return prefix + "/MP2T";
68  case MediaInfo::CONTAINER_WEBM:
69  return prefix + "/webm";
70  default:
71  break;
72  }
74  // Unsupported container types should be rejected/handled by the caller.
75  LOG(ERROR) << "Unrecognized container type: " << container_type;
76  return std::string();
77 }
79 void AddMpdNameSpaceInfo(XmlNode* mpd) {
80  DCHECK(mpd);
82  static const char kXmlNamespace[] = "urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011";
83  static const char kXmlNamespaceXsi[] =
84  "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
85  static const char kXmlNamespaceXlink[] = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";
86  static const char kDashSchemaMpd2011[] =
87  "urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011 DASH-MPD.xsd";
88  static const char kCencNamespace[] = "urn:mpeg:cenc:2013";
90  mpd->SetStringAttribute("xmlns", kXmlNamespace);
91  mpd->SetStringAttribute("xmlns:xsi", kXmlNamespaceXsi);
92  mpd->SetStringAttribute("xmlns:xlink", kXmlNamespaceXlink);
93  mpd->SetStringAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation", kDashSchemaMpd2011);
94  mpd->SetStringAttribute("xmlns:cenc", kCencNamespace);
95 }
97 bool IsPeriodNode(xmlNodePtr node) {
98  DCHECK(node);
99  int kEqual = 0;
100  return xmlStrcmp(node->name, reinterpret_cast<const xmlChar*>("Period")) ==
101  kEqual;
102 }
104 // Find the first <Period> element. This does not recurse down the tree,
105 // only checks direct children. Returns the pointer to Period element on
106 // success, otherwise returns false.
107 // As noted here, we must traverse.
108 // http://www.xmlsoft.org/tutorial/ar01s04.html
109 xmlNodePtr FindPeriodNode(XmlNode* xml_node) {
110  for (xmlNodePtr node = xml_node->GetRawPtr()->xmlChildrenNode; node != NULL;
111  node = node->next) {
112  if (IsPeriodNode(node))
113  return node;
114  }
116  return NULL;
117 }
119 bool Positive(double d) {
120  return d > 0.0;
121 }
123 // Return current time in XML DateTime format. The value is in UTC, so the
124 // string ends with a 'Z'.
125 std::string XmlDateTimeNowWithOffset(
126  int32_t offset_seconds,
127  base::Clock* clock) {
128  base::Time time = clock->Now();
129  time += base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(offset_seconds);
130  base::Time::Exploded time_exploded;
131  time.UTCExplode(&time_exploded);
133  return base::StringPrintf("%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", time_exploded.year,
134  time_exploded.month, time_exploded.day_of_month,
135  time_exploded.hour, time_exploded.minute,
136  time_exploded.second);
137 }
139 void SetIfPositive(const char* attr_name, double value, XmlNode* mpd) {
140  if (Positive(value)) {
141  mpd->SetStringAttribute(attr_name, SecondsToXmlDuration(value));
142  }
143 }
145 uint32_t GetTimeScale(const MediaInfo& media_info) {
146  if (media_info.has_reference_time_scale()) {
147  return media_info.reference_time_scale();
148  }
150  if (media_info.has_video_info()) {
151  return media_info.video_info().time_scale();
152  }
154  if (media_info.has_audio_info()) {
155  return media_info.audio_info().time_scale();
156  }
158  LOG(WARNING) << "No timescale specified, using 1 as timescale.";
159  return 1;
160 }
162 uint64_t LastSegmentStartTime(const SegmentInfo& segment_info) {
163  return segment_info.start_time + segment_info.duration * segment_info.repeat;
164 }
166 // This is equal to |segment_info| end time
167 uint64_t LastSegmentEndTime(const SegmentInfo& segment_info) {
168  return segment_info.start_time +
169  segment_info.duration * (segment_info.repeat + 1);
170 }
172 uint64_t LatestSegmentStartTime(const std::list<SegmentInfo>& segments) {
173  DCHECK(!segments.empty());
174  const SegmentInfo& latest_segment = segments.back();
175  return LastSegmentStartTime(latest_segment);
176 }
178 // Given |timeshift_limit|, finds out the number of segments that are no longer
179 // valid and should be removed from |segment_info|.
180 int SearchTimedOutRepeatIndex(uint64_t timeshift_limit,
181  const SegmentInfo& segment_info) {
182  DCHECK_LE(timeshift_limit, LastSegmentEndTime(segment_info));
183  if (timeshift_limit < segment_info.start_time)
184  return 0;
186  return (timeshift_limit - segment_info.start_time) / segment_info.duration;
187 }
189 std::string MakePathRelative(const std::string& path,
190  const std::string& mpd_dir) {
191  return (path.find(mpd_dir) == 0) ? path.substr(mpd_dir.size()) : path;
192 }
194 // Check whether the video info has width and height.
195 // DASH IOP also requires several other fields for video representations, namely
196 // width, height, framerate, and sar.
197 bool HasRequiredVideoFields(const MediaInfo_VideoInfo& video_info) {
198  if (!video_info.has_height() || !video_info.has_width()) {
200  << "Width and height are required fields for generating a valid MPD.";
201  return false;
202  }
203  // These fields are not required for a valid MPD, but required for DASH IOP
204  // compliant MPD. MpdBuilder can keep generating MPDs without these fields.
205  LOG_IF(WARNING, !video_info.has_time_scale())
206  << "Video info does not contain timescale required for "
207  "calculating framerate. @frameRate is required for DASH IOP.";
208  LOG_IF(WARNING, !video_info.has_pixel_width())
209  << "Video info does not contain pixel_width to calculate the sample "
210  "aspect ratio required for DASH IOP.";
211  LOG_IF(WARNING, !video_info.has_pixel_height())
212  << "Video info does not contain pixel_height to calculate the sample "
213  "aspect ratio required for DASH IOP.";
214  return true;
215 }
217 // Returns the picture aspect ratio string e.g. "16:9", "4:3".
218 // "Reducing the quotient to minimal form" does not work well in practice as
219 // there may be some rounding performed in the input, e.g. the resolution of
220 // 480p is 854:480 for 16:9 aspect ratio, can only be reduced to 427:240.
221 // The algorithm finds out the pair of integers, num and den, where num / den is
222 // the closest ratio to scaled_width / scaled_height, by looping den through
223 // common values.
224 std::string GetPictureAspectRatio(uint32_t width,
225  uint32_t height,
226  uint32_t pixel_width,
227  uint32_t pixel_height) {
228  const uint32_t scaled_width = pixel_width * width;
229  const uint32_t scaled_height = pixel_height * height;
230  const double par = static_cast<double>(scaled_width) / scaled_height;
232  // Typical aspect ratios have par_y less than or equal to 19:
233  // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_resolutions
234  const uint32_t kLargestPossibleParY = 19;
236  uint32_t par_num = 0;
237  uint32_t par_den = 0;
238  double min_error = 1.0;
239  for (uint32_t den = 1; den <= kLargestPossibleParY; ++den) {
240  uint32_t num = par * den + 0.5;
241  double error = fabs(par - static_cast<double>(num) / den);
242  if (error < min_error) {
243  min_error = error;
244  par_num = num;
245  par_den = den;
246  if (error == 0) break;
247  }
248  }
249  VLOG(2) << "width*pix_width : height*pixel_height (" << scaled_width << ":"
250  << scaled_height << ") reduced to " << par_num << ":" << par_den
251  << " with error " << min_error << ".";
253  return base::IntToString(par_num) + ":" + base::IntToString(par_den);
254 }
256 // Adds an entry to picture_aspect_ratio if the size of picture_aspect_ratio is
257 // less than 2 and video_info has both pixel width and pixel height.
258 void AddPictureAspectRatio(
259  const MediaInfo::VideoInfo& video_info,
260  std::set<std::string>* picture_aspect_ratio) {
261  // If there are more than one entries in picture_aspect_ratio, the @par
262  // attribute cannot be set, so skip.
263  if (picture_aspect_ratio->size() > 1)
264  return;
266  if (video_info.width() == 0 || video_info.height() == 0 ||
267  video_info.pixel_width() == 0 || video_info.pixel_height() == 0) {
268  // If there is even one Representation without a @sar attribute, @par cannot
269  // be calculated.
270  // Just populate the set with at least 2 bogus strings so that further call
271  // to this function will bail out immediately.
272  picture_aspect_ratio->insert("bogus");
273  picture_aspect_ratio->insert("entries");
274  return;
275  }
277  const std::string par = GetPictureAspectRatio(
278  video_info.width(), video_info.height(),
279  video_info.pixel_width(), video_info.pixel_height());
280  DVLOG(1) << "Setting par as: " << par
281  << " for video with width: " << video_info.width()
282  << " height: " << video_info.height()
283  << " pixel_width: " << video_info.pixel_width() << " pixel_height; "
284  << video_info.pixel_height();
285  picture_aspect_ratio->insert(par);
286 }
288 std::string RoleToText(AdaptationSet::Role role) {
289  // Using switch so that the compiler can detect whether there is a case that's
290  // not being handled.
291  switch (role) {
292  case AdaptationSet::kRoleCaption:
293  return "caption";
294  case AdaptationSet::kRoleSubtitle:
295  return "subtitle";
296  case AdaptationSet::kRoleMain:
297  return "main";
298  case AdaptationSet::kRoleAlternate:
299  return "alternate";
300  case AdaptationSet::kRoleSupplementary:
301  return "supplementary";
302  case AdaptationSet::kRoleCommentary:
303  return "commentary";
304  case AdaptationSet::kRoleDub:
305  return "dub";
306  default:
307  break;
308  }
311  return "";
312 }
314 // Spooky static initialization/cleanup of libxml.
315 class LibXmlInitializer {
316  public:
317  LibXmlInitializer() : initialized_(false) {
318  base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
319  if (!initialized_) {
320  xmlInitParser();
321  initialized_ = true;
322  }
323  }
325  ~LibXmlInitializer() {
326  base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
327  if (initialized_) {
328  xmlCleanupParser();
329  initialized_ = false;
330  }
331  }
333  private:
334  base::Lock lock_;
335  bool initialized_;
337  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LibXmlInitializer);
338 };
340 class RepresentationStateChangeListenerImpl
341  : public RepresentationStateChangeListener {
342  public:
343  // |adaptation_set| is not owned by this class.
344  RepresentationStateChangeListenerImpl(uint32_t representation_id,
345  AdaptationSet* adaptation_set)
346  : representation_id_(representation_id), adaptation_set_(adaptation_set) {
347  DCHECK(adaptation_set_);
348  }
349  ~RepresentationStateChangeListenerImpl() override {}
351  // RepresentationStateChangeListener implementation.
352  void OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(uint64_t start_time,
353  uint64_t duration) override {
354  adaptation_set_->OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(representation_id_,
355  start_time, duration);
356  }
358  void OnSetFrameRateForRepresentation(uint32_t frame_duration,
359  uint32_t timescale) override {
360  adaptation_set_->OnSetFrameRateForRepresentation(representation_id_,
361  frame_duration, timescale);
362  }
364  private:
365  const uint32_t representation_id_;
366  AdaptationSet* const adaptation_set_;
368  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RepresentationStateChangeListenerImpl);
369 };
371 } // namespace
374  : mpd_options_(mpd_options), clock_(new base::DefaultClock()) {}
376 MpdBuilder::~MpdBuilder() {}
378 void MpdBuilder::AddBaseUrl(const std::string& base_url) {
379  base_urls_.push_back(base_url);
380 }
382 AdaptationSet* MpdBuilder::AddAdaptationSet(const std::string& lang) {
383  std::unique_ptr<AdaptationSet> adaptation_set(
384  new AdaptationSet(adaptation_set_counter_.GetNext(), lang, mpd_options_,
385  &representation_counter_));
386  DCHECK(adaptation_set);
388  if (!lang.empty() && lang == mpd_options_.mpd_params.default_language) {
389  adaptation_set->AddRole(AdaptationSet::kRoleMain);
390  }
392  adaptation_sets_.push_back(std::move(adaptation_set));
393  return adaptation_sets_.back().get();
394 }
396 bool MpdBuilder::ToString(std::string* output) {
397  DCHECK(output);
398  static LibXmlInitializer lib_xml_initializer;
400  xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlDoc> doc(GenerateMpd());
401  if (!doc.get())
402  return false;
404  static const int kNiceFormat = 1;
405  int doc_str_size = 0;
406  xmlChar* doc_str = nullptr;
407  xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(doc.get(), &doc_str, &doc_str_size, "UTF-8",
408  kNiceFormat);
409  output->assign(doc_str, doc_str + doc_str_size);
410  xmlFree(doc_str);
412  // Cleanup, free the doc.
413  doc.reset();
414  return true;
415 }
417 xmlDocPtr MpdBuilder::GenerateMpd() {
418  // Setup nodes.
419  static const char kXmlVersion[] = "1.0";
420  xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlDoc> doc(xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST kXmlVersion));
421  XmlNode mpd("MPD");
423  // Iterate thru AdaptationSets and add them to one big Period element.
424  XmlNode period("Period");
426  // Always set id=0 for now. Since this class can only generate one Period
427  // at the moment, just use a constant.
428  // Required for 'dynamic' MPDs.
429  period.SetId(0);
430  for (const std::unique_ptr<AdaptationSet>& adaptation_set :
431  adaptation_sets_) {
432  xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode> child(adaptation_set->GetXml());
433  if (!child.get() || !period.AddChild(std::move(child)))
434  return NULL;
435  }
437  // Add baseurls to MPD.
438  std::list<std::string>::const_iterator base_urls_it = base_urls_.begin();
439  for (; base_urls_it != base_urls_.end(); ++base_urls_it) {
440  XmlNode base_url("BaseURL");
441  base_url.SetContent(*base_urls_it);
443  if (!mpd.AddChild(base_url.PassScopedPtr()))
444  return NULL;
445  }
447  // TODO(kqyang): Should we set @start unconditionally to 0?
448  if (mpd_options_.mpd_type == MpdType::kDynamic) {
449  // This is the only Period and it is a regular period.
450  period.SetStringAttribute("start", "PT0S");
451  }
453  if (!mpd.AddChild(period.PassScopedPtr()))
454  return NULL;
456  AddMpdNameSpaceInfo(&mpd);
458  static const char kOnDemandProfile[] =
459  "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011";
460  static const char kLiveProfile[] =
461  "urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-live:2011";
462  switch (mpd_options_.dash_profile) {
463  case DashProfile::kOnDemand:
464  mpd.SetStringAttribute("profiles", kOnDemandProfile);
465  break;
466  case DashProfile::kLive:
467  mpd.SetStringAttribute("profiles", kLiveProfile);
468  break;
469  default:
470  NOTREACHED() << "Unknown DASH profile: "
471  << static_cast<int>(mpd_options_.dash_profile);
472  break;
473  }
475  AddCommonMpdInfo(&mpd);
476  switch (mpd_options_.mpd_type) {
477  case MpdType::kStatic:
478  AddStaticMpdInfo(&mpd);
479  break;
480  case MpdType::kDynamic:
481  AddDynamicMpdInfo(&mpd);
482  break;
483  default:
484  NOTREACHED() << "Unknown MPD type: "
485  << static_cast<int>(mpd_options_.mpd_type);
486  break;
487  }
489  DCHECK(doc);
490  const std::string version = GetPackagerVersion();
491  if (!version.empty()) {
492  std::string version_string =
493  base::StringPrintf("Generated with %s version %s",
494  GetPackagerProjectUrl().c_str(), version.c_str());
495  xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode> comment(
496  xmlNewDocComment(doc.get(), BAD_CAST version_string.c_str()));
497  xmlDocSetRootElement(doc.get(), comment.get());
498  xmlAddSibling(comment.release(), mpd.Release());
499  } else {
500  xmlDocSetRootElement(doc.get(), mpd.Release());
501  }
502  return doc.release();
503 }
505 void MpdBuilder::AddCommonMpdInfo(XmlNode* mpd_node) {
506  if (Positive(mpd_options_.mpd_params.min_buffer_time)) {
507  mpd_node->SetStringAttribute(
508  "minBufferTime",
509  SecondsToXmlDuration(mpd_options_.mpd_params.min_buffer_time));
510  } else {
511  LOG(ERROR) << "minBufferTime value not specified.";
512  // TODO(tinskip): Propagate error.
513  }
514 }
516 void MpdBuilder::AddStaticMpdInfo(XmlNode* mpd_node) {
517  DCHECK(mpd_node);
518  DCHECK_EQ(MpdType::kStatic, mpd_options_.mpd_type);
520  static const char kStaticMpdType[] = "static";
521  mpd_node->SetStringAttribute("type", kStaticMpdType);
522  mpd_node->SetStringAttribute(
523  "mediaPresentationDuration",
524  SecondsToXmlDuration(GetStaticMpdDuration(mpd_node)));
525 }
527 void MpdBuilder::AddDynamicMpdInfo(XmlNode* mpd_node) {
528  DCHECK(mpd_node);
529  DCHECK_EQ(MpdType::kDynamic, mpd_options_.mpd_type);
531  static const char kDynamicMpdType[] = "dynamic";
532  mpd_node->SetStringAttribute("type", kDynamicMpdType);
534  // No offset from NOW.
535  mpd_node->SetStringAttribute("publishTime",
536  XmlDateTimeNowWithOffset(0, clock_.get()));
538  // 'availabilityStartTime' is required for dynamic profile. Calculate if
539  // not already calculated.
540  if (availability_start_time_.empty()) {
541  double earliest_presentation_time;
542  if (GetEarliestTimestamp(&earliest_presentation_time)) {
543  availability_start_time_ = XmlDateTimeNowWithOffset(
544  -std::ceil(earliest_presentation_time), clock_.get());
545  } else {
546  LOG(ERROR) << "Could not determine the earliest segment presentation "
547  "time for availabilityStartTime calculation.";
548  // TODO(tinskip). Propagate an error.
549  }
550  }
551  if (!availability_start_time_.empty())
552  mpd_node->SetStringAttribute("availabilityStartTime",
553  availability_start_time_);
555  if (Positive(mpd_options_.mpd_params.minimum_update_period)) {
556  mpd_node->SetStringAttribute(
557  "minimumUpdatePeriod",
558  SecondsToXmlDuration(mpd_options_.mpd_params.minimum_update_period));
559  } else {
560  LOG(WARNING) << "The profile is dynamic but no minimumUpdatePeriod "
561  "specified.";
562  }
564  SetIfPositive("timeShiftBufferDepth",
565  mpd_options_.mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth, mpd_node);
566  SetIfPositive("suggestedPresentationDelay",
567  mpd_options_.mpd_params.suggested_presentation_delay, mpd_node);
568 }
570 float MpdBuilder::GetStaticMpdDuration(XmlNode* mpd_node) {
571  DCHECK(mpd_node);
572  DCHECK_EQ(MpdType::kStatic, mpd_options_.mpd_type);
574  xmlNodePtr period_node = FindPeriodNode(mpd_node);
575  DCHECK(period_node) << "Period element must be a child of mpd_node.";
576  DCHECK(IsPeriodNode(period_node));
578  // TODO(kqyang): Verify if this works for static + live profile.
579  // Attribute mediaPresentationDuration must be present for 'static' MPD. So
580  // setting "PT0S" is required even if none of the representaions have duration
581  // attribute.
582  float max_duration = 0.0f;
583  for (xmlNodePtr adaptation_set = xmlFirstElementChild(period_node);
584  adaptation_set; adaptation_set = xmlNextElementSibling(adaptation_set)) {
585  for (xmlNodePtr representation = xmlFirstElementChild(adaptation_set);
586  representation;
587  representation = xmlNextElementSibling(representation)) {
588  float duration = 0.0f;
589  if (GetDurationAttribute(representation, &duration)) {
590  max_duration = max_duration > duration ? max_duration : duration;
592  // 'duration' attribute is there only to help generate MPD, not
593  // necessary for MPD, remove the attribute.
594  xmlUnsetProp(representation, BAD_CAST "duration");
595  }
596  }
597  }
599  return max_duration;
600 }
602 bool MpdBuilder::GetEarliestTimestamp(double* timestamp_seconds) {
603  DCHECK(timestamp_seconds);
605  double earliest_timestamp(-1);
606  for (const std::unique_ptr<AdaptationSet>& adaptation_set :
607  adaptation_sets_) {
608  double timestamp;
609  if (adaptation_set->GetEarliestTimestamp(&timestamp) &&
610  ((earliest_timestamp < 0) || (timestamp < earliest_timestamp))) {
611  earliest_timestamp = timestamp;
612  }
613  }
614  if (earliest_timestamp < 0)
615  return false;
617  *timestamp_seconds = earliest_timestamp;
618  return true;
619 }
621 void MpdBuilder::MakePathsRelativeToMpd(const std::string& mpd_path,
622  MediaInfo* media_info) {
623  DCHECK(media_info);
624  const std::string kFileProtocol("file://");
625  std::string mpd_file_path = (mpd_path.find(kFileProtocol) == 0)
626  ? mpd_path.substr(kFileProtocol.size())
627  : mpd_path;
629  if (!mpd_file_path.empty()) {
630  std::string mpd_dir(FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(mpd_file_path)
631  .DirName().AsEndingWithSeparator().AsUTF8Unsafe());
632  if (!mpd_dir.empty()) {
633  if (media_info->has_media_file_name()) {
634  media_info->set_media_file_name(
635  MakePathRelative(media_info->media_file_name(), mpd_dir));
636  }
637  if (media_info->has_init_segment_name()) {
638  media_info->set_init_segment_name(
639  MakePathRelative(media_info->init_segment_name(), mpd_dir));
640  }
641  if (media_info->has_segment_template()) {
642  media_info->set_segment_template(
643  MakePathRelative(media_info->segment_template(), mpd_dir));
644  }
645  }
646  }
647 }
649 AdaptationSet::AdaptationSet(uint32_t adaptation_set_id,
650  const std::string& lang,
651  const MpdOptions& mpd_options,
652  base::AtomicSequenceNumber* counter)
653  : representation_counter_(counter),
654  id_(adaptation_set_id),
655  lang_(lang),
656  mpd_options_(mpd_options),
657  segments_aligned_(kSegmentAlignmentUnknown),
658  force_set_segment_alignment_(false) {
659  DCHECK(counter);
660 }
662 AdaptationSet::~AdaptationSet() {}
664 Representation* AdaptationSet::AddRepresentation(const MediaInfo& media_info) {
665  const uint32_t representation_id = representation_counter_->GetNext();
666  // Note that AdaptationSet outlive Representation, so this object
667  // will die before AdaptationSet.
668  std::unique_ptr<RepresentationStateChangeListener> listener(
669  new RepresentationStateChangeListenerImpl(representation_id, this));
670  std::unique_ptr<Representation> representation(new Representation(
671  media_info, mpd_options_, representation_id, std::move(listener)));
673  if (!representation->Init()) {
674  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to initialize Representation.";
675  return NULL;
676  }
678  // For videos, record the width, height, and the frame rate to calculate the
679  // max {width,height,framerate} required for DASH IOP.
680  if (media_info.has_video_info()) {
681  const MediaInfo::VideoInfo& video_info = media_info.video_info();
682  DCHECK(video_info.has_width());
683  DCHECK(video_info.has_height());
684  video_widths_.insert(video_info.width());
685  video_heights_.insert(video_info.height());
687  if (video_info.has_time_scale() && video_info.has_frame_duration())
688  RecordFrameRate(video_info.frame_duration(), video_info.time_scale());
690  AddPictureAspectRatio(video_info, &picture_aspect_ratio_);
691  }
693  if (media_info.has_video_info()) {
694  content_type_ = "video";
695  } else if (media_info.has_audio_info()) {
696  content_type_ = "audio";
697  } else if (media_info.has_text_info()) {
698  content_type_ = "text";
700  if (media_info.text_info().has_type() &&
701  (media_info.text_info().type() != MediaInfo::TextInfo::UNKNOWN)) {
702  roles_.insert(MediaInfoTextTypeToRole(media_info.text_info().type()));
703  }
704  }
706  representations_.push_back(std::move(representation));
707  return representations_.back().get();
708 }
711  const ContentProtectionElement& content_protection_element) {
712  content_protection_elements_.push_back(content_protection_element);
713  RemoveDuplicateAttributes(&content_protection_elements_.back());
714 }
716 void AdaptationSet::UpdateContentProtectionPssh(const std::string& drm_uuid,
717  const std::string& pssh) {
718  UpdateContentProtectionPsshHelper(drm_uuid, pssh,
719  &content_protection_elements_);
720 }
722 void AdaptationSet::AddRole(Role role) {
723  roles_.insert(role);
724 }
726 // Creates a copy of <AdaptationSet> xml element, iterate thru all the
727 // <Representation> (child) elements and add them to the copy.
728 // Set all the attributes first and then add the children elements so that flags
729 // can be passed to Representation to avoid setting redundant attributes. For
730 // example, if AdaptationSet@width is set, then Representation@width is
731 // redundant and should not be set.
732 xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode> AdaptationSet::GetXml() {
733  AdaptationSetXmlNode adaptation_set;
735  bool suppress_representation_width = false;
736  bool suppress_representation_height = false;
737  bool suppress_representation_frame_rate = false;
739  adaptation_set.SetId(id_);
740  adaptation_set.SetStringAttribute("contentType", content_type_);
741  if (!lang_.empty() && lang_ != "und") {
742  adaptation_set.SetStringAttribute("lang", LanguageToShortestForm(lang_));
743  }
745  // Note that std::{set,map} are ordered, so the last element is the max value.
746  if (video_widths_.size() == 1) {
747  suppress_representation_width = true;
748  adaptation_set.SetIntegerAttribute("width", *video_widths_.begin());
749  } else if (video_widths_.size() > 1) {
750  adaptation_set.SetIntegerAttribute("maxWidth", *video_widths_.rbegin());
751  }
752  if (video_heights_.size() == 1) {
753  suppress_representation_height = true;
754  adaptation_set.SetIntegerAttribute("height", *video_heights_.begin());
755  } else if (video_heights_.size() > 1) {
756  adaptation_set.SetIntegerAttribute("maxHeight", *video_heights_.rbegin());
757  }
759  if (video_frame_rates_.size() == 1) {
760  suppress_representation_frame_rate = true;
761  adaptation_set.SetStringAttribute("frameRate",
762  video_frame_rates_.begin()->second);
763  } else if (video_frame_rates_.size() > 1) {
764  adaptation_set.SetStringAttribute("maxFrameRate",
765  video_frame_rates_.rbegin()->second);
766  }
768  // Note: must be checked before checking segments_aligned_ (below). So that
769  // segments_aligned_ is set before checking below.
770  if (mpd_options_.dash_profile == DashProfile::kOnDemand) {
771  CheckVodSegmentAlignment();
772  }
774  if (segments_aligned_ == kSegmentAlignmentTrue) {
775  adaptation_set.SetStringAttribute(
776  mpd_options_.dash_profile == DashProfile::kOnDemand
777  ? "subsegmentAlignment"
778  : "segmentAlignment",
779  "true");
780  }
782  if (picture_aspect_ratio_.size() == 1)
783  adaptation_set.SetStringAttribute("par", *picture_aspect_ratio_.begin());
785  if (!adaptation_set.AddContentProtectionElements(
786  content_protection_elements_)) {
787  return xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode>();
788  }
790  if (!trick_play_reference_ids_.empty()) {
791  std::string id_string;
792  for (uint32_t id : trick_play_reference_ids_) {
793  id_string += std::to_string(id) + ",";
794  }
795  DCHECK(!id_string.empty());
796  id_string.resize(id_string.size() - 1);
797  adaptation_set.AddEssentialProperty(
798  "http://dashif.org/guidelines/trickmode", id_string);
799  }
801  std::string switching_ids;
802  for (uint32_t id : adaptation_set_switching_ids_) {
803  if (!switching_ids.empty())
804  switching_ids += ',';
805  switching_ids += base::UintToString(id);
806  }
807  if (!switching_ids.empty()) {
808  adaptation_set.AddSupplementalProperty(
809  "urn:mpeg:dash:adaptation-set-switching:2016", switching_ids);
810  }
812  for (AdaptationSet::Role role : roles_)
813  adaptation_set.AddRoleElement("urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011", RoleToText(role));
815  for (const std::unique_ptr<Representation>& representation :
816  representations_) {
817  if (suppress_representation_width)
818  representation->SuppressOnce(Representation::kSuppressWidth);
819  if (suppress_representation_height)
820  representation->SuppressOnce(Representation::kSuppressHeight);
821  if (suppress_representation_frame_rate)
822  representation->SuppressOnce(Representation::kSuppressFrameRate);
823  xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode> child(representation->GetXml());
824  if (!child || !adaptation_set.AddChild(std::move(child)))
825  return xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode>();
826  }
828  return adaptation_set.PassScopedPtr();
829 }
831 void AdaptationSet::ForceSetSegmentAlignment(bool segment_alignment) {
832  segments_aligned_ =
833  segment_alignment ? kSegmentAlignmentTrue : kSegmentAlignmentFalse;
834  force_set_segment_alignment_ = true;
835 }
837 void AdaptationSet::AddAdaptationSetSwitching(uint32_t adaptation_set_id) {
838  adaptation_set_switching_ids_.push_back(adaptation_set_id);
839 }
841 // Check segmentAlignment for Live here. Storing all start_time and duration
842 // will out-of-memory because there's no way of knowing when it will end.
843 // VOD subsegmentAlignment check is *not* done here because it is possible
844 // that some Representations might not have been added yet (e.g. a thread is
845 // assigned per muxer so one might run faster than others).
846 // To be clear, for Live, all Representations should be added before a
847 // segment is added.
848 void AdaptationSet::OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(uint32_t representation_id,
849  uint64_t start_time,
850  uint64_t duration) {
851  if (mpd_options_.dash_profile == DashProfile::kLive) {
852  CheckLiveSegmentAlignment(representation_id, start_time, duration);
853  } else {
854  representation_segment_start_times_[representation_id].push_back(
855  start_time);
856  }
857 }
860  uint32_t representation_id,
861  uint32_t frame_duration,
862  uint32_t timescale) {
863  RecordFrameRate(frame_duration, timescale);
864 }
867  trick_play_reference_ids_.insert(id);
868 }
870 bool AdaptationSet::GetEarliestTimestamp(double* timestamp_seconds) {
871  DCHECK(timestamp_seconds);
873  double earliest_timestamp(-1);
874  for (const std::unique_ptr<Representation>& representation :
875  representations_) {
876  double timestamp;
877  if (representation->GetEarliestTimestamp(&timestamp) &&
878  ((earliest_timestamp < 0) || (timestamp < earliest_timestamp))) {
879  earliest_timestamp = timestamp;
880  }
881  }
882  if (earliest_timestamp < 0)
883  return false;
885  *timestamp_seconds = earliest_timestamp;
886  return true;
887 }
889 // This implementation assumes that each representations' segments' are
890 // contiguous.
891 // Also assumes that all Representations are added before this is called.
892 // This checks whether the first elements of the lists in
893 // representation_segment_start_times_ are aligned.
894 // For example, suppose this method was just called with args rep_id=2
895 // start_time=1.
896 // 1 -> [1, 100, 200]
897 // 2 -> [1]
898 // The timestamps of the first elements match, so this flags
899 // segments_aligned_=true.
900 // Also since the first segment start times match, the first element of all the
901 // lists are removed, so the map of lists becomes:
902 // 1 -> [100, 200]
903 // 2 -> []
904 // Note that there could be false positives.
905 // e.g. just got rep_id=3 start_time=1 duration=300, and the duration of the
906 // whole AdaptationSet is 300.
907 // 1 -> [1, 100, 200]
908 // 2 -> [1, 90, 100]
909 // 3 -> [1]
910 // They are not aligned but this will be marked as aligned.
911 // But since this is unlikely to happen in the packager (and to save
912 // computation), this isn't handled at the moment.
913 void AdaptationSet::CheckLiveSegmentAlignment(uint32_t representation_id,
914  uint64_t start_time,
915  uint64_t /* duration */) {
916  if (segments_aligned_ == kSegmentAlignmentFalse ||
917  force_set_segment_alignment_) {
918  return;
919  }
921  std::list<uint64_t>& representation_start_times =
922  representation_segment_start_times_[representation_id];
923  representation_start_times.push_back(start_time);
924  // There's no way to detemine whether the segments are aligned if some
925  // representations do not have any segments.
926  if (representation_segment_start_times_.size() != representations_.size())
927  return;
929  DCHECK(!representation_start_times.empty());
930  const uint64_t expected_start_time = representation_start_times.front();
931  for (RepresentationTimeline::const_iterator it =
932  representation_segment_start_times_.begin();
933  it != representation_segment_start_times_.end(); ++it) {
934  // If there are no entries in a list, then there is no way for the
935  // segment alignment status to change.
936  // Note that it can be empty because entries get deleted below.
937  if (it->second.empty())
938  return;
940  if (expected_start_time != it->second.front()) {
941  // Flag as false and clear the start times data, no need to keep it
942  // around.
943  segments_aligned_ = kSegmentAlignmentFalse;
944  representation_segment_start_times_.clear();
945  return;
946  }
947  }
948  segments_aligned_ = kSegmentAlignmentTrue;
950  for (RepresentationTimeline::iterator it =
951  representation_segment_start_times_.begin();
952  it != representation_segment_start_times_.end(); ++it) {
953  it->second.pop_front();
954  }
955 }
957 // Make sure all segements start times match for all Representations.
958 // This assumes that the segments are contiguous.
959 void AdaptationSet::CheckVodSegmentAlignment() {
960  if (segments_aligned_ == kSegmentAlignmentFalse ||
961  force_set_segment_alignment_) {
962  return;
963  }
964  if (representation_segment_start_times_.empty())
965  return;
966  if (representation_segment_start_times_.size() == 1) {
967  segments_aligned_ = kSegmentAlignmentTrue;
968  return;
969  }
971  // This is not the most efficient implementation to compare the values
972  // because expected_time_line is compared against all other time lines, but
973  // probably the most readable.
974  const std::list<uint64_t>& expected_time_line =
975  representation_segment_start_times_.begin()->second;
977  bool all_segment_time_line_same_length = true;
978  // Note that the first entry is skipped because it is expected_time_line.
979  RepresentationTimeline::const_iterator it =
980  representation_segment_start_times_.begin();
981  for (++it; it != representation_segment_start_times_.end(); ++it) {
982  const std::list<uint64_t>& other_time_line = it->second;
983  if (expected_time_line.size() != other_time_line.size()) {
984  all_segment_time_line_same_length = false;
985  }
987  const std::list<uint64_t>* longer_list = &other_time_line;
988  const std::list<uint64_t>* shorter_list = &expected_time_line;
989  if (expected_time_line.size() > other_time_line.size()) {
990  shorter_list = &other_time_line;
991  longer_list = &expected_time_line;
992  }
994  if (!std::equal(shorter_list->begin(), shorter_list->end(),
995  longer_list->begin())) {
996  // Some segments are definitely unaligned.
997  segments_aligned_ = kSegmentAlignmentFalse;
998  representation_segment_start_times_.clear();
999  return;
1000  }
1001  }
1003  // TODO(rkuroiwa): The right way to do this is to also check the durations.
1004  // For example:
1005  // (a) 3 4 5
1006  // (b) 3 4 5 6
1007  // could be true or false depending on the length of the third segment of (a).
1008  // i.e. if length of the third segment is 2, then this is not aligned.
1009  if (!all_segment_time_line_same_length) {
1010  segments_aligned_ = kSegmentAlignmentUnknown;
1011  return;
1012  }
1014  segments_aligned_ = kSegmentAlignmentTrue;
1015 }
1017 // Since all AdaptationSet cares about is the maxFrameRate, representation_id
1018 // is not passed to this method.
1019 void AdaptationSet::RecordFrameRate(uint32_t frame_duration,
1020  uint32_t timescale) {
1021  if (frame_duration == 0) {
1022  LOG(ERROR) << "Frame duration is 0 and cannot be set.";
1023  return;
1024  }
1025  video_frame_rates_[static_cast<double>(timescale) / frame_duration] =
1026  base::IntToString(timescale) + "/" + base::IntToString(frame_duration);
1027 }
1030  const MediaInfo& media_info,
1031  const MpdOptions& mpd_options,
1032  uint32_t id,
1033  std::unique_ptr<RepresentationStateChangeListener> state_change_listener)
1034  : media_info_(media_info),
1035  id_(id),
1036  bandwidth_estimator_(BandwidthEstimator::kUseAllBlocks),
1037  mpd_options_(mpd_options),
1038  start_number_(1),
1039  state_change_listener_(std::move(state_change_listener)),
1040  output_suppression_flags_(0) {}
1042 Representation::~Representation() {}
1045  if (!AtLeastOneTrue(media_info_.has_video_info(),
1046  media_info_.has_audio_info(),
1047  media_info_.has_text_info())) {
1048  // This is an error. Segment information can be in AdaptationSet, Period, or
1049  // MPD but the interface does not provide a way to set them.
1050  // See ISO 23009-1:2012 for segment info.
1051  LOG(ERROR) << "Representation needs one of video, audio, or text.";
1052  return false;
1053  }
1055  if (MoreThanOneTrue(media_info_.has_video_info(),
1056  media_info_.has_audio_info(),
1057  media_info_.has_text_info())) {
1058  LOG(ERROR) << "Only one of VideoInfo, AudioInfo, or TextInfo can be set.";
1059  return false;
1060  }
1062  if (media_info_.container_type() == MediaInfo::CONTAINER_UNKNOWN) {
1063  LOG(ERROR) << "'container_type' in MediaInfo cannot be CONTAINER_UNKNOWN.";
1064  return false;
1065  }
1067  if (media_info_.has_video_info()) {
1068  mime_type_ = GetVideoMimeType();
1069  if (!HasRequiredVideoFields(media_info_.video_info())) {
1070  LOG(ERROR) << "Missing required fields to create a video Representation.";
1071  return false;
1072  }
1073  } else if (media_info_.has_audio_info()) {
1074  mime_type_ = GetAudioMimeType();
1075  } else if (media_info_.has_text_info()) {
1076  mime_type_ = GetTextMimeType();
1077  }
1079  if (mime_type_.empty())
1080  return false;
1082  codecs_ = GetCodecs(media_info_);
1083  return true;
1084 }
1087  const ContentProtectionElement& content_protection_element) {
1088  content_protection_elements_.push_back(content_protection_element);
1089  RemoveDuplicateAttributes(&content_protection_elements_.back());
1090 }
1092 void Representation::UpdateContentProtectionPssh(const std::string& drm_uuid,
1093  const std::string& pssh) {
1094  UpdateContentProtectionPsshHelper(drm_uuid, pssh,
1095  &content_protection_elements_);
1096 }
1098 void Representation::AddNewSegment(uint64_t start_time,
1099  uint64_t duration,
1100  uint64_t size) {
1101  if (start_time == 0 && duration == 0) {
1102  LOG(WARNING) << "Got segment with start_time and duration == 0. Ignoring.";
1103  return;
1104  }
1106  if (state_change_listener_)
1107  state_change_listener_->OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(start_time, duration);
1108  if (IsContiguous(start_time, duration, size)) {
1109  ++segment_infos_.back().repeat;
1110  } else {
1111  SegmentInfo s = {start_time, duration, /* Not repeat. */ 0};
1112  segment_infos_.push_back(s);
1113  }
1115  bandwidth_estimator_.AddBlock(
1116  size, static_cast<double>(duration) / media_info_.reference_time_scale());
1118  SlideWindow();
1119  DCHECK_GE(segment_infos_.size(), 1u);
1120 }
1122 void Representation::SetSampleDuration(uint32_t sample_duration) {
1123  if (media_info_.has_video_info()) {
1124  media_info_.mutable_video_info()->set_frame_duration(sample_duration);
1125  if (state_change_listener_) {
1126  state_change_listener_->OnSetFrameRateForRepresentation(
1127  sample_duration, media_info_.video_info().time_scale());
1128  }
1129  }
1130 }
1132 // Uses info in |media_info_| and |content_protection_elements_| to create a
1133 // "Representation" node.
1134 // MPD schema has strict ordering. The following must be done in order.
1135 // AddVideoInfo() (possibly adds FramePacking elements), AddAudioInfo() (Adds
1136 // AudioChannelConfig elements), AddContentProtectionElements*(), and
1137 // AddVODOnlyInfo() (Adds segment info).
1138 xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode> Representation::GetXml() {
1139  if (!HasRequiredMediaInfoFields()) {
1140  LOG(ERROR) << "MediaInfo missing required fields.";
1141  return xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode>();
1142  }
1144  const uint64_t bandwidth = media_info_.has_bandwidth()
1145  ? media_info_.bandwidth()
1146  : bandwidth_estimator_.Estimate();
1148  DCHECK(!(HasVODOnlyFields(media_info_) && HasLiveOnlyFields(media_info_)));
1150  RepresentationXmlNode representation;
1151  // Mandatory fields for Representation.
1152  representation.SetId(id_);
1153  representation.SetIntegerAttribute("bandwidth", bandwidth);
1154  if (!codecs_.empty())
1155  representation.SetStringAttribute("codecs", codecs_);
1156  representation.SetStringAttribute("mimeType", mime_type_);
1158  const bool has_video_info = media_info_.has_video_info();
1159  const bool has_audio_info = media_info_.has_audio_info();
1161  if (has_video_info &&
1162  !representation.AddVideoInfo(
1163  media_info_.video_info(),
1164  !(output_suppression_flags_ & kSuppressWidth),
1165  !(output_suppression_flags_ & kSuppressHeight),
1166  !(output_suppression_flags_ & kSuppressFrameRate))) {
1167  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add video info to Representation XML.";
1168  return xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode>();
1169  }
1171  if (has_audio_info &&
1172  !representation.AddAudioInfo(media_info_.audio_info())) {
1173  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add audio info to Representation XML.";
1174  return xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode>();
1175  }
1177  if (!representation.AddContentProtectionElements(
1178  content_protection_elements_)) {
1179  return xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode>();
1180  }
1182  // Set media duration for static mpd.
1183  if (mpd_options_.mpd_type == MpdType::kStatic &&
1184  media_info_.has_media_duration_seconds()) {
1185  // Adding 'duration' attribute, so that this information can be used when
1186  // generating one MPD file. This should be removed from the final MPD.
1187  representation.SetFloatingPointAttribute(
1188  "duration", media_info_.media_duration_seconds());
1189  }
1191  if (HasVODOnlyFields(media_info_) &&
1192  !representation.AddVODOnlyInfo(media_info_)) {
1193  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add VOD segment info.";
1194  return xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode>();
1195  }
1197  if (HasLiveOnlyFields(media_info_) &&
1198  !representation.AddLiveOnlyInfo(media_info_, segment_infos_,
1199  start_number_)) {
1200  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add Live info.";
1201  return xml::scoped_xml_ptr<xmlNode>();
1202  }
1203  // TODO(rkuroiwa): It is likely that all representations have the exact same
1204  // SegmentTemplate. Optimize and propagate the tag up to AdaptationSet level.
1206  output_suppression_flags_ = 0;
1207  return representation.PassScopedPtr();
1208 }
1210 void Representation::SuppressOnce(SuppressFlag flag) {
1211  output_suppression_flags_ |= flag;
1212 }
1214 bool Representation::HasRequiredMediaInfoFields() {
1215  if (HasVODOnlyFields(media_info_) && HasLiveOnlyFields(media_info_)) {
1216  LOG(ERROR) << "MediaInfo cannot have both VOD and Live fields.";
1217  return false;
1218  }
1220  if (!media_info_.has_container_type()) {
1221  LOG(ERROR) << "MediaInfo missing required field: container_type.";
1222  return false;
1223  }
1225  if (HasVODOnlyFields(media_info_) && !media_info_.has_bandwidth()) {
1226  LOG(ERROR) << "Missing 'bandwidth' field. MediaInfo requires bandwidth for "
1227  "static profile for generating a valid MPD.";
1228  return false;
1229  }
1231  VLOG_IF(3, HasLiveOnlyFields(media_info_) && !media_info_.has_bandwidth())
1232  << "MediaInfo missing field 'bandwidth'. Using estimated from "
1233  "segment size.";
1235  return true;
1236 }
1238 bool Representation::IsContiguous(uint64_t start_time,
1239  uint64_t duration,
1240  uint64_t size) const {
1241  if (segment_infos_.empty())
1242  return false;
1244  // Contiguous segment.
1245  const SegmentInfo& previous = segment_infos_.back();
1246  const uint64_t previous_segment_end_time =
1247  previous.start_time + previous.duration * (previous.repeat + 1);
1248  if (previous_segment_end_time == start_time &&
1249  segment_infos_.back().duration == duration) {
1250  return true;
1251  }
1253  // No out of order segments.
1254  const uint64_t previous_segment_start_time =
1255  previous.start_time + previous.duration * previous.repeat;
1256  if (previous_segment_start_time >= start_time) {
1257  LOG(ERROR) << "Segments should not be out of order segment. Adding segment "
1258  "with start_time == "
1259  << start_time << " but the previous segment starts at "
1260  << previous_segment_start_time << ".";
1261  return false;
1262  }
1264  // A gap since previous.
1265  const uint64_t kRoundingErrorGrace = 5;
1266  if (previous_segment_end_time + kRoundingErrorGrace < start_time) {
1267  LOG(WARNING) << "Found a gap of size "
1268  << (start_time - previous_segment_end_time)
1269  << " > kRoundingErrorGrace (" << kRoundingErrorGrace
1270  << "). The new segment starts at " << start_time
1271  << " but the previous segment ends at "
1272  << previous_segment_end_time << ".";
1273  return false;
1274  }
1276  // No overlapping segments.
1277  if (start_time < previous_segment_end_time - kRoundingErrorGrace) {
1279  << "Segments should not be overlapping. The new segment starts at "
1280  << start_time << " but the previous segment ends at "
1281  << previous_segment_end_time << ".";
1282  return false;
1283  }
1285  // Within rounding error grace but technically not contiguous in terms of MPD.
1286  return false;
1287 }
1289 void Representation::SlideWindow() {
1290  DCHECK(!segment_infos_.empty());
1291  if (mpd_options_.mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth <= 0.0 ||
1292  mpd_options_.mpd_type == MpdType::kStatic)
1293  return;
1295  const uint32_t time_scale = GetTimeScale(media_info_);
1296  DCHECK_GT(time_scale, 0u);
1298  uint64_t time_shift_buffer_depth = static_cast<uint64_t>(
1299  mpd_options_.mpd_params.time_shift_buffer_depth * time_scale);
1301  // The start time of the latest segment is considered the current_play_time,
1302  // and this should guarantee that the latest segment will stay in the list.
1303  const uint64_t current_play_time = LatestSegmentStartTime(segment_infos_);
1304  if (current_play_time <= time_shift_buffer_depth)
1305  return;
1307  const uint64_t timeshift_limit = current_play_time - time_shift_buffer_depth;
1309  // First remove all the SegmentInfos that are completely out of range, by
1310  // looking at the very last segment's end time.
1311  std::list<SegmentInfo>::iterator first = segment_infos_.begin();
1312  std::list<SegmentInfo>::iterator last = first;
1313  size_t num_segments_removed = 0;
1314  for (; last != segment_infos_.end(); ++last) {
1315  const uint64_t last_segment_end_time = LastSegmentEndTime(*last);
1316  if (timeshift_limit < last_segment_end_time)
1317  break;
1318  num_segments_removed += last->repeat + 1;
1319  }
1320  segment_infos_.erase(first, last);
1321  start_number_ += num_segments_removed;
1323  // Now some segment in the first SegmentInfo should be left in the list.
1324  SegmentInfo* first_segment_info = &segment_infos_.front();
1325  DCHECK_LE(timeshift_limit, LastSegmentEndTime(*first_segment_info));
1327  // Identify which segments should still be in the SegmentInfo.
1328  const int repeat_index =
1329  SearchTimedOutRepeatIndex(timeshift_limit, *first_segment_info);
1330  CHECK_GE(repeat_index, 0);
1331  if (repeat_index == 0)
1332  return;
1334  first_segment_info->start_time = first_segment_info->start_time +
1335  first_segment_info->duration * repeat_index;
1337  first_segment_info->repeat = first_segment_info->repeat - repeat_index;
1338  start_number_ += repeat_index;
1339 }
1341 std::string Representation::GetVideoMimeType() const {
1342  return GetMimeType("video", media_info_.container_type());
1343 }
1345 std::string Representation::GetAudioMimeType() const {
1346  return GetMimeType("audio", media_info_.container_type());
1347 }
1349 std::string Representation::GetTextMimeType() const {
1350  CHECK(media_info_.has_text_info());
1351  if (media_info_.text_info().format() == "ttml") {
1352  switch (media_info_.container_type()) {
1353  case MediaInfo::CONTAINER_TEXT:
1354  return "application/ttml+xml";
1355  case MediaInfo::CONTAINER_MP4:
1356  return "application/mp4";
1357  default:
1358  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to determine MIME type for TTML container: "
1359  << media_info_.container_type();
1360  return "";
1361  }
1362  }
1363  if (media_info_.text_info().format() == "vtt") {
1364  if (media_info_.container_type() == MediaInfo::CONTAINER_TEXT) {
1365  return "text/vtt";
1366  } else if (media_info_.container_type() == MediaInfo::CONTAINER_MP4) {
1367  return "application/mp4";
1368  }
1369  LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to determine MIME type for VTT container: "
1370  << media_info_.container_type();
1371  return "";
1372  }
1374  LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot determine MIME type for format: "
1375  << media_info_.text_info().format()
1376  << " container: " << media_info_.container_type();
1377  return "";
1378 }
1380 bool Representation::GetEarliestTimestamp(double* timestamp_seconds) {
1381  DCHECK(timestamp_seconds);
1383  if (segment_infos_.empty())
1384  return false;
1386  *timestamp_seconds = static_cast<double>(segment_infos_.begin()->start_time) /
1387  GetTimeScale(media_info_);
1388  return true;
1389 }
1391 } // namespace shaka
void OnSetFrameRateForRepresentation(uint32_t representation_id, uint32_t frame_duration, uint32_t timescale)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:859
double min_buffer_time
Definition: mpd_params.h:27
virtual void AddNewSegment(uint64_t start_time, uint64_t duration, uint64_t size)
Representation(const MediaInfo &media_info, const MpdOptions &mpd_options, uint32_t representation_id, std::unique_ptr< RepresentationStateChangeListener > state_change_listener)
virtual void SetSampleDuration(uint32_t sample_duration)
virtual Representation * AddRepresentation(const MediaInfo &media_info)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:664
std::string LanguageToShortestForm(const std::string &language)
virtual void AddContentProtectionElement(const ContentProtectionElement &element)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:710
virtual void AddTrickPlayReferenceId(uint32_t id)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:866
MpdBuilder(const MpdOptions &mpd_options)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:373
virtual void AddRole(Role role)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:722
void AddBaseUrl(const std::string &base_url)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:378
virtual void UpdateContentProtectionPssh(const std::string &drm_uuid, const std::string &pssh)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:716
AdaptationSet(uint32_t adaptation_set_id, const std::string &lang, const MpdOptions &mpd_options, base::AtomicSequenceNumber *representation_counter)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:649
xml::scoped_xml_ptr< xmlNode > GetXml()
virtual bool ToString(std::string *output)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:396
void AddAdaptationSetSwitching(uint32_t adaptation_set_id)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:837
virtual void ForceSetSegmentAlignment(bool segment_alignment)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:831
static void MakePathsRelativeToMpd(const std::string &mpd_path, MediaInfo *media_info)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:621
double minimum_update_period
Definition: mpd_params.h:42
xml::scoped_xml_ptr< xmlNode > GetXml()
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:732
virtual void AddContentProtectionElement(const ContentProtectionElement &element)
virtual AdaptationSet * AddAdaptationSet(const std::string &lang)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:382
Defines Mpd Options.
Definition: mpd_options.h:25
void OnNewSegmentForRepresentation(uint32_t representation_id, uint64_t start_time, uint64_t duration)
Definition: mpd_builder.cc:848
virtual void UpdateContentProtectionPssh(const std::string &drm_uuid, const std::string &pssh)
double time_shift_buffer_depth
Definition: mpd_params.h:33
void SuppressOnce(SuppressFlag flag)