DASH Media Packaging SDK
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shaka Namespace Reference


struct  Element
struct  ContentProtectionElement
class  DashIopMpdNotifier
class  MockMpdBuilder
class  MockAdaptationSet
class  MockRepresentation
class  MockMpdNotifier
class  MpdBuilder
 This class generates DASH MPDs (Media Presentation Descriptions). More...
class  AdaptationSet
class  RepresentationStateChangeListener
class  Representation
class  MpdNotifier
struct  MpdOptions
 Defines Mpd Options. More...
struct  SegmentInfo
class  SimpleMpdNotifier
class  MpdNotifierFactory
class  MpdWriter


typedef MediaInfo::AudioInfo AudioInfo
typedef MediaInfo::VideoInfo VideoInfo


enum  ContentType { kContentTypeUnknown, kContentTypeVideo, kContentTypeAudio, kContentTypeText }
enum  DashProfile { kUnknown, kOnDemand, kLive }
enum  MpdType { kStatic, kDynamic }


bool ValidateFixedCryptoFlags ()
bool ValidatePRCryptoFlags ()
bool ValidateFlag (const char *flag_name, const std::string &flag_value, bool condition, bool optional, const char *label)
void PrintError (const std::string &error_message)
bool ValidateWidevineCryptoFlags ()
std::string LanguageToShortestForm (const std::string &language)
std::string LanguageToISO_639_2 (const std::string &language)
bool TempFilePath (const std::string &temp_dir, std::string *temp_file_path)
bool WriteMpdToFile (const std::string &output_path, MpdBuilder *mpd_builder)
ContentType GetContentType (const MediaInfo &media_info)
std::string Uint8VectorToBase64 (const std::vector< uint8_t > &input)
 Converts uint8 vector into base64 encoded string.
bool HasVODOnlyFields (const MediaInfo &media_info)
bool HasLiveOnlyFields (const MediaInfo &media_info)
void RemoveDuplicateAttributes (ContentProtectionElement *content_protection_element)
std::string GetLanguage (const MediaInfo &media_info)
std::string GetCodecs (const MediaInfo &media_info)
std::string GetBaseCodec (const MediaInfo &media_info)
std::string GetAdaptationSetKey (const MediaInfo &media_info)
std::string SecondsToXmlDuration (double seconds)
bool GetDurationAttribute (xmlNodePtr node, float *duration)
bool MoreThanOneTrue (bool b1, bool b2, bool b3)
bool AtLeastOneTrue (bool b1, bool b2, bool b3)
bool OnlyOneTrue (bool b1, bool b2, bool b3)
std::string DoubleToString (double value)
bool HexToUUID (const std::string &data, std::string *uuid_format)
void UpdateContentProtectionPsshHelper (const std::string &drm_uuid, const std::string &pssh, std::list< ContentProtectionElement > *content_protection_elements)
void AddContentProtectionElements (const MediaInfo &media_info, Representation *parent)
void AddContentProtectionElements (const MediaInfo &media_info, AdaptationSet *parent)


const char kEncryptedMp4Scheme [] = "urn:mpeg:dash:mp4protection:2011"
const char kPsshElementName [] = "cenc:pssh"

Detailed Description

NOTE: Inclusion of this module will cause curl_global_init and curl_global_cleanup to be called at static initialization / deinitialization time.

All the methods that are virtual are virtual for mocking. NOTE: Inclusion of this module will cause xmlInitParser and xmlCleanupParser to be called at static initialization / deinitialization time.

This file contains helper functions and enums for MpdNotifier implementations.

Function Documentation

void shaka::AddContentProtectionElements ( const MediaInfo &  media_info,
Representation *  parent 

Adds <ContentProtection> elements specified by media_info to adaptation_set. Note that this will add the elements as direct chlidren of AdaptationSet.

media_infomay or may not have protected_content field.
adaptation_setis the parent element that owns the ContentProtection elements.

Definition at line 350 of file mpd_utils.cc.

void shaka::AddContentProtectionElements ( const MediaInfo &  media_info,
AdaptationSet *  parent 

Adds <ContentProtection> elements specified by media_info to representation.

media_infomay or may not have protected_content field.
representationis the parent element that owns the ContentProtection elements.

Definition at line 355 of file mpd_utils.cc.

std::string shaka::DoubleToString ( double  value)

Converts double to string.

valueis the input double data.
value formatted in string.

Definition at line 178 of file mpd_utils.cc.

ContentType shaka::GetContentType ( const MediaInfo &  media_info)

Determines the content type of |media_info|.

media_infois the information about the media.
content type of the media_info.

Definition at line 51 of file mpd_notifier_util.cc.

bool shaka::HexToUUID ( const std::string &  data,
std::string *  uuid_format 

Converts hex data to UUID format. Hex data must be size 16.

datainput hex data.
uuid_formatis the UUID format of the input.

Definition at line 185 of file mpd_utils.cc.

std::string shaka::LanguageToISO_639_2 ( const std::string &  language)

Convert a language tag to a 3-letter ISO-639-2 code, as required by the ISO BMFF spec. The input is assumed to be a valid ISO-639-2 or ISO-639-1 language code. Regions and variants are not supported.

Definition at line 117 of file language_utils.cc.

std::string shaka::LanguageToShortestForm ( const std::string &  language)

Convert a language tag to its shortest form, as required by RFC 5646 indicated in the MPD and HLS specs. Assumes the input is a valid ISO-639-2 or ISO-639-1 language tag, or an empty string. Regions and variants are preserved in the conversion.

Definition at line 89 of file language_utils.cc.

void shaka::PrintError ( const std::string &  error_message)

Format and print error message.

error_messagespecifies the error message.

Definition at line 36 of file validate_flag.cc.

bool shaka::TempFilePath ( const std::string &  temp_dir,
std::string *  temp_file_path 

Create a temp file name in directory temp_dir. Generate the temp file in os specific temporary directory if temp_dir is empty.

temp_dirspecifies the directory where the file should go.
temp_file_pathis the result temp file path on success.
true on success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 27 of file file_util.cc.

bool shaka::ValidateFixedCryptoFlags ( )

Validate fixed encryption/decryption flags.

true on success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 33 of file fixed_key_encryption_flags.cc.

bool shaka::ValidateFlag ( const char *  flag_name,
const std::string &  flag_value,
bool  condition,
bool  optional,
const char *  label 

Validate a flag against the given condition.

flag_nameis the name of the flag.
flag_valueis the value of the flag.
condition,optionaldetermines how the flag should be validated. If condition is true and optional is false, then this flag is required
labelspecifies the label associated with the condition. It is used to generate the error message on validation failure.
true on success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 17 of file validate_flag.cc.

bool shaka::ValidatePRCryptoFlags ( )

Validate PlayReady encryption flags.

true on success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 33 of file playready_key_encryption_flags.cc.

bool shaka::ValidateWidevineCryptoFlags ( )

Validate widevine encryption/decryption flags.

true on success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 75 of file widevine_encryption_flags.cc.

bool shaka::WriteMpdToFile ( const std::string &  output_path,
MpdBuilder *  mpd_builder 

Outputs MPD to output_path.

output_pathis the path to the MPD output location.
mpd_builderis the MPD builder instance.

Definition at line 20 of file mpd_notifier_util.cc.